"Do you need help?"

In the train hall, Ji Zi, who was making coffee, was stunned for a moment, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Why are you suddenly asking such a strange question? What happened?"

"It's nothing, I'm just doing a good deed every day."

Lin Yuan patted his chest and said,"Ji Zi, if you have any troubles, just tell me, the selfless Envoy of the Order of Abundance will definitely help you solve them."

"Um...In that case, then you can have a cup of coffee with me. Walter and the others refused."

Ji Zi pushed the freshly brewed coffee to Lin Yuan.

"No problem."

Looking at the coffee that was even more delicious than when they first met, Lin Yuan closed his taste system and drank it in one gulp. Do one good deed a day (1/1), done!

"This is the one I just improved. How does it taste?"

Ji Zi asked curiously.

"There is still a lot of room for improvement."

Lin Yuan gave a thumbs up:"Keep going, I believe you will become the world-famous coffee god in the future!"

"Forget about the God that sounds weird."

"Is it strange? I think it's pretty good."

Lin Yuan poured himself another cup of coffee:"By the way, I forgot to ask, where is the next stop?"


"Sounds familiar"

"It's normal to sound familiar. It has been transformed by the company and is the first planet in the interstellar space with motorball competition as its core."

"A few days ago, Walter received news that Tyco Ammonium was about to hold a new round of motorball competitions, and he could go and watch the live broadcast."

Ji Zi briefly introduced the situation of Tyco Ammonium and the reason why Tyco Ammonium was chosen as the next stop.

"Motorized ball game? It sounds interesting, let's go and have a look."

Lin Yuan was a little interested.

As an old football fan in his previous life, he often stayed up late to watch the game.

Since he had the chance this time, he would go and see what this so-called Tyco ammonium motorized ball game was all about.

"Since you are so motivated, you and Danheng will lead this pioneering journey. Remember to take good care of Xiao Sanyue."

"Aren't you going down?"

"This time, Walter and I will stay on the train. We still have to give you young people some time to spend together."


Is there a possibility? I mean a possibility.

Of the young people you mentioned, I am the only one who is truly young....

Time passed as Lin Yuan and Ji Zi chatted.

Not long after, Pam's voice sounded on the radio, calling everyone to gather in the hall.

After the Starry Sky Train left the safe area of the space station, the space jump was activated, and the familiar blue light enveloped the train again.

However, unlike the last time, this time the pioneering power in Lin Yuan's body has increased a lot, and he has a deeper feeling for these blue lights.

The materialization of the pioneering power.

At the same time as the Starry Sky Train launched the space jump, the pioneering power emerged from various areas of the train and wrapped it up.

With the protection of such a large scale of pioneering power, as long as the Starry Sky Train is still running on the silver tracks laid in advance, no matter how far the jump is, no accidents will occur, and it can even improve the jump efficiency.

"Maybe you can refer to it."

A thoughtful look appeared on Lin Yuan's face.

After his Zanpakutō was released, one of the two swords, Pibang, was used to set up a space anchor point and temporarily build a passage after it was activated.

But unlike the Starry Sky Train, he did not have the protection of the power of pioneering when teleporting over long distances, and had to rely entirely on his physical body.

Although it did not affect the final result, the speed of long-distance space jumps would still be reduced.

If he learned the space jump method of the Starry Sky Train, his long-distance jump efficiency would be greatly improved.

Unfortunately, just as Lin Yuan was about to carefully observe how the blue light worked, it began to dissipate like last time.

"The jump is over, and the train has successfully arrived at Tycoon Star."

Pam's voice sounded again, and Lin Yuan withdrew his gaze with some regret, looking down at a pink fur ball that was slowly rolling down under his feet.

"March, what are you doing?"

"Ouch, it hurts."

Sanyueqi stood up holding his head, and replied after two seconds.

"I'm challenging a standing space jump."

""Little Sanyue, it's better to do less of this kind of thing, otherwise you will get hurt."

Ji Zi shook her head helplessly.

After spending some time together, she was familiar with Sanyueqi's eccentric personality.

This kind of unconventional thing is indeed something that the other party can do.

"Hehe~ Don't worry, Jizi, I'm not dead!"

Sanyueqi pointed to the pile of ice slag not far away and said,"Just now when I was about to fall to the ground, Liuxiangbing automatically appeared behind me and caught me."

"Then why are you rubbing your head?"

Lin Yuan asked curiously.

"Because falling on the ice hurts too."

"Isn't it the same? Be careful not to break your head."

"Don’t worry, I have learned my lesson this time and I will succeed next time!"

"I think you didn't absorb it at all."

Lin Yuan patted the sofa beside him and said,"Come and sit down. I will treat you."

"Huh? Lin Yuan, can you even do this?"

"You underestimated the Envoy of the Order of Abundance."

A green light flashed across Lin Yuan's palm, and Lin Yuan rubbed San Yue Qi's head, messing up her hair.

"Healed."Do one good deed a day (2/1), I am so hardworking

"Wow! It really doesn't hurt anymore!"

March Seven touched the place where he had just fallen, and a gleam of light appeared in his eyes.

"Lin Yuan, I want to learn this!"

"I can't teach you this. Next time you meet a pharmacist, go and learn from him."

"Can we really meet again?"

"Of course, I am the Envoy of the Order of Plenty."......?"

Listening to the increasingly outrageous conversation between the two, Dan Heng, who had just come from the reference room, fell silent.

Why did it feel like I was taking care of a child?

"Huh? Dan Heng, you are finally here."

March Seven quickly noticed a certain Dragon Lord who was standing in a daze not far away.

"Don't just stand there, come over and chat with me!"

"Instead of chatting, we should prepare for the login."

Dan Heng reminded:"If I remember correctly, today is the day when the new round of Tyco Ammonium Motor Ball Competition starts."

"If you don't want to miss the start, you'd better go now."

"Huh? Is this true? We have to hurry up."

Sanyueqi dragged Lin Yuan to his feet and ran to the hatch, stopping in front of a machine.

"Um...I remember this is a device that sets coordinates and allows us to directly reach a specific location on the planet."

"Lin Yuan Lin Yuan, do you know where the Tyco Ammonium Motor Ball game is held?"

"I knew the destination of this stop a few minutes earlier than you"

"Does Dan Heng know?"

"At the position of x1145, y14, z999, remember to set the offset......"


Before Dan Heng finished speaking, Sanyueqi adjusted the specific coordinates for logging in and pressed the start button.

The power of pioneering emerged around the equipment, surrounding the three people standing in the hatch area.

Then, under Lin Yuan's curious gaze, a bang sounded, and the three of them appeared in an empty field.

His eyes swept across the surrounding full audience stands and the ceiling with a big hole above.

Lin Yuan nodded thoughtfully and looked at Sanyueqi who was stunned and dazed.

"It seems that the coordinates provided by Dan Heng are very accurate. We have directly entered the interior of the arena."

Dan Heng:"......"

Is this the time to say this?......

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