Lin Yuan's request was rejected as expected.

According to the messenger girl, Lin Yuan's behavior could not be called gratitude at all, but was completely ungrateful.

Even if she had a semi-finished light cone, she would not give it to Lin Yuan.

In this regard, Lin Yuan naturally could not rob it like he did last time.

He is a man with a bottom line.

Unless the chat group task is triggered, it is impossible for him to do such a tasteless thing.

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Lin Yuan let the messenger girl go and returned to the hall to chat with Ji Zi and others. It was not until two system hours later that he ended the chat and walked to the back car, ready to appease San Yueqi.

But at this moment, a reminder from the chat group suddenly sounded.

【Chloe joins the chat group】


Looking at the door of March Seven's room not far away, Lin Yuan thought for two seconds and then pushed the door and walked into March Seven's room....My own room next door.

It is more important to check the chat group first.

Mine:"Welcome newcomer."

Nagisa Akane:"Welcome newcomer to the group."

Nobara Kugisaki:"Welcome, welcome, there is another newcomer."

Rukia Kuchiki:"Welcome~"

"Six-thirty-zero" Lin Yuan:"Welcome to the group."

As soon as he entered the chat group, he saw a series of customary welcome messages from other members.

After Rukia sent a welcome message, Lin Yuan temporarily turned his eyes away from the conversation in the chat group and opened the new member's profile card.

The other party's avatar was a girl with red hair and blue eyes, wearing goggles on her head and smiling on her face. She looked like a standard beauty. Hmm

, she looks a little familiar.

Looking at her strength again, she didn't enter the zero level.

She looked more familiar all of a sudden.

Lin Yuan looked at the name on the other side again.

"She is not strong enough, but her name contains the three characters"Kroni" and she is a red-haired girl......."

The memory was running at high speed, and Lin Yuan completed the retrieval of relevant information in just one breath.

"So that's it, is it her?"

Lin Yuan successfully recalled the newcomer's information.

Chronidora, the historical promoter of the game world.

After the Eternal War, she led humans to find a habitable area and established the only country of human race, Elkia.

If we only look at this experience, people who don't know her will definitely regard her as a famous figure in that world.

But in fact...Chloe, or the humans in the world of No Life, are truly the bottom of the world.

In the eyes of other races, humans are just a group of hairless monkeys.

There is nothing special about them except that they have strong vitality and can always survive in harsh environments.

Living in this environment, humans in the game world all have one common characteristic without exception - caution.

Kugisaki Nobara:"Strange? Where is the newcomer? Why hasn't he shown up?"

Lily Luka:"Maybe he's busy?"

Kuchiki Rukia:"It's possible. Let's wait and see."

Kuchiki Rukia:"When the newcomer has dealt with the important things in his hands, he may come out."

Lin Yuan:"Then wait a little longer."

Lin Yuan followed up with a sentence.

Of course, he didn't expect this.

A leader who has lived on the edge of death for many years and always walks on the tightrope.

Suddenly joining a chat group of the Ten Thousand Worlds that is obviously related to supernatural powers, what would he think at this time?

Lin Yuan thought about it from another perspective and came to a conclusion.

The other party would think, which race is this conspiracy from?

Magic released by the elves? Or is it an illusion of the vampires?

Pushing the door back into the dark and damp room, Kroni, who had just been communicating with the tribesmen with a smile on her face, suddenly became serious.

Looking at the panel in front of her that only she could see, and the messages that kept flashing on the panel, Kroni's brain began to work frantically.

Has the location of the tribe been discovered by other races?

But why didn't the other party take any action, but instead cast such a strange magic on her. Are they using her as an experiment? Or are there other conspiracies?

All kinds of thoughts kept flashing through her mind, and a trace of cold sweat slid down Kroni's forehead.

No, there are too many possibilities.

No matter which one, once the wrong reaction is made, the people in the tribe will die with her.

Listening to the clearly audible heartbeat in her chest, Kroni swallowed her saliva, her eyes fixed on the chat group in front of her.

