“Although it is a pity, it is difficult to stop Huanlong from leaving with just you and this mighty beast. It is such a pity.”

After a little adjustment, it seems really a pity, Huanlong even pretended to sigh.

“Oh, don’t be too confident in everything. The experience of our ancestors warns us that it is best not to celebrate before the results are settled.”

Walter held his glasses with one hand, the mirror reflected the light from nowhere, and his cane tapped the ground rhythmically.

“Uncle Yang must have thought of some new way to play a prank on me.”


Ignoring the two little ones behind him, Walter smiled.

“The King of Monsters’ wrath will not dissipate until the enemy is completely no longer a threat.”


Walter just finished speaking, staring at the illusory Godzilla with a fierce look, and then a heat wave turned into substance, spreading around at a speed that ordinary people could not perceive.

When this heat wave swept across the world, countless tiny particles became visible in front of everyone.

“That is! The secret medicine mist of the King of Medicine.” Seeing these particles, Fu Xuan’s face changed, and he instantly understood Huanlong’s intention.

It was probably because he saw that those people who were taught by the King of Medicine were useless, so he personally took action. No wonder she took the initiative to show up. She thought this guy wanted to deal with the style of his colleagues Xing Xiao and Fen Feng.

It is hard to imagine that if this evil method works, what kind of conflict will break out in the Cloud Riders. The colleagues who used to train and play together suddenly fell into the devil’s Yin…


“This is another huge favor I owe him. Wait! General, you can’t?!”

Fu Xuan first looked at Godzilla and sighed, then turned the gun to Jing Yuan who was still in the air.

“Uh, haha, Fu Qing really has an unparalleled eye, but this time I really didn’t notice it at first, and it was the temperature brought by Brother Godzilla when he just came to support that made me notice it. Don’t worry, these powders have lost their effectiveness before they can really play their role.””Five Eight Seven”

“You have found it! General, you are such a bad guy!”


“Let’s stop talking nonsense here. Since you have discovered me, I have no choice but to take my leave. Goodbye, everyone.~~”

Knowing that he would not make any progress if he stayed any longer today, and would be attacked by everyone, Huanlong waved his hand and said goodbye to everyone.

But how could Godzilla let this culprit go, especially since this culprit smelled so good?……

“Peng!”The azure atomic breath, wrapped in high temperature, attacked Huanlong who was about to leave openly!

Facing this thick and long attack, Huanlong calmly drew a circle in front of himself.

Although Jianmu was pressed down, the rich power she obtained was not fake. At least if someone stripped this power from her body, or she did something with it, this power would be for her to use.

“Hey, look, maybe I used too much force just now and now I have no strength left?”

The atomic breath failed to penetrate Huanlong, and Huanlong’s teasing habit suddenly came back.

“Oh! Godzilla can’t beat her? There’s no need to talk about morality with this guy, let’s fight shoulder to shoulder!”March Seven shouted and was about to rush to join the battlefield.

But Xing pulled him by the collar and he couldn’t move an inch. He almost died from the force.

Rubbing his red neck, March Seven was about to speak, but a finger stood in front of his lips.




Huanlong became more and more proud, but his desire to escape remained unchanged.

“Huh?!” Just as she was about to leave the cave, she felt a strange gravitational force making her feel uncomfortable. She looked closely and saw that several devices had appeared in all directions. She didn’t know what they were called, but she was well-informed and quickly recognized that they were special devices used to imprison energy life.……

“General Shen Ce is really arrogant for wanting to imprison a great lord of extinction in his prime.”

“Really?” Facing Huanlong who didn’t care at all, Jing Yuan smiled slightly. The next moment he stepped back, with the God in front of him, blocking the direction where Huanlong might rush.

“Brother Godzilla, we are ready!” With a loud shout, Jing Yuan changed his hand gestures, and the suction force instantly increased!

Huanlong didn’t care at first, but the next second her face changed.

“”Ang!” With a roar from Godzilla, he stopped attacking. Huanlong felt that her power was declining!

To be precise, it was her energy as an energy life form that was weakening! Although it was very weak, you have to know that she is an extinction lord! Even a wisp of energy is powerful beyond the imagination of mortals!

“It’s you!”

Huanlong turned around suddenly and pointed at Godzilla, who was not hiding anything.

At this moment, visible energy fluids were flowing towards Godzilla and were absorbed by him. There was no doubt that all the energy came from Huanlong. Huanlong rushed around, trying to find a breakthrough, but Godzilla’s sudden increase in energy absorption, coupled with these well-prepared equipment and the support of the God King, gave her no chance to escape.

And she suddenly felt a stronger suction coming

“”Ah!” When the suction came, Huanlong’s mouth was forcibly opened, and a stream of pure energy flowed out with her mouth. She was controlled in mid-air and surrounded by Godzilla, God, Walter and others.

