【Star Year 8071, June 8】

【Today, with the help of Master, I did my first fortune telling!】

【It was calculated that Master would fall down when he went out because he stepped on an empty can!】



【Star Year 8071, June 9】

【Get up early today and have another fortune telling!】

【Master will get cold water thrown in his face when he goes out!】

【After a day of observation, the clothes were intact when I came back!!】


【Star Year 8071, June 10】

【Three consecutive days of failure!】

【I am very confused!】

【So today another divination comes up!】

【Calculated that Master would choke when drinking water!】

【After one day of observation, nothing happened!】

【So in the evening, when Master was drinking water, he was startled!】

【The hexagram is done!】

【Afterwards, I was beaten by my master, and my butt was red.】

【Master is a bad guy!】

【But afterwards, Master compensated me with two cups of fairy happy water!】

【Barely considered a half-good person!】....

【March 7: Ah.......Is it really possible to do this?】

【March 7: Fortune telling failed, but human intervention succeeded!】

【Xing: Just say you failed!】

【Silver Wolf: This is so funny! I even got spanked! Hahahaha!】

【Silver Wolf: After the fight, two drinks will comfort him!】

【Silver Wolf: You are just like Liuying! No wonder you were deceived by Lu Yun!】


【Fu Xuan:......Spreading rumors!】

【Xing: Our Master Fu Xuan is still a child!】

【Xing: What's wrong with being cheated? It's all Lu Yun's fault!】

【Liuying: Lu Yun is right!!】


【July 15, 8071】

【It has been more than a month since I started to divine!】

【None of the divinations came true!】

【I am disheartened, so I no longer seek divination from Master!】

【A little fortune telling today!】

【I learned that today is not suitable for official business, but suitable for entertainment!】

【Report to Master】

【I never thought that this divination was actually correct!】

【Went to Jinren Lane with Master!】

【I ate snacks at Jinren Lane and bought a fox mask! The mask is so beautiful!】

【We played until the evening and watched the fireworks with Master! So beautiful!】


【There are no bad guys today!】

【August 3, 8071】

【Divination sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t!】

【Whenever I calculated that it was not suitable for official duties, Master would say that I was right!】

【Calculate all other errors!】

【Fortunately, today is not a good day for official business!】

【I ate Changletian’s candied haws with Master and listened to storytelling!】

【August 29, 8071】

【Lao Deng misled me!!】

【It turns out that he just wanted to go out and have fun! So every time he calculated that it was not suitable for official business, he lied to me!】

【None of the divinations made in the past came true!】

【Feeling guilty towards the elders in the clan, he went into seclusion to practice!】

【From now on! I will never go out to play again!】

【September 2, 8071】

【Today is not a good day for official business!】

【I went to the Xingcha Sea Center with my master to have tea!】

【Not as delicious as Master's!】......

【Silver Wolf: Tell a joke, practice in seclusion! From now on, I will never go out again!】

【March 7: Don't say that about Master Fu Xuan! He is still a child!】

【Xing: I often have this kind of thought! Sometimes I just can’t control myself........】

【Qingque: That’s right!】

【Plain Clothes: +1】

【Kafka: Everyone gets lazy sometimes, so you have to learn to control yourself!】

【Xing: Kafka! You are so gentle!】

【March 7: Hey! Don't be fooled so easily!】

【Xing: I am willing!】

【Kafka: Flowersjpg】

【March 7:.......Forget it, I don’t want to bother with you!】

【Su Shang: Haven’t you noticed that Lu Yun always looks for opportunities to slack off?】

【Greenbird: What laziness! This is proper slacking off!】

【Qingque: As the saying goes, the better you slack off, the more efficient you work!】

【Qingque: Hey! Why haven't I met a boss like Lu Ge'er?.......】

【Gui Naifen: Can you say that?】

【Qingque withdrew a message】

【Fu Xuan: I saw it!】

【Qingque: Cry!】......

【December 25, 8071】

【Secluded myself for several months and read the whole book!】

【I have begun to understand the art of divination!】

【I made a divination today and it really came true!】

【January 1, 8072】

【After leaving the customs, the hexagrams】

【All came true!】

【New Year's Day】

【Lu Yun took me to Ruomuting to watch the first sunrise of the new year!】

【Sunlight breaks through the sea of clouds, breeze blows from all directions】

【I have never seen such a beautiful sight!】

【This is the first sunrise Lu Yun and I watched together!】

【I made an appointment with him to watch it together next year!】

【January 15, 8071】

【Once you understand the truth, you can apply it to other situations!】

【I have already memorized all the hexagrams!】

【Lu Yun praised me as a genius!】


【I drank another new drink mixed by Lu Yun!】

【Everything is getting better!】

【When Lu Yun retires, I will take over the position of Grand Fortune Teller!】

【By then, I will visit his tea shop every day!】......

【Fu Xuan: @Silver Wolf, speak!】

【Fu Xuan: Going out to play will not affect my reading of the whole book!】

【March 7: Wait! Wait! Why don’t you call me Master anymore?】

【March 7: Starting to call each other by their names?】

【March 7: Something is wrong! Something is very wrong!】

【Xing: Things started to be different from the moment we watched the sunrise together!】

【Silver Wolf: Humph! Don’t you understand this?】

【Silver Wolf: The first sunrise of the new year! Such a romantic time!】

【Silver Wolf: And paired with this romantic scenery!】

【Silver Wolf: Just a few words are enough to lure you idiots into the trap!】

【Silver Wolf: Not to mention that Lu Yun is indeed quite pretty!】

【Hanabi: What about you? Would you fall for this scenario?】

【Silver Wolf: So funny! I was still playing games when the sun rose!】

【Fu Xuan: Nonsense! What bait?】

【Fu Xuan: I am not that kind of person!】

【Fu Xuan: I call you by your name only because I have already gained some understanding of the art, and we are already a fellow Taoist in divination!】

【Fu Xuan: Just discussing with each other!】

【Fu Xuan: What a romantic relationship! Ridiculous!】

【Liuying: That’s right! I believe in Fu Xuan!】

【Fu Xuan: Miss Liuying knows etiquette!】...... ps: I will use the diary later.

This time I thought of a very interesting knife technique!

Finally, I ask for flowers and money!

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