Even if it is to let everyone live one more second, she must not act rashly.

"Looks like there's a lot of waiting to do."

Lin Yuan temporarily left the chat group.

After Chloe joined the group, he and the other people in the group chatted for a full hour.

During this time, the chat group's conversations were so many that there were more than 999, not to mention 99+.

There was no need to wait any longer.

Temporarily putting aside his concern for Chloe, Lin Yuan left the room and knocked on the door next door twice.

"March, are you there?"

"Lin Yuan?"

A voice with a hint of surprise came from inside the room.

A few seconds later, the door of the room was opened, and San Yueqi, with dew on the ends of her hair, poked her head out.

After seeing that the person who came was indeed Lin Yuan, San Yueqi subconsciously felt happy and a faint smile appeared on her face.

But soon, as if she remembered something, she immediately froze her pretty face and snorted coldly and said

"What are you doing here? I promised not to talk to you today."

""Okay, okay, don't be angry."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and summoned a set of heavy blue and pink clothing, and handed it to March Seven.

"I went to a planet covered in ice and snow."

"I had nothing to do on weekdays, so I made a snow suit that fits your body shape. Would you like to try it?"

"Eh? Is this a gift for me?"

"That's right, if you accept it, you can't be angry anymore"

"Hehe~ I'll forgive you this time." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Sanyueqi took the clothes contentedly and gestured to his body twice

"Lin Yuan, your craftsmanship is still as good as ever. Next time you have time, please teach me how to make clothes."

"This thing is like making figurines, it requires some talent. If you want to learn, you can try, but if you can't learn it, don't bother me..0"

"Don't worry, I know this kind of rules."

Sanyueqi accepted the clothes and showed a happy smile from the bottom of her heart.

"That's great. Lin Yuan, you are still the same as before. This way, I can rest assured."

"What hasn’t changed?"

"Of course it's you!"

Sanyueqi replied as if it was a matter of course:"I know the legend about the cursed Envoy of the Order of Fertility."


"Yes, Lin Yuan, don't you know"

"have no idea"

"Eh? Is this true?"

"Of course it's true."

Lin Yuan became interested:"This is the first time I've heard of a curse. Can you elaborate on it?"

"Um...Actually, I don’t know much about this."

Sanyueqi replied,"This is a legend I heard by chance on a planet more than 20 days ago."

At this point, Sanyueqi suddenly lowered his voice and spoke slowly, like a background narration in a story.

【The Envoys of Abundance are special Envoys. Without exception, they are all creatures who have gained power from the Star God without any effort.】

【Others look at him with envy, but they don't know that there is no free lunch in this world.】[]

【The Envoy of the Order of Abundance who has gained great power for no reason will be cursed by a monster.】

【Under the power of this curse, the bottom line in the heart of the Order of Abundance will be constantly worn away and melted away.】

【As time goes by, all the Envoys who lose their bottom line will turn into monsters without exception.】

【They have bad personalities, kill innocent people indiscriminately, lead the people of abundance to wander in the universe, plunder everything wantonly, and eventually go to destruction.】

"Ahem ~ That’s basically it."

"I see."

Lin Yuan nodded in understanding:"So you think I was cursed, so I turned a blind eye to your car accident and laughed at you afterwards?"

"Yes, you were not like this before."

March Seven nodded her head.

Although Lin Yuan used to play some pranks, he would never go too far.

For example, when they were doing space jump for the second time, she challenged to jump while standing and hurt her head.

Lin Yuan immediately helped to heal her, unlike this time when he completely ignored her and laughed at her afterwards.

Compared with the past, the change is really huge.


"I may have been overthinking this, as legends are not reliable."

March Seven waved the clothes in his hand and said,"Lin Yuan, you are still as good as before, I like you the most!"

"Um...I will accept your confession for now, but there is one thing I should correct.

Looking at Sanyueqi who suddenly waved his hands in panic to indicate that he was not confessing, Lin Yuan said

"Actually, the curse you mentioned is real."


March Seven, who was originally shy, was stunned for a moment.

Did she just hear something?......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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