【The day before the appointment】

【Fu Xuan was given the opportunity to enter the"library" of the Boshi Society to ask questions】

【Here she saw a blind old man wearing sunglasses】

""What are you thinking about?"

The blind old man leaned on his cane and waited for her reply.

Fu Xuan looked at the old man in front of her.

She vaguely remembered a sentence.

A question she had discussed with someone for a long time.

But now, she had no memory of that person left!

He seemed to have completely left her....

"All those moments of choice...were they predetermined?"

"Or, if I could calculate more accurately at that moment"

"Even if I am one ten-thousandth more accurate, I can make the right choice and let them not have to leave?"

Fu Xuan half-closed his eyes, as if asking and answering

"At every moment, we are standing in the center of the maze created by our own footsteps. The blind old man gently paused with his cane.

"I can't give you answers. I can only give you questions... and the perspective to see them."

"And you have come all this way, and what you asked me for must not be the answer."

The blind old man said calmly.

Hearing this, Fu Xuan just nodded lightly. She was not depressed.

She seemed to have expected this answer.

"Then give me [eyes]!"

"Whether fate is destined......"

"As a fortune teller, I want to see more clearly!"

Fu Xuan said with his eyes closed.

"as you wish"

"But the flesh of the immortal boat people will last forever, and accepting the"eyes" I give you means accepting eternal pain."

"Rather than a tool for learning, it will be more like......"Instruments of torture""

The blind old man finally reminded.

Fu Xuan opened his eyes, and there was no trace of cowardice in his beautiful pink eyes!

"Isn't this exactly in line with the creed of the All-Knowing Lord - knowledge must be acquired through suffering?"

"I don't want to make the same mistake in future choices."

The pink-haired loli's voice was firm!

The fog around her suddenly appeared.

There was a severe pain on her forehead!

The pain that went deep into her bones was something

Fu Xuan had never experienced before!

But the pink-haired loli bit her lips tightly. She didn't make any sound!

She was petite but unexpectedly stubborn.

In the dimness of the gifted [eyes], she saw many past events.

She saw herself sitting upright when she was young, reading a book.

She saw her father lovingly touching her forehead, proudly praising her for her intelligence and intelligence.

She saw the elders showing her the glorious history of the Fu family as a family of astrologers on the Jade Que Immortal Boat.

She saw the fortune tellers making plans as planned, and occupying a brilliant future for her - she will ascend the throne of [Grand Fortune Teller]

"Is this my future?"

"Every sip and every bite is predestined"

"This is your destiny"

"The divination results have been submitted to Master Jingtian, the Grand Diviner, and he has agreed to personally supervise your studies. This is a great blessing."......

All the past overlapped in the smoke of probability, like a dream or reality, changing and coming on the edge of consciousness, extending into countless futures.

Fu Xuan tried his best to distinguish, wanting to find traces of the people he had forgotten in the vast moment!......

【March 7: Oh my god! This is so romantic!】

【March 7: So this is the way to solve it?】

【March 7: Use the power of knowledge to gain eyes that see through everything!】

【Plain clothes:......Master Fu Xuan......】

【Su Shang: So this is the origin of the eye on the forehead?】

【Xing: What does that old man mean by constant pain?】

【Qingque: That is the unique physique of the Xianzhou people.】

【Qingque: Because of its long lifespan, any changes to the body will bring endless pain!】

【March 7: Doesn’t that mean that Master Fu Xuan is suffering every moment?】

【Fu Xuan: Over the years, I’ve gotten used to it!】

【Fu Xuan: For me, as long as I can calculate more accurately, these pains will be nothing!】

【March 7: Such great words were said in a plain tone!】

【March 7: As expected, you are Lord Fu Xuan!】

【Fu Xuan:......Not bad.】

【Xing: Great! Looks like this is the perfect ending!】

【Xing: It turns out that the knife can only cut fireflies!】


【Liuying: Can this really help me get back my lost memories?】

【Silver Wolf: I don’t know if I can find it back.】

【Silver Wolf: But I know you won't go to Xianzhou now.】

【Silver Wolf: There is definitely no place for you in Lu Yun’s arms!】


【March 7: Eh? Two people?】

【March 7:.......Never mind! As long as it's a happy ending!】

【Xing: Me too!】

【March 7: Oh! What nonsense are you talking about! You have no shame!】

【Hanabi: It seems like you guys are happy too early!】

【Hanabi: Do you want Hanabi-sama to remind you of something?】

【Hua Huo: Fu Xuan didn’t remember Lu Yunta before!】

【March 7: You don’t need to remind me of this!】

【Star: Damn fool!】

【Xing: I will expose you next time! I will stab you hard!】

【Hanabi: Hehehe!】

【Huahuo: Little Gray Hair, I'm getting anxious! 】

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