Lin Yuan:"Welcome new members to the group."

Kugisaki Nobara:"Welcome new members to the group."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Welcome, welcome~ I didn't expect a new member to join so soon."

Lily Luka:"......Who are you? Is the screen that suddenly appeared in Lily's mind the magic you released?"


Although she didn't know what magic was, with the previous experience of Lin Yuan, Main opened the data card and took a look at the other party's strength.

Very good, zero level.

She can pretend to be a senior.

Main:"Don't worry, what you saw is not magic." Main

:"This is the Ten Thousand Worlds Chat Group, a special platform connecting all the heavens and the worlds."

Lily Luka:"Huh? What does that mean? It sounds like it's very powerful."

Lin Yuan:"In short, we are all beings from different worlds."

Lin Yuan:"The purpose of the group is to help each other. If you have any trouble, you can ask us for help." Kugisaki

Nobara:"That's right, don't look at the fact that our strength is not very good, but Brother Lin Yuan is super strong!"

Lily Luka:"How strong is super strong?"

Akatsuki Nagisa:"As strong as the sixth level!"

Kuchiki Rukia:"Newcomers don't know the strength division. If you say that, newcomers won't understand."

Kuchiki Rukia:"To put it simply, the sixth level means that you can shatter a continent by just raising your hand, blow up a planet if you are serious, and destroy a galaxy with some preparation."

Lily Luka:"Huh? Lord Lin Yuan is a god!"

In the dark and narrow room, the dwarf girl with scarlet hair widened her eyes with surprise on her face.

Although she has never seen the gods take action with her own eyes, she still has some understanding of the power of gods.

According to ancient legends and the sayings among the gods, after the gods release their divine power, they can cleanse the surface of the earth in a short time and restart civilization.

Judging from the performance alone, he is not even as good as Lin Yuan.

Could it be that......Was this chat group that suddenly appeared created by the gods from another world?

Kugisaki Nobara:"Gods? Do such things exist in the newcomer's world?"

Lilyluka:"The monsters that sprang out of the dungeon wreaked havoc on the world, and death spread to every corner of the earth."

Lilyluka:"The gods are merciful. They have given themselves divine powers to protect humans and have descended to the mortal world. They have bestowed gifts on humans and formed clans to help humans suppress the dungeon."

Lilyluka:"In my world, this is something everyone knows."

Marin:"Dungeon, gods......Just listening to the introduction, it feels like there are a lot of problems in the newcomer's world."

Gods are not ordinary beings in any world.

Especially according to the newcomer, the gods in her world are not just for show.

They are gods who can really bestow blessings and give people strength.

In this case, the dungeon, which can only be suppressed instead of eradicated, is even more terrifying.

Kugisaki Nobara:"But if you can get blessings from the gods, at least it will be easier to become stronger." Den

Kugisaki Nobara:"It sounds like it has both good and bad sides."

Lilyluka:"It will be easier to become stronger...Maybe that's the case."

Thinking back to her own situation and experiences, Lily instantly lost the desire to continue the conversation.

Lily Luka:"Let's not talk about this topic for now. Can you introduce me to the functions of this chat group?"

Lily Luka:"Since it can connect all the heavens and worlds, and even a strong man like Lord Lin Yuan who is comparable to a god exists, it must be able to help Lily become stronger."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Don't worry, as long as you have enough time, it is easy to become stronger through the chat group."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"As for the functions, the most commonly used ones are basically sign-in, tasks, and mall. I will tell you one by one."...

"The world where the gods descended?"

At the same time that Nagisa Akatsuki introduced the chat group function to Lililuka, Lin Yuan showed a thoughtful look on his face.

He still had some impression of the world of Dicuo.

Although there were not many performances in the original work, the gods in that world basically had the strength of the fourth-level Lu Chen.

The stronger gods or god kings may even have the power of the fifth-level star-destroying after unlocking their divine power.

As a god, it is still qualified.

But...Compared to strength, Lin Yuan is actually more curious about the structure of the gods in the Dicuo world.

According to his understanding, the gods in the Dicuo world are basically antiques that have lived for hundreds of millions of years.

This is not simple.

If there is a chance to go to the Dicuo world, you can catch a few gods to study.

Ding Dong~Ding Dong~

Just then, two consecutive sounds rang in Lin Yuan's pocket.

Temporarily stopping thinking about the Dicuo world, Lin Yuan took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

Opening the few contact lists, he set his eyes on the message at the top.

Heita:"Ruan Mei is here. She said she wants to see you. If you agree, I can arrange it for you."

Heita:"If you don't want to meet Ruan Mei, go out less these days and leave directly when the Starry Sky Train is ready."

Ruan Mei wants to see him?

"This is interesting."

In Lin Yuan's impression, Ruan Mei is not someone who would reveal her intentions.

With such initiative, it seems that the attraction of the Envoy of the Order of Abundance to Ruan Mei is stronger than he expected. In this case, he has only one answer.

Lin Yuan:"I refuse"......

In Heita's office.

Heita, who was introducing the simulated universe project to Ruan Mei, paused and looked to the side.

"I have some bad news for you."

"Just now, Lin Yuan rejected your meeting request"

"......I understand."

Ruan Mei nodded silently.

It seems to be the worst situation.

But it's not a big problem.

"Black Tower, give me access to the air station"......

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