At the same time when Lin Yuan returned to the Black Tower Space Station.

The energy fluctuations caused by his fights with Fen Feng and Nanook in the Momu Star System attracted a lot of attention.

Especially the battle between Lin Yuan and Nanook. The confrontation between star gods is always the most concerned issue for all the major forces in the universe.

In addition, after separating from Lin Yuan, Aha, who was ready to stir up trouble for fun, began to promote the spread of things.

In just a few system hours, all the major forces in the universe received relevant information.

Luofu Fairy Boat, Shen Ce Mansion.

Some data streams rose up and turned into a petite figure.

After landing, Fu Xuan looked around and finally looked at the window not far away.

"General, the results about the Momu Galaxy are out"

"Oh? Is the efficiency so fast this time?"

"Um...It seemed as if an invisible hand had secretly cleared the fog, and he had calculated the desired result without much effort through the Qiongguan array divination."

Invisible big hand?"

Jing Yuan narrowed his eyes, and all kinds of possibilities flashed through his mind.

There was basically only one kind of existence that could be described by Fu Xuan in this way.

"It seems that the changes in the Momu Galaxy are indeed related to the Star God."

"That’s right, and it was the Destroyer Star God himself."

Fu Xuan replied with a serious expression:"General, you may not believe it, but judging from the divination results...Not long ago, someone had a brief fight with the Star God and even survived."

"......Then what?"

"I don't know about 26. I only calculated up to this step, and the rest is blank."


But it is worth mentioning that after this battle, the Momu Galaxy seems to have regained its vitality."?"

Rejuvenated? Hearing this

, even an experienced person like Jing Yuan could not help but be stunned....Isn't this right?

Didn't the God of Destruction Nanook personally descend upon the Momu Galaxy and even fight a certain existence?

Trampled by the symbol of destruction, the Momu Galaxy was lucky to have any wreckage left, how could it be revived again?

Could it be that...

"The person who fought Nanook was the pharmacist?"

"I don't know, but...General, I received another special intelligence. Not long ago, the Black Tower seemed to have activated some kind of powerful weapon on the Azure Star. The target is unknown."


Jing Yuan chuckled and instantly understood what Fu Xuan meant.

As General Luofu, he naturally knew about the commission that Black Tower had sent to the Immortal Boat Alliance.

Similarly, he also knew that Fu Xuan had found out that there were ancient beast corpses in the Momu Star System not long ago and sold the news to Black Tower.

Previously, because this matter involved the Star God, Jing Yuan did not associate too much with Black Tower.

But now Fu Xuan���Now that we have mentioned high-powered weapons, this is a very interesting matter.

"Mr. Fu, I'll trouble you to conduct a thorough investigation next."

"Isn't this your job, General?"

"The more capable you are, the more work you should do. As long as you can find out the truth, it will be a great achievement. You may be able to take over from me."

"Great contribution?"

Fu Xuan instantly perked up.

"Since you said so, General, you must keep your word and wait for good news from me here."

Fu Xuan's figure flashed, and his delicate body composed of data streams collapsed.

Seeing this, Jing Yuan, who had drawn a big pie casually, shook his head helplessly and sighed helplessly. He is still too young. It is not a good thing to be so impatient.

Pierpoint, Interstellar Peace Company Headquarters

"You should have heard about the incident in the Momu Galaxy."

At the temporary meeting of the Strategic Investment Department, a calm voice sounded in the encrypted channel.

"According to my investigation, this incident may be related to the Black Tower."

"Black tower?"

"I heard that the God of Destruction took action in the Momu Galaxy"

"Interesting, it seems there are other inside stories in this matter."

Several processed mechanical sounds rang out, and the ten people of Shixin, who were called the company's elites, responded one after another.

Obviously, even though they had seen many storms, they were also curious about the inside story of this matter.

"Diamond, I remember you seem to have contact with the Black Tower, can you directly get the relevant information from me?"

"I have tried it.

Diamond's voice sounded:"As for the results...Heita seemed to be in a bad mood. He hung up after saying a few words."

"So what are you going to do next?"

"I want to send someone to the space station to temporarily station there and try to get some information."

"Hmm? Is it really necessary to go this far?"

"My intuition tells me that there are interests within this matter that surpass all the past"

"As long as we find the center of this matter,...In other words, the company has the opportunity to go further"


Can it bring huge benefits to the company?

After hearing Diamond's speech, the ten people in Stone Heart who were about to recommend themselves fell silent.

