The Star Train, a group of nameless guests travel through many worlds, connecting every world at the same time.

As nameless guests who expand the boundaries of the universe, they naturally have face wherever they go.

But in front of the emotionless bugs, face is far less attractive than bread.

“Ah!!!” After a loud high note, Sanyueqi fell onto the sofa with a plop, his whole body exuding a sense of resentment.

“That group of bugs is so annoying!”When she thought of those bugs full of the will to reproduce, Sanyueqi couldn’t help but get goose bumps. She turned over, and her two white and tender legs rolled up and down, rolling and rolling, almost squeezing Xing next to her.

After dodging, Xing looked at Sanyueqi rolling around and suddenly had an idea, and wanted to separate the sofa.

Before she could officially implement it, Sanyueqi became more and more angry, and sat up straight, and the two looked at each other, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Sanyueqi narrowed his eyes slightly, and made a questioning sound.


Ji Zi, who had just finished preparing the coffee, couldn’t help but laugh when she saw the two kids like this. She walked over to the two of them and put down the tray in her hand.

“Well, let’s have a cup of coffee to relax.”

“……Ahem, Jizi, I don’t think I’m that angry, yes, that’s right”

“”Yes, yes, yes!”

Xing nodded repeatedly, agreeing with March Seven’s statement.

In the face of a life-and-death crisis, annoying bugs are not important.

“So, where are we now?”

Sanyueqi asked as he calmly moved the coffee to Danheng’s position.

Danheng glanced at the coffee approaching him and said calmly

“According to the current route, we should be near a planet called Yalilo. This planet lost contact with the universe hundreds of years ago for some reason, but it is said that this planet has reappeared in the eyes of the universe in recent years.”

Ji Zi nodded slightly:”Yalilo was a famous transit station in the universe at the beginning, but it fell into decline after being targeted by the antimatter army. Later, I only heard that some kind of severe cold disaster broke out there, and Yalilo lost contact with the universe.”

“Um, Jizi, you are not talking about that green planet, are you?”


After hearing what Sanyueqi said, Jizi subconsciously looked out the window and was stunned for a moment.

She saw a planet in the universe that exuded endless life breath and was quietly hovering. The vibrant colors made people fascinated.

“……According to the navigation information, it is indeed Yaliluo.”

Ji Zi was also confused by this sudden change for a moment. Could it be that her information is outdated?

“I’m afraid something has changed in Yalilo.”

Walter, who had disappeared since Jizi started to adjust the coffee, finally came back at this time, holding a cup of black tea in his hand, as if he wanted to prove something.

“The instrument detected scattered imaginary energy on Yalilo. It must be the imaginary soldiers left behind by the antimatter army. Now they have awakened again because of Yalilo’s revival.”

“Eh?! Isn’t Yalilo very dangerous?”

“Not really. According to my observation, there seems to be someone on Yalilo who is specifically cleaning up the virtual soldiers. Either the people from the universe have entered Yalilo, or Yalilo has successfully withstood the antimatter army and the strange disaster.”

Ji Zi chuckled:”No matter which one it is, the train has stopped in front of Yalilo. Everyone, are you interested in visiting Yalilo?” Ji Zi said, looking at Xing who was silent on the side, stretched out her hand, and spoke softly

“Although this pioneering journey is a little different from the past, it is also a rare experience. Let’s go together.”


“Huh?”Godzilla was still a little unaccustomed to not having someone to take care of his tail. He suddenly stopped swinging his tail as usual, opened his eyes, and looked upwards.

“Such a familiar energy fluctuation, food is delivered to my door?”


“Ouch, could you be more stable when landing? My butt almost broke into pieces.”

March Seven patted his back and pouted.

“Who told you to keep moving?” Dan Heng was speechless, and immediately looked around.

At this moment, they were surrounded by green plants, and all around were towering trees that were tens of meters high.

Dan Heng stretched out his hand and pressed on a tree beside him.

“A very lively tree, this forest is full of vitality”

“Are we going to fall into some primitive jungle? Ah! Are we going to start a wilderness survival game? No!”

March Seven continued to perform steadily, and everyone got used to her liveliness.

“This thing……”Xing was slightly possessed, her curious eyes staring at the small red fruits on a bush. They were so beautiful. A beautiful big sister wouldn’t lie. Beautiful fruits should be delicious too, right?

“Ah!”Actions are always faster than thoughts, and I swallowed it down in one gulp.

“”What are you eating?” San Yueqi shouted in panic.

Xing stood up and turned to look at them, holding two bunches of fruits in his hands, with his cheeks bulging:”This is delicious, do you want some?”

“”Uh.” Everyone looked at her in silence. After a moment, Dan Heng spoke again.

“She has a star core in her body, so she should be fine.”

Even the star core can be contained, he couldn’t think of how this ordinary little fruit could poison her. Walter adjusted his glasses and picked one to observe.

This fruit is very similar to many fruits he has seen, but if you look closely, there are differences. It should be a specialty of this planet.

At this time

“Hey! What are you doing?”

A slightly panicked voice came, followed by a rustling sound, and the bushes were parted, and two people, one tall and one short, walked out.

“Big sister and little kid?” Sanyueqi said, looking at the pair curiously.

“What a little kid! You should call me Lord Dark Hook!”Hearing March Seven’s address, Hook immediately got angry and waved the hole machine at Hook.

“There are Xuzu wandering around here, it’s very dangerous, why are you here, and…” Natasha frowned slightly, expressing her anger at these people running around, but her eyes were quickly attracted by the water stains at the corners of Xing’s mouth and the red fruit in her hand, and she asked uncertainly

“That fruit is poisonous, you probably didn’t eat it, did you?”

Sanyueqi shook his head and pointed at Xing.

“She ate it.”

Xing was startled and said quickly:”I’m fine”


As soon as she finished speaking, she showed what it meant to lie like a zombie, lying face up with her eyes closed peacefully.

“Hey! Don’t die!”


In a daze, Xing opened her eyes and felt her head spinning. She saw Ji Zi chatting with a very mature older sister, who was looking at her while chatting.

“Hey! You’re awake!”


Xing coughed a few times. The weight of Sanyueqi made him feel at ease. The corners of his mouth twitched. He looked at Sanyueqi who was pounced on him and blinked his eyes at him with good intentions, and said what he was really thinking at the moment.

“I’m dizzy again.”


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