The overpass.

The old broken car was driving on it. There were few vehicles around, and it was very empty.

Due to the limited space, Fangcun Aite could only sit next to Yechen, who exuded a light scent of perfume.

The blue and white plaid skirt revealed two lotus-like jade legs, small and exquisite.

Yechen said nothing, tilting his head to look out the window.

"What? You make me look like a plague god." Fangcun Ate smiled.

At this time, Tian Mark in front asked:"Xiao Ai, didn't Gongshan come with you?"

When Fangcun Gongshan was mentioned, a trace of hatred flashed in Fangcun Ate's eyes, but she still smiled politely:"No, he has to take care of the coffee shop and has no time to come."

"That's a pity."Tian Mark still misses this old friend.

""Teacher Takatsuki Izumi, why are you here to see my brother Ye?" Tian Xiaowen couldn't help asking.

Could she have fallen in love with Brother Ye?......

Thinking of this, Tian Xiaowen felt worried.

Teacher Takatsuki Izumi is so beautiful and talented, she must be the type that many boys like, right?

"Of course I'm here to date Brother Ye!" Tian Xiaoban said without thinking.

""Daitou! Stop talking nonsense!"

Tian Xiaowen suddenly shouted, scaring everyone.

"What medicine did the nerd take wrongly?...."Tian Xiaoban shrank his neck

"Well, what Xiaoban said is not wrong. Fangcun Aite spread his hands and didn't care.

"What?"Tian Xiaowen looked at him in shock.

Takatsuki Izumi, is he really here to date Brother Ye?

""Haha, I agree." Tian Mark's laughter came from the front.

Ye Chen was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Fangcun Ate to answer so straightforwardly.

"What do you want to do? What's your motive?" he asked calmly.

Fangcun Aite's little face came close to Yechen, exhaling sweetly:"Nothing, I just want to play with you. I'm so bored staying in Qingtong Tree, there's nothing to do."

Now is the truce period, Qingtong Tree has not yet started a war with CCG. She has stayed in the base for too long and has nothing to do all day, so she thought about coming out to play with Yechen.

After all, she wanted to know more about the man who saved her.

Last time in Fantasy Light Paradise, Fangcun Aite was besieged by hundreds of little light monsters and was on the verge of death. It was Yechen who exchanged a medicine for treating electric injuries in the system mall and pulled her back from the gates of hell.

"I won't go, you go and have fun by yourself." Ye Chen refused Gao Tsukiquan.

God knows what the other party is thinking.

What if he eats me when I'm not paying attention?

Fangcun Aite got anxious when he heard this, and his face flushed immediately. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

"Xiaoye, just go play with Xiaoai"

"It's not easy for a girl to come all the way here."

Tian Mark said kindly.

"Grandpa~" Tian Xiaowen is unhappy

"Xiaowen, grandpa knows what you are thinking, but you are still young. Tian Mark paused and said,"When you grow up, you will understand."

""Okay." Tian Xiaowen sighed and went to bed.

Tian Xiaoban saw that something was wrong and went to play games.

Along the way, Grandpa tried his best to persuade Yechen.

Yechen didn't want to bother with Takatsuki Izumi, but Grandpa insisted that he take Takatsuki Izumi to play.

For Yechen's major life event, Tian Mark was really worried!

Takatsuki Izumi is a one-eyed ghoul?

It doesn't matter, anyway, he often played with aliens when he was young......

Compared to the Anno Starman and the Lizard Woman, the ghouls seem quite normal.

Moreover, Yoshimura Eto is a natural one-eyed ghoul, not artificially modified, and can eat normal human food.

""Okay, I'll do it reluctantly." Ye Chen said helplessly.

He thought, let's deal with grandpa first.

Soon, the old car got off the viaduct and arrived at the bustling city.

Tian Mark parked the car on the side of the road, dropped Ye Chen and Takatsuki Izumi off, and drove away.

Before leaving, Tian Mark secretly winked at Ye Chen.

——Brat, try to capture Takatsuki Izumi tonight!

Ye Chen could only smile helplessly and watch the old broken car leave.

At this moment, he stood with the petite Takatsuki Izumi.

