High in the sky, everyone was lost in thought as they looked at the disintegrating fleet.

The blow that had almost pierced through the galaxy had left everyone stunned for a long time!

After a long while, someone shouted:

"We won!"

After hearing this, everyone suddenly woke up from their dream.

It turned out that they and their group actually won!

"My friend, thank you for your help!"

"Xianzhou will remember your kindness!"

"Please come back with me, Xianzhou will treat you with the highest courtesy!"

""We will present our gratitude to you!"

A captain of the Cloud Riders suddenly said to Lu Yun, bowing his hands.

The emerald green mecha in front of him just shook his head.

Through the mecha, the captain of the Cloud Riders could not see Lu Yun's true expression.

He opened his mouth and wanted to keep him again.

In the blink of an eye, the person in front of him disappeared.

He didn't even have time to say a word of farewell.

"What a mysterious hero........"

A Cloud Rider suddenly spoke up.


"And it always feels familiar......"

Another Cloud Rider suddenly spoke up.

"Are you kidding me!"

"If you knew this kind of person, how could you easily forget him?"

"That's true........"

Everyone laughed.

Obviously, the victory in the war made them in a good mood....

Lu Yun canceled his transformation and came to a cave in Fanghu Xianzhou.

In the original plan, this place was one of the caves that would be destroyed by the patrolling light arrows.

But now, it has been preserved intact.

In the cave, wounded people can be seen everywhere, and nurses are busy coming and going.

Although everyone is busy, they all have smiles on their faces.

The reason is very simple.

Because they won!

Everyone knows that the battle is over!

After the end, what awaits them is a better tomorrow!

Lu Yun walked slowly in it.

What he heard was the laughter of the patients and the sighs of the alchemists.

"Hey, are you going to Luofu Fairy Boat?"

"Wait! Please help me deliver this letter to a Taoist priest named Dan Shu!"

"Yes! It’s the blind man!"

"Oh no! She always says she can't lose me, so how can I let her go?"

"I'll go back after I finish my work in the bathroom!"......

"Hey! And mine! Help me deliver this letter to Yukong of Tianbosi!"

"I told her a long time ago that nothing could go wrong while she was recuperating in the rear!"


Listening to the words in his ears and looking at the real scene in front of him,

Lu Yun finally had a trance that he had changed his destiny.

The originally broken future was pieced together by his own hands!

Such a perfect ending!

How great!

He lowered his head and looked at the transformation device on his waist.

In the bottle that symbolized his and Fu Xuan's memories, there was still some blank space left.

That was a promise.

A promise made at sunrise.

Under the sunrise, take back the last memory.

Isn't it romantic?

Lu Yun thought with a smile. However, the slight fluctuation on the transformation device at this time made Lu Yun a little worried that the memory might be taken back before the agreed time! He looked at the remaining five days. He couldn't help but frowned.


【March 7: What a happy ending!】

【March 7: I was going to say that!】

【March 7: But when I think of Lu Yun being alone and forgotten, I feel that this ending is not perfect at all!】

【March 7: Why were all the people saved? But Lu Yun was still alone!】

【March 7: Everyone has forgotten him!】

【March 7: But he is obviously the hero who saved everyone!】

【March 7: Why is this world so harsh on heroes!】

【March 7: Why!!!】

【Xing: March, don’t be in a hurry!】

【Xing: I'm ready to go to the Black Tower Space Station to print large paper newspapers!】

【Black Tower: ??? What do you want to do?】

【Xing: I want to spread Lu Yun’s banners all over the universe!】

【Xing: I want everyone to know that Lu Yun is the great hero hiding in the dark!!!】

【Black Tower: 6】

【March 7: Star! You are simply a genius!】

【Qingque: Well! Why don’t you discuss it with Brother Lu before you do it?】

【Qingque: I feel like he probably won’t agree!】

【Xing: Why!】

【Greenbird:......Maybe.......A bit embarrassing?】

【Silver Wolf: The little brat always thinks one-sidedly!】

【Silver Wolf: What era is this? We are still using traditional newspapers!】

【Silver Wolf: Watch me hack into the company directly and use the company’s network to inform the entire galaxy!】

【Xing: Silver Wolf, you are such a genius!】

【Silver Wolf: Humph! Normal difficulty!】

【Silver Wolf: Even the Black Tower can’t stop me if I want to!】

【Black Tower:......】

【Greenbird:.......Aren't you the same as him?】

【Kafka: Stop it, you two!】

【March 7: That’s right!】

【Pera: I don’t know why.】

【Pera: But I always feel that Miss Fu Xuan would not forget so easily.......】

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