Although he did not participate in the Gotei War a thousand years ago, as a disciple of Yamamoto, Kyoraku Shunsui had seen the portrait of Yhwach.

In his memory, the king of the Quincies should have been killed by Yamamoto a thousand years ago.

But at this moment, the opponent was intact and fighting in front of him.

What was going on? Did Yamamoto fail?

"Kyoraku Shunsui, it seems that you don't know your teacher very well."

As if seeing his doubts, Yhwach suddenly grinned and raised his finger to point at his heart.

"A thousand years ago, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni did not have the concept of showing mercy."

"At that moment, I was indeed killed by him with my eyes sealed."

"......Do you mean you're resurrected?"

"Resurrection? You can understand it that way."

Youhabach sneered:"Although the process was a bit bumpy, it was not without gain."

"After absorbing the left arm of the Spirit King left by that damned monk, I have surpassed the past."

As he said this, he turned his eyes away from Kyoraku Shunsui and looked at Lin Yuan who was standing in the front.

"I have heard from Haschwald that it was you who defeated Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni and broke the border of the Invisible Empire."

"Although I don't know who you are, since you have disrupted my plan to regain my power,......"

"Too much nonsense."

Lin Yuan suddenly raised his Zanpakutō and swung it down through the air.


A crisp sound of breaking through the body was heard, and the blade emitting a cold light crossed the layers of space and landed directly on Youhabach's body. The blood-stasis suit that he had maintained for many years was directly shattered, and a huge knife mark spread from Youhabach's right shoulder to his left waist.

Suffering such a trauma without any warning, even Youhabach could not help but be severely injured, and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

"His Majesty!"

"Damn, what happened to that slash just now!"

"Interesting! Let me deal with him!"

"Come on, Gerard!"

"Gremi, you too, don't just attack and provoke that monster!"...

A series of exclamations rang out, and several members of the Stern Cross Knights brought by Yhwach finally reacted and stood in front of the other party.

As the seeds favored by Yhwach on weekdays, they were either members of the Royal Guards or had strength comparable to that of the Royal Guards.

No matter which one, their strength far exceeded that of veteran captains like Kyoraku Shunsui, and was second only to strong men like Yamamoto who could rival the Gotei 13.

But at this moment, none of them dared to attack Lin Yuan rashly, and could only stand in front of the other party and stare at him nervously.

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill easily."

"The knife just now was just to let you know that your Invisible Empire is as fragile and weak as the Jingling Court in my eyes."

Looking at the group of Quincy in front of him, Lin Yuan spoke slowly as if nothing had happened.

"Youhabach, now I give you a chance"

"Bring all Quincy to surrender, and do not attack the Hollows without my order to destroy their souls."

"If you can do this, I can spare your life."

"Spare me? How ridiculous!"

Yhwach put his palm on the wound.

Self-Given Healing was activated, and the horrible scar on his body was repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After doing all this, he looked at Lin Yuan in front of him again, grinning and laughing out loud.

"I admit you, unknown guy!"

"Your strength is indeed very strong, far surpassing Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, so it is not a surprise that you defeated him!"

"As a return gift for the knife just now, I will show you the power I prepared for that monk!"

Soul Recycling·Separation!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of roars sounded, and a series of light pillars fell from the sky, covering all the Quincies controlled by vines in the Court of Peace.

The power distributed in the past was quickly recovered, and the momentum of Youhabach increased by several levels in the blink of an eye.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, his pupils began to shake constantly, and finally split into three and kept wandering in his eyes.

"I can see it, I can see it all!"

Youhabach grinned and looked at Lin Yuan with a big laugh.

"Your death is clearer than I expected"

"It seems you have made your decision."

Lin Yuan raised his Zanpakutō again:"Since you are not prepared to surrender, I will grant you a painless death."

"Ignoring defense and distance, it is a fatal blow that can kill the enemy with just a thought. It is indeed very powerful."

Yhuhabach's pupils kept shaking, and countless futures kept reflecting in his mind.

Holy Word A - Omniscience.

This is the power of Youhabach after he got his eyes back. He can observe the future and rewrite the future, making it reflect in reality.

In terms of the nature of the ability, this power is even enough to rival Lin Yuan's immortality.

Under the full force of urging, Youhabach not only understood the ability of Lin Yuan's Zanpakutō, but also forcibly broke Lin Yuan's Zanpakutō by rewriting the future.

In an instant, half of the vast spiritual pressure in Youhabach's body disappeared.

Such a huge consumption?

I didn't expect that just rewriting the future of breaking a Zanpakutō would cost such a price. Youhabach's heart sank.

However, as the king of the Quincy, he knew very well that he could not reveal any flaws to the enemy in battle, and he still laughed at Lin Yuan.

No matter how huge the spiritual pressure consumed is, it is a fact that omniscience and omniscience were successfully activated.

Next, just take advantage of the moment when Lin Yuan's broken sword reveals a flaw to launch an attack......


Thousands of thoughts flashed through Yhwach's mind, but were finally interrupted by a crisp sound of a body being broken.

From his right shoulder to his left waist, a perfectly replicated wound appeared on his body.

The only difference was that Lin Yuan's���The slash directly cut him into two pieces.


Feeling the severe pain in his body, Habach stared at the Zanpakutō in Lin Yuan's hand in disbelief as he rewrote his own future of death with his eyes wide open.

"Why doesn't your knife break? I should have broken it in the future!"

"What a strange question.

Lin Yuan kindly gave the dying man an answer.

"Since you can rewrite the future and map it to reality"

"Then I can naturally use the same ability to rewrite the future to cover the future you rewrote."

The same ability? Use the newly created future to cover the future he rewrote?

Listening to Lin Yuan's words, Youhabach subconsciously raised his head and looked into Lin Yuan's eyes.

At this moment, he realized that Lin Yuan's eyes had changed from ordinary pupils to starry eyes without knowing when.

"open...What a joke!"

After recognizing those eyes, Youhabach roared in disbelief, echoing throughout the Silent Court.

"Why are you here, Spirit King?——!!!"

"You got the wrong person. I am not the Spirit King."

"You're talking bullshit!"

It was the first time that Yhwach cursed since his debut.

Apart from the omniscient and almighty Spirit King, who else could possibly have these eyes!......

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