Sanyueqi, one of the heroines in the original novel, was no stranger to Lin Yuan.

In fact, he had noticed her absence when he boarded the Starry Sky Train yesterday.

It was as if fate was playing a joke on him.

Lin Yuan, who was still wondering when Sanyueqi would board the train yesterday, ran into her when he went out today.

"This is a pleasant surprise."

Looking at the girl curled up with her arms folded across her chest in the ice coffin, Lin Yuan thought for a moment and then raised his hand to press on the ice coffin, injecting the power of abundance into it.

The huge vitality continued to be injected along the contact point of Lin Yuan's palm, and the weak vitality in the ice coffin increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

It seemed that some special mechanism was triggered, and cracks suddenly appeared on the originally solid ice coffin.

Finally, at the moment when the internal breath returned to the normal level, the ice coffin exploded directly, revealing the March 7th inside.


Lin Yuan did not look at March 7th immediately. When the ice coffin exploded automatically, his eyes fell on the ice chips.

Although it was his first contact, the strange smell from the ice chips made him realize that this was not ordinary ice.

However...Just as he was about to reach out to grab them, the ice chips disappeared like a mirage under Lin Yuan's gaze.


Lin Yuan, who had just raised his palm, raised his eyebrows and looked back at the girl in front of him.

In the short time when he focused on the ice chips, San Yue Qi had woken up from her deep sleep and slowly opened her eyes.

Her blue pupils were still drowsy at this moment, as if she didn't understand the specific situation.

Facing Lin Yuan's action of raising his hand to the air to grab the ice chips, she seemed to be attracted by something and also raised her palm.

Then, under Lin Yuan's puzzled gaze, San Yue Qi grabbed his palm and squeezed it twice.

"Is this a strange way of greeting?"

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows:"Or are you attracted by my beauty and are going to seduce me?"


After hearing Lin Yuan's words, San Yueqi finally woke up and suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Wow! What's going on here?"

The hand that was raised in the air subconsciously retracted in front of him, and March Seven curled up and screamed like a groundhog.

"Why is this girl floating naked in space?"

"Good question, I'd like to know too."

"Hey! Is this the time to talk about this? Why don't you turn around?"

"Turn around? Don't you want your clothes anymore?"

Lin Yuan tilted his head:"It's rare that I'm so kind as to prepare a set for you on the spot."

"If you want to come back to the train with me like this, I don't mind."


Sanyueqi was stunned:"Making clothes on site?"

"Yes, just like this."

Lin Yuan took out a handful of weeds from his pocket and threw them at March Seven's delicate body.

The power of abundance was activated, and the weeds that were originally everywhere began to grow rapidly, entangled with March Seven's body and continued to spread.

In just a breath of time, a green dress appeared on March Seven's body.

"Wow! It can actually be done!"

"It's amazing, what kind of superpower is this!"

The hand that was originally blocking in front of her fell on the dress, and Sanyueqi rubbed it with a curious look on her face.

"I advise you to be careful."

Lin Yuan reminded:"I injected the power of abundance only to speed up the growth of weeds, but did not change its nature."

"If you use too much force, you may......"


Before she finished speaking, a huge crack appeared on Sanyueqi's dress due to her active performance.

"this...I didn't expect this dress to be so fragile."

Sanyueqi paused, with an embarrassed look on his face:"Can you help me fix it?"

"Of course you can, but let me ask you before you repair it. You should not reject the power of abundance, right?"

"What is abundance?"

"It seems that you are not opposed to it, so I will help you strengthen it."

Lin Yuan pressed his palm on March Seven's shoulder and injected more abundant power into the dress.

After filling the gap that had just been torn, the remaining abundant power also strengthened the toughness of the dress.

In this way, even if March Seven used the strength of a punch to kill a cow, he would not tear the dress to pieces.

"Thank you very much! You are such a good person!"

March Seven didn't care that his question was ignored, and turned around and gave Lin Yuan a good person card.

"Come to think of it, I forgot to introduce myself...."Hmm? Who am I?"

Halfway through her words, San Yue Qi suddenly froze, raised her hand and scratched her head, with a confused look on her delicate face.

Then, as if she realized something, San Yue Qi frowned tightly and her expression became restless.

It was not until a few minutes later that she sighed and looked at the man in front of her with a complicated look.

"that...I seem to have lost my memory"

"It's a pity you only noticed it now. Shouldn't a normal person notice this immediately?"

"Ahem~ Aren’t there too many emergencies?"

March Seventh coughed twice, trying to get away with it:"Anyway, don’t worry about these small details!"

"By the way, the first person I saw when I opened my eyes just now was you. Do you know where I came from?"

"I don't know. I just received a message that there is a strange ice coffin floating in the universe. Come and salvage it."

"Ice coffin?"

"It was the thing that originally sealed you. After I released you from it, it disappeared on its own."

"What kind of supernatural development is this?"

March Seven sighed helplessly:"Forget it, forget it, anyway, let's just pick a name first."

"Otherwise, you keep saying"you, you, you" all the time, which sounds so good.

Although she lost a lot of memories, San Yueqi did not forget the most basic common sense in daily life.

After realizing that she had lost her memory, the first thing she thought of was to give herself a temporary name.

"Do you have any good suggestions?"

"How about Galaxy Baseball Man?"

"That doesn't sound like a normal name at all!"

March 7 raised his hands and made a big cross in front of him.

"Rather than a name that a human should have, it sounds more like a title!"

"What a pity. Since you don't like this title, let's call it March 7th."

"March 7?"

"Well, that's today, just in time to record the time you woke up, so you don't forget it again in the future"

"Hmm~ That sounds good."

March Seven nodded thoughtfully.

"It’s decided then, let’s call it March 7th!"

"By the way, it seems you haven’t introduced yourself yet. What’s your name?"

"Lin Yuan, currently a member of the Star Train"

"Star train?"

"Let's forget about this kind of thing that would take up a lot of time to explain, and I'm just a newcomer who got on the train one day earlier than you."

Lin Yuan grabbed San Yueqi's hand and said,"Anyway, I'll take you back to the train first. If you have any questions, just ask Ji Zi."

"Huh? Is it so sudden?"

"Yes, after all, it has been a while since I came out. If I don’t go back, Ji Zi will be worried."

The power of abundance flowed from Lin Yuan’s palm to Sanyueqi, completely wrapping around his body.

After confirming that there would be no problems, he began to gradually speed up and dragged Sanyueqi back to the direction of the Starry Sky Train.......

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