This doesn't sound like something a normal person can do.

Rather than rashly speaking and accepting the task, which will eventually lead to the failure of the task, it is better to listen to Diamond's arrangement.

"Topa, your work should be almost finished."

"Well, I have reached a consensus with the manager of Xius Star. He is going to sign a contract at the founding ceremony in a few days to represent Xius Star in joining the company."

"I'll leave the Black Tower Space Station to you."


Who will be in charge of the Black Tower Space Station?


Although Topa had been prepared when she heard Diamond's name, she didn't expect that the other party would let her go alone.

It's not that Topa didn't have confidence in herself, it was just that the matter was a bit too complicated.

And more importantly, Topa was usually responsible for negotiations and debt collection, and she was really not good at inquiring about intelligence. (To read the exciting novels, just go to Faloo Xiao��.com!)

After thinking about it, Topa didn't hold back and replied truthfully.

"Diamond, this mission...I may not be able to finish it"

"It's okay, it's just a small attempt"

"Even if you can't complete it, it won't affect your performance."

"......I see, but can I ask one more thing before we go?"

"Why choose you?"


"I suspect this matter is related to the Harvest Order you met last time, it's that simple."

The Harvest Order you met last time?

Topa, who was far away on the planet Zeus, was stunned for a moment, and then reacted instantly.

It was Hashirama Senju!

Recalling the other party's performance in the Laoyel galaxy last time, he single-handedly defeated the Zerg swarm, and Topa understood clearly.

If it was the other party, it was indeed possible that he would be involved in a major event of the Star God level.

"I understand. Leave this to me."......[]

"I feel like so many people are thinking about me all of a sudden."

In the space station, Lin Yuan, who had just calmed down Black Tower, returned to his room and looked out the window at the stars in the distance. With the power of the Spirit King and the power of the five great envoys, Lin Yuan's strength has already stepped half a foot into the realm of the seventh level.

Although he has not yet completely broken through, after entering this stage, Lin Yuan is very sensitive to his own existence.

It's okay for ordinary people.

If some powerful people mention him, Lin Yuan will feel it vaguely.

And from the beginning, he noticed that his reputation seemed to spread all over the universe.

Even if they didn't call him by name, there were still many envoy-level beings who mentioned him in conversations through various names.

"It seems that Ah Ha made the move."

Lin Yuan instantly identified the culprit.

That bastard had mentioned that he wanted to spread this matter when they met before.

When it comes to his own fun, the other party's efficiency will definitely be higher than usual.

Otherwise, the news of his fight with Nanook would never have spread so quickly.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan silently made a note of Ah Ha in his heart.

You like to watch fun, right? I'll make you the fun in the future.

Knock~! Knock~! Knock~!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

After noticing who the 857 breath outside the door was, Lin Yuan temporarily put this matter behind his mind, walked over to open the door and said hello.

"Yo~ My dear wife, have a good evening"

"Good evening, dear."

Ruan Mei, wearing a cheongsam as usual, nodded slightly, with a gentle smile on her delicate face.

"I'm here to give you a present."

"Oh? Are you finally going to reveal the answer? I've been looking forward to it for several system hours."

"Since you are looking forward to it so much, my dear, would you like to guess what gift I prepared for you?"

"Optimized Spirit King template?"


"The template of the divine body that you worked so hard to create?"

"Insufficient data to build"

"I can't think of that."

Lin Yuan shrugged, indicating that he had tried his best.

He had looked when Ruan Mei knocked on the door just now, and there was nothing hidden in the corridor around.

In other words, the so-called gift was on Ruan Mei.

Since it had nothing to do with the soul of the spirit king or the body of the god, he really couldn't think of anything else that could improve his strength.

"You can't be planning to give yourself to me as a gift, Ruan Mei, my dear?"

"Well, you guessed it."


"Are you surprised? I am the same way."

Ruan Mei took off her gloves, and her white and delicate hands touched Lin Yuan's neck, and slid down to open his buttons.

"Dear, after what happened today, I realized that you are still far from being strong enough."

"You can't die, at least not before I finish building my divine body."

"To prevent similar things from happening again, I need to open up a new destiny for you and strengthen your strength."


There is such a good thing?

Looking at Ruan Mei who took the initiative to deliver the goods to his door, Lin Yuan slowly had a few question marks on his head.

Although he didn't know what happened, Nanook, you did a good job anyway!

I'll slap you less next time we meet!......

This is my mother: Naruto789

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