Happy Circus, Gorgon

"Lord Zambro, I have spread the information about the circus performance tomorrow night. I believe many people will come to watch it!"

The Snake-haired woman had a look of joy on her face, and wanted to take credit from Zambro.

She had a graceful figure, tall and slender, with long blood-red hair like a spirit snake on her head, with black balls hanging on the ends, which could be used to attack or roll away objects.

The Snake-haired woman's hair was very tough, and ordinary blades could hardly hurt it.

Just when the Snake-haired woman thought that Zambro was going to praise her.

Zambro was furious and roared:"Bitch, didn't anyone tell you to knock on the door before entering the house!"

The Snake-haired woman's face turned pale, and her delicate body couldn't stop shaking:"Yes....I'm sorry, Master Zambro, I was so happy at the moment......."

""Get lost!" Zambro said coldly.

The snake girl burst into tears, crystal tears slid down her face, she covered her face and ran out of the tent, very sad.

Zambro was dismissive of this.

"Oh, you bitch, you almost discovered my secret...."

As he spoke, Zambro looked at the skinny figure in the darkness.

No one except Zambro knew of its existence.......

"If she runs slower, I will eat her, hehehe......"

The strange figure flashed on the wall, making a sinister laugh.......

Time flies.

Soon, it is time for the circus to perform.

Almost all the residents of the Cuban town come to watch this grand show!

Many men, women, young and old come to take seats at dusk, wanting to watch in the front row.

An old broken car is driving on the streets of the Cuban town, and it is almost at the circus.

"The Zambro Circus is touring, it's so cool!

Tian Xiaowen was delighted. She hadn't seen a show for a long time.

"Yes, I heard that Zambro is very famous. He can make people laugh every time he appears. He is a well-known clown."Tian Mark held the steering wheel and looked straight ahead.

"Clown?"Tian Xiaoban's face turned pale."How about we go somewhere else to play, or go shopping for clothes in the mall?......"

"Hey, Daitou, this is not like you. I remember you hated shopping for clothes. Tian Xiaowen looked puzzled.

Could this cousin be dizzy from the heat?

"What? I like shopping for clothes. People are not static." Tian Xiaoban crossed his hands and defended himself.

Ye Chen, who was standing by, knew what was going on.

In his impression, Tian Xiaoban should be very afraid of clowns now. To him, clowns were like evil ghosts that ate people without leaving any bones. They looked very scary.

"Xiaoban, you are not afraid of clowns, are you?"Tian Mark said with a smile

"No way!" Tian Xiaoban refused to admit it,"You are just a clown, this hero doesn't even take you seriously."

"Then come with us and have a look."Ye Chen smiled faintly.

He wanted to help Xiaoban overcome his fear of clowns.

By the way, let's see if we can accumulate some points.....

"Ah, okay then." Tian Xiaoban scratched his head and pretended to be strong:"Then I will accompany you as a hero, and it's no big deal for me to be a clown......."

At the end, Xiaoban's voice was as soft as a mosquito, and he was obviously not very confident.......

Soon, the old car arrived at the destination.

The stage for the circus performance was built on an empty hill.

There was a constant stream of people.

The central circus stage was lit up with colorful lights, gorgeous and magnificent, and played exciting DJ dance music.

Many local residents rushed to seize this opportunity to make money and set up street food stalls near the stage, selling everything.

Many children were holding skewers and marshmallows, playing and chasing each other in the crowd.

There was laughter and the atmosphere was full of fireworks.

"This reminds me of the temple fairs I visited when I was a kid."

Ye Chen looked at the brightly lit world and could n't help but sighed.

"Brother Ye, this is for you."

Tian Xiaowen handed over a candied haws, her pretty face slightly red.

"Thank you, Xiaowen."Ye Chen smiled slightly.

"No....You're welcome."

Tian Xiaowen lowered her head quickly, her heart bursting with joy.

"Hey, nerd, do I have it?" Tian Xiaoban came over and asked

"Dai Tou, go buy it yourself!"Tian Xiaowen said with disdain

"The show is about to start, let's go find a seat."Tian Mark suggested


Afterwards, everyone took a while to find a few suitable seats. It happened that a family had to go back in a hurry, so they gave the seats to Ye Chen and others.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Zambro Circus tour is about to begin!"

A host in a red dress, holding a microphone, stood on the stage and said loudly,


Thousands of spectators immediately cheered, the crowd was so excited that it was like a boiling pot, deafening

"Next please...."Bald Tyrant!" the host shouted.

Behind the curtain, a burly man with a nail-shaped hairstyle walked out. He was wearing a black and white sportswear and his face was as white as a piece of paper. He looked very strange.

The Bald Tyrant was extremely strong. He picked up a huge rock and smashed it on his head!


The rock exploded instantly, but the Bald Tyrant's head was intact!

This scene immediately caused the audience to scream.

"Wow, is this person so powerful? Isn't he stubborn?" Tian Xiaowen's eyes widened.

""It's just so-so." Ye Chen looked calm.

He didn't even need to transform to beat the bald bully with one hand. The power of the SS ghoul was no joke.

"Next, please welcome the snake-haired woman!" As soon as the voice fell, a woman with a graceful figure and red hair like a spirit snake walked out slowly.

She stretched out a strand of her red hair, wrapped it around the host's waist, and lifted her up in an instant!

""Ahh!" The host screamed in panic and forced a smile,"Ahahaha, my audience friends have all seen it, this is the superpower of the Snake Girl!��

"Next up is the infamous...."Stinky weirdo!"

As the host finished speaking, a hunchbacked man wearing a mask slowly appeared on the stage.


The sour man took off his mask and smiled what he thought was a nice smile.

His face was deformed, he had a mouthful of dirty yellow teeth, and he smelled terrible.

The sour man opened his mouth and spit out the stench towards a steel pipe.


The hard steel pipe corroded quickly and soon melted into molten iron!

"The mouth of the sour man is like highly concentrated sulfuric acid!"The host exclaimed.

The audience cheered again and screamed loudly.

"Haha, finally let’s welcome the top star of our Happy Circus!"

"He is the king of the Happy Kingdom and the handsome guy in the clown world!"

""Zamboro, the one who makes people laugh to death!"

A man wearing a top hat and a clown costume, with red hair and a blue nose, gradually appeared in everyone's sight.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen."

"I am the Joker, Zambro......"

Happy Circus, Sour Guys,

Love Watch - Flash Star

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