【The victory news from the front line of Tarasa】

【There was cheering on the fairy boat】

【This expected victory did not cause any disturbance in Lu Yun's mood.】

【He was having a headache because of something unexpected!

Lu Yun lowered his head and looked at the envelope left by Fu Xuan on his desk.

The letter was not sealed.

He opened it easily.

On the white paper inside the envelope was Fu Xuan's timeless and beautiful handwriting.

There was no format.

There were no excessive sensational words.

There were only two short sentences.

【I'm off to find the answers I want.】

【I will never let that absurd prophecy come true!!! ]

The second sentence was written in red pen.

This was what Lu Yun had taught her before.

When you are angry, writing curse words in red pen will be particularly relaxing!

Judging from the strength of those words and those bright red exclamation marks.

Fu Xuan's resentment is obviously not small!

Lu Yun looked at the white paper in his hand.

It took a long time before he folded it neatly and placed it on the table beside him.

He sighed softly.

"So stubborn......."

He stood up as usual and went to get two cups of tea for the day.

This was his habit before work.

But today, he only needed one cup....

Lu Yun opened the freezer where the tea was placed.

There was not even a cup left in it! ?

Lu Yun looked at the empty freezer and fell into deep thought.

After a long while, he laughed out loud!

"Not bad! He finally took the initiative to find food!"

"It seems I won’t be hungry anymore!"......

【March 7: Lord Fu Xuan is even more stubborn than I thought!】

【March 7: But that's true! As long as we stay away from Lu Yun, then the prophecy won't happen, right?】

【Xing: So smart!】

【March 7: Hey! That’s right! I’m a genius!】

【Xing: I'm talking about Lord Fu Xuan!】

【March 7:......】

【Bronya: If I leave, I will never see their sweet daily life again!】

【Bronya: I suddenly feel a little sad......】

【Silver Wolf: Don’t be sad yet, you will be sad later!】


【Pera: Yes! I feel like Miss Fu Xuan has matured a lot!】

【Pera: Before I saw it, I was also a lazy girl who often slacked off.......】

【Xing: Wasn’t it all because of Lu Yun that they were led astray?】

【Xing: At the beginning, I was very well behaved.】

【Pera:......It is indeed】

【Pera: But before leaving, he actually emptied Lu Yun's freezer!】

【Pera: It seems that Lord Fu Xuan still has the temper of a child!】

【Ji Zi: Change always takes time】

【Black Swan: Lu Yun was the same. His first reaction when the freezer was looted was actually relief!】

【Black Swan: Maybe it’s because the child who normally needs to be fed by himself will finally eat, now can finally find food to eat by himself!】

【Fu Xuan:......I don't need him to feed me!】

【March 7: Wow! It's so sweet when you say that!】

【March 7: I’m going to start knocking!】

【Hanabi: Oops!】

【Hanabi: Suddenly I thought of something interesting!】

【Fireworks: Lu Yun and Fu Xuan have a sweet daily life, and the audience is so happy with their CP!】

【Hanabi: Everyone seems to have won!!】

【Hanabi: So who lost at this gambling table?】

【Silver Wolf: @Firefly】

【Star: @Firefly】

【Firefly:......Not lost yet?......】

【Liuying: I think the relationship between them hasn’t deteriorated yet.......】

【Fu Xuan: I have said it many times!】

【Fu Xuan: I won’t waste my time on love!】

【Fu Xuan: Everything is just for divination!】

【Silver Wolf: 6】

【Stars: 6】

【Silver Wolf: You are really tough!】

【Silver Wolf: Lu Yun is so pitiful! He has to kiss such a hard mouth every day!】

【Xing: No matter how hard the mouth is, it will feel soft when kissed!】

【Silver Wolf: Don’t interrupt, kid!】......

【Fu Xuan left the Yuque Immortal Boat despite his family's obstruction】

【I went alone to the Luofu Fairy Boat where the atmosphere was more open!】

【The Taibusi here is recruiting people】

【At this time, the position of Taibu of Luofu Xianzhou has not been determined.】

【This is also the main reason why Fu Xuan came!】

【The prophecy was that before he became the Grand Fortune Teller, Jingtian's fate would be in his own hands!】

【Then as long as I stay far enough away from Lu Yun, and as long as the time I serve as the fortune teller is short enough!】

【All this can be avoided! 】

Fu Xuan naturally knew that some things in the hexagrams were not so easy to change!

But after all, we have to try first!

Sit back and wait for death, that is the way of fatalists.

That is not Fu Xuan's style!

On this day, the Taibusi of Yuque Xianzhou lost a slippery pink-haired loli.

And the Taibusi of Luofu Xianzhou gained a fortune teller who was devoted to learning and devoted to Taoism.

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