【Pera: It seems that Miss Liuying is not completely clueless!】

【Xing: Liuying, you are so skilled at acting coquettishly!】

【March 7: Hehehehehe!】

【Xing: Stop drooling in March!】

【March 7: I don’t!】

【Firefly:......Why is there a shame in being publicly executed?.......】

【Liuying: I never thought I would do something like this!!!】

【Pera: It’s okay, Firefly. The straight ball after the pull will always hit the bull’s eye!】

【Firefly: Yes......Is that so?】

【Xing: Yes!】

【Xing: I always feel like I know more than some love guru!】

【Fireworks: @Silver Wolf】

【Silver Wolf: Stop tagging me! You made me lose the game!】

【Hanabi: Oh no! Why is the Love Master playing games?】

【Hanabi: Maybe it’s because no one is in love in real life!】

【Hanabi: No way!】

【Black Tower: Ha! 】

In the Star Core Hunter Base, a love guru was lying on the bed.

Her head was buried in the pillow.

She kept waving her pink hands and hammering the bed.

Her white feet also trembled with her movements....

【Silver Wolf: So funny! I don't care at all】

【Kafka: Okay, stop bullying our Silver Wolf.】

【Black Swan: What an interesting story!】

【Black Swan: But now the story is going to be about teaching Miss Liuying how to conquer Lu Yun?】


【Hanabi: I’m going to pay for it!】

【Xing: I’m going to pay for it!】

【Hanabi: Little Gray Hair! Don't talk like Hanabi-sama!】......

In the light curtain.

The sun was shining brightly, shining through the ceiling onto the ground not far from Lu Yun.

This was the distance set by Liuying.

It was said that one could see the sun without being hurt by the direct sunlight.

Lu Yun squatted on the ground, repairing the last defect of the Sam mech.

Suddenly, Lu Yun felt the light behind him dim a little.

Then a soft body lay on top of him.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Yun asked without even looking up.

Who else could be behind him besides Liuying?

Since the last time they held hands, the two of them had been touching more and more!

At first, Liuying blushed a little, but she soon got used to it.

Now she is completely used to these physical contacts.

"Why did I water it for so long?"

"It still hasn’t grown up!"

"I've tried my best!"

Liu Ying rested her head on Lu Yun's shoulder and said with her head tilted slightly.

Lu Yun could even feel her breath on his neck.

"So that’s it!"

"Maybe it's not blooming yet."

Lu Yun said with a smile

""Would you like to go with me to have a look?"

Liuying suddenly asked.

Lu Yun looked at the damage that had been completely repaired in front of him.

He smiled and said,"Okay!"

"Then you can carry me there!"

Liuying hugged Lu Yun and shook him.


Lu Yun did not refuse.

He quickly grabbed Liuying's thigh and came to the place where the seed was buried.

【The seeds have not yet fully grown, they have only just sprouted.】

【But the girl's anxious heart couldn't wait any longer.】

【She knows that everything has its blooming season.】

【But she was afraid that before she could wait for the flowers to bloom, it would be time to separate.】

【Sam's repair progress is almost complete, and the girl's return time is being advanced.】

【She lay on Lu Yun's back, craving for his warmth.】

【Even one more moment is good!】.......

【March 7: What? What? What does this narration mean?】

【March 7: Did I come here to see this? Where's the candy? Who secretly replaced my candy with a knife?】

【Perla: Calm down, Miss March. Nothing has happened yet!】

【March 7: Damn it! You have to take half the responsibility for me, Pera!】


【Xing: I just killed my way through the simulated universe, and now I am so calm!】

【Black Tower: I just detected the time when you entered the simulated universe. It was last week.】

【Xing: I will get angry if you sabotage me!】

【Xing: When I get angry, I won’t simulate the universe anymore!】

【Black Tower: Sorry】

【Black Tower withdrew a message】

【Silver Wolf: The insect plague has not ended yet, Grammer's war is still going on, and separation is inevitable!】

【Silver Wolf: I am more curious about why they forgot each other.】

【Black Swan: When people are severely traumatized, they forget some of their memories in order to protect themselves.】

【Jizi: If that's the explanation, then everything makes sense.......】

【Hua Huo: If you ask me, it should be that Lu Yun died in front of Liu Ying, which triggered Liu Ying's self-protection........】

【Hanabi: The war was won, but it was won at the cost of the sacrifice of the loved one】

【Firefly: Or maybe the two of them are playing against each other, and Liuying kills him with her own hands......】

【March 7: Masked Fool!!! I'm not playing with you!!】

【Hanabi: Isn't this interesting?】

【Xing: This will happen to you in the future! It will make you interesting!】

【Hanabi: Anxious! Little Gray Hair! Hehehe!】


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