According to the timeline, Ye Chen remembered that Takatsuki Izumi should be 24 years old now.

Six years older than him!

However, Takatsuki Izumi looks very immature, almost like a female high school student.

She is only about 1.5 meters tall, but has a queen face and voice, plus rich experience, a perfect contrast personality.

No one would have thought that such a sweet and cute little girl would be the one-eyed owl that makes people turn pale!

After she enters the Hekker transformation, she can rise to five or six meters, and her combat power is amazing!

Of course, the Hekker transformation only wraps the whole body with the Hekker, which is equivalent to wearing an oversized armor, and the main body is still as petite.

CCG must send at least a dozen special investigators to have a chance to fight it.

""Well, where are we going?"

Takatsuki Izumi opened her beautiful green eyes and looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at the time, it was about twelve o'clock.

It was time for dinner.

""Are you hungry?" Ye Chen asked.

Gao Tsuki was about to say she wasn't hungry, but the growling sound from her stomach betrayed her.

She covered her stomach and smiled awkwardly:"Yes, a little bit......."

She hasn't eaten for a long time.

"Then let's go eat steak?"

Ye Chen knew that the other party could eat human food.

Natural one-eyed ghouls, as long as their RC cell values are not very high, can eat ordinary food.

But artificial one-eyed ghouls can't, because their RC cell values are basically at a very high level.

""Okay." Takatsuki Izumi's beautiful eyes lit up, and her mouth was almost drooling.

"Let's go then"......

Soon, Ye Chen brought Gao Tsukiquan to the door of a high-end steak restaurant.

"Let's go in and order."

Ye Chen was about to take Gao Tsuki Izumi in.

But Gao Tsuki Izumi suddenly stopped and stared at the steak house next door.

"What's wrong?"Ye Chen was a little confused. Following

Takatsuki Izumi's gaze, he found that it was a KFC restaurant.

"I....I want to eat that." Takatsuki Izumi's cheeks were slightly red, and he felt a little embarrassed.


Ye Chen was stunned. It was not a good idea to treat a girl to this on the first date.

Seeing Takatsuki Izumi almost crying with greed, Ye Chen couldn't help but find it a little funny.

"You haven't eaten this before, have you?"

Unexpectedly, Takatsuki Izumi nodded and said,"Well, I haven't eaten it before."

""Ah? The leader of a certain tree has never eaten KFC?" Ye Chen was stunned.

You know, the Bronze Tree is a powerful ghoul organization. Not to mention Takatsuki Izumi, an SSS-level ghoul, there are also many SS-level and S-level ghouls.

How poor is this organization if they can't even afford KFC?

In fact, the Bronze Tree is indeed very poor.

Most ghouls are not like humans who can have proper jobs. They can only do some sneaky things.

For example, stealing the wallets of the rich, or some valuables.

When the Aogiri Tree was first established, life was extremely difficult and they could only live in small abandoned houses. It was not until Takatsuki Izumi became a famous writer and won the The situation has improved only after she received some royalties.

However, the expenses of all the members of the Aogiri Tree are borne by Izumi Takatsuki alone.

She feeds all the younger brothers alone.

Although the younger brothers are cannibals and do not need to be given food expenses, clothes, housing and travel all cost money.

The Aogiri Tree has taken in many ghouls who have nowhere to go, and as time goes by, the scale has gradually expanded.

Izumi Takatsuki's wallet can't bear it anymore.

She has to save money all the time, otherwise she won't be able to support her younger brothers.

Therefore, in order to save money, Izumi Takatsuki has never eaten KFC even once, even if she wants to eat it very much.......

After listening to Takatsuki Izumi's explanation, Ye Chen couldn't help but look at her a little more,"I didn't expect that you are quite capable of being a big brother."

"Well, it's all right, in order to resist this twisted world." Takatsuki Izumi smiled calmly.

She knew that the family hidden behind CCG was the source of all evil!

"Come on, poor little thing, I'll take you to KFC."

Ye Chen took Takatsuki Izumi's hand and walked into the KFC restaurant....... ps: Don’t be anxious, my friends, Xiaowen will also receive it later.

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