"That's right, I'm the Envoy of the Order of Abundance who you contacted through the Black Tower and rejected your request to meet."

Faced with Ruan Mei's inquiry, Lin Yuan gave a direct answer.

In fact, this matter had been completely exposed as early as the moment the two met, and there was no need to hide it at all.

"Just skip the self-introduction part. I know who you are."

"Tell me, you even drugged Ester in order to see me, what exactly do you want to do?"

"I want your flesh and blood."

Ruan Mei, knowing that it was meaningless to cover up, replied directly:

"Dear, what is life in your opinion?"

"I don't know."

Lin Yuan gave a perfect answer.

Don't ask him such a tricky question.

"Life is birth, perception, adaptation, development, replication, change, creation and disappearance."

Nguyen Mei replied:"Life is colorful and gorgeous like a dazzling flower, and what I have to do is to take the one that will never wither."

"Never wither...In this world today, perhaps only the stars���Can it meet your requirements?"


"Then I advise you to give up, you don't have the ability"

"I understand this better than anyone else. In order to achieve my lifelong wish, I have long been prepared to pay any price."

Ruan Mei slowly raised her hand and touched Lin Yuan's chest:"Dear, I want a little bit of your flesh and blood."

"OK, which one do you want?"

"......Aren't you going to negotiate terms?"

"Conditions? Yes...I was originally planning to do a good deed every day, but then I thought that giving away flesh and blood for free is not a good idea, so let it be."

Lin Yuan reached out and pinched Ruan Mei's chin, lowered his head and pressed


Ruan Mei's pupils suddenly contracted, and for the first time, a surprised expression appeared on her indifferent face.

She stretched out her hand and pressed on Lin Yuan's chest, trying to push him away.

But as we all know, the power of the Intellectual Order is mostly reflected in scientific research products.

Under the huge gap, it was not until a minute later that Lin Yuan loosened his hand around her slender waist that Ruan Mei successfully distanced herself from him.

""It's a good expression."

Looking at Ruan Mei's frowning face, Lin Yuan licked his lips with a satisfied look on his face.

Melting the ice, tearing open the outer shell of divinity, and revealing the innermost humanity, this kind of thing is even more exciting than setting up

"Thank you for the hospitality. I am satisfied."

Lin Yuan raised his palm and pressed it on his chest.


Bright red blood gushed out and sprayed Ruan Mei who was right in front of Lin Yuan, dyeing her cheongsam blood red.

Under Ruan Mei's gaze, Lin Yuan took out a beating heart and stood up and handed it to her.

"Here, this is the reward."

"......Thank you."

Ruan Mei was silent for two seconds, her expression returned to calm again, and she reached out to take the heart that she had exchanged for her first kiss.

The fluctuation of imaginary energy rose slightly, and two streams of light spread from Ruan Mei's hands, turning into a cube container to wrap the heart.

After doing all this, she did not look at Lin Yuan again, turned around and prepared to leave the room and go back to start a new round of research.


Just as she was about to leave the room, Lin Yuan's voice sounded again behind her.

"Ruan Mei, you just said that your ultimate goal is to study the Star God, right?"

"That's right, do you have any questions?"

Ruan Mei stopped and nodded slightly.

"So what you just said about being willing to pay any price to study the Star God, is that true?"


"In that case, let's add each other as friends."

Lin Yuan took out his cell phone and waved it, smiling and saying

"When I become a star god, you will be my woman"

"......I look forward to that day, dear."

Ruan Mei was silent for two seconds, then a faint smile appeared on her face.

"It's useful, dear, but it's useless to you. Ruan Mei, has no one ever told you that you are utilitarian?"

"This also applies to you, dear."

Ruan Mei stretched out her finger and tapped Lin Yuan's phone.


The phone alert sounded, and a new top friend appeared on Lin Yuan's contact list - Ruan Mei

"See you next time, dear."

Leaving her contact information, Ruan Mei, who was in a better mood than before, took Lin Yuan's heart and walked towards the storage compartment of the space station. With limited equipment in hand, she borrowed the equipment of the Black Tower first.......

"Mr. Lin Yuan, you just sent me a message saying you have something to ask me....Eh? What's going on!"

Soon after Ruan Mei left, the door of the room was pushed open again, and Ester, who had received Lin Yuan's message, walked in.

Looking at the large pool of blood on the floor of the room, Ester, who always felt like she was walking into a murder scene, couldn't help but stop.

"Here, here."

Just then, a familiar voice sounded not far away.

Esther turned her head and finally found Lin Yuan sitting on the sofa, covered in blood and tasting plum cake.

"Estelle, please help me clean the room."

"By the way, all the blood on the ground belongs to me. You can collect it and study it yourself, or send it to the Black Tower."

Is this the time to say this?

Listening to Lin Yuan's leisurely tone, Estelle's expression couldn't help but become helpless.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, what exactly happened?"

"Where did Ms. Nguyen Mei, who left with you not long ago, go? Was there any conflict between you?"

"Conflict? Of course not."

Lin Yuan chuckled and replied:"After returning to the room, I had an in-depth discussion with Ruan Mei."

"In the end, Ruan Mei was very satisfied with my performance, took my heart and left."

"Mr. Lin Yuan's heart?"

Estelle suddenly felt ominous.

"Yes, isn't it obvious at a glance?"

Lin Yuan pointed to the big hole in the clothes in front of him.

"......" feel���This is the heart.

Esther's eyes twitched, and she finally realized how this murder scene in the room came about.......

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