Unwillingly, the rich power in Huanlong’s body was absorbed by Godzilla, and she turned back to her original appearance.

A ball of energy life.

Finally captured by the closed hexagonal bronze vessel.

But even so, her voice was still loud.

Well, most of them were words of praise for Jingyuan. Don’t worry, General Luofu has to worry about these praises every day, and he almost handled them.


The vessel that was about to fall was caught by Godzilla’s tail and brought to him flexibly.

Looking at this work with satisfaction, Godzilla let out a joyful roar.

He has been coveting Huanlong, this energy life, for a long time, but if he relies on himself now, it is difficult to catch her before she escapes, but she actually took the initiative to run to the fairy boat, so he accepted it without hesitation.

“Uh, is that the end?” Sanyueqi’s mouth twitched slightly, and then he looked at Walter who was watching the show.

“Uncle Yang, you had expected this result, didn’t you?”

Hearing Sanyueqi’s question, Walter nodded slightly and said with a smile:”Godzilla’s attack will not be so weak, not to mention that Huanlong is the Lord of Extinction who is not good at head-on confrontation. Relying on the power of Fengrao, Godzilla’s attack will not be invincible. If Fengrao has such a good defense, how should Cunhu Mingtu deal with it?”

“Haha, Mr. Walter is right. Xianzhou has dealt with many evil creatures. We know the details of these things very well.”

Slowly falling, Jing Yuan laughed, obviously in a good mood.

At this time, Fu Taibu, who had been waiting for an opportunity for a long time, coughed lightly and said slowly

“The general is delighted with the victory, and I share the same feeling, but there are guests coming, so should you settle them first? After all, they have been through a long journey and a tough battle, and even I know what to do now.”

Listening to Fu Xuan’s serious report, Jing Yuan felt a chill on his back, and keenly smelled the murderous intent in the air.


Yalilo, Beloberg, Klipperburg Grand Guardian Office

“Huh, so Lord Godzilla went to Luofu Xianzhou to help?” Cocolia and Bronya breathed a sigh of relief at the same time and said

“Well, and according to the news sent by Xing Gang, the current situation has been stabilized, and Lord Godzilla should be back soon. Of course, it is not ruled out that Lord Godzilla will have the idea of playing in Luofu for a while.”Yukong also breathed a sigh of relief. The Great Lord of Extinction attacked Luofu Fairy Boat. This kind of drama is not fun.

Thirty years ago, Luofu Fairy Boat experienced a great war. Blood and fire filled the battlefield, making it difficult to tell the direction. Now that the Great Lord of Extinction has come in person, she did not expect that she could solve it perfectly. She did not dare to think about it.

Although it is a good thing, Cocolia is also happy that Yukong’s hometown has not suffered, but…

Cocolia’s expression is tangled, like a shy little girl.

“Um, Yukong, could you please help me contact and ask Lord Godzilla when he will come back?”


“I always feel that the Grand Master seems to have something to say to Jing Yuan.”March Seven’s eyes rolled around, and his right hand gestured to his chin.

“Haha, sometimes subordinates who are particularly capable and daring may also bring some unexpected headaches to their superiors.”

“Uncle Yang’s tone as an experienced person……”

“Speaking of which, what should Big Brother do? He’s so big, Xianzhou won’t just watch him banging on the street, right?”

Xing tilted his head and thought for a while, but still couldn’t figure out how Godzilla could walk on the street without scaring the Xianzhou people.

After all, his size is there, and ordinary Xianzhou people are just about the same in appearance as the short-lived species. Godzilla standing there is like a towering wall, and it’s impossible for him to be safe. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even if Godzilla took the initiative to smile at them, some timid people would probably think that he was going to use him as an appetizer.

“I have discussed this with the general. The general said that the Scaled Abyss Realm is good. It has the Cloud Riders guarding it, and we don’t have to worry about the people on the Immortal Boat who have just experienced a disaster and will have a stress reaction when they see Godzilla.”

The two nodded, not quite understanding.

“I think I should stay here with my brother.”

“Oh, who can bully such a big guy? I’m telling you, that small Taibu just stared at Dan Heng, and the star core hunter with a knife just now, what if one of them gets into trouble? Don’t you need to call for support?”[]

Sanyueqi was pushing Xing from behind, and his two feet were driving fast. Seeing this scene, Walter couldn’t help but laugh. He looked back at the calm sea surface and saw a black shadow slowly walking towards them.

Walter could see a thick and long tail in the mist greeting them.


Qingque looked at her own fortune teller and the general returning from afar and was about to greet them, but Radar, who was a slacker, suddenly reminded her that it was best not to offend her own fortune teller at this time.

So she stood on tiptoe, shrank her body, and quietly tried to slip away by sticking to the wall.



“Come with me”


In the end, Qingque still didn’t escape.

Fu Taibu’s reputation has always been well-known in Luofu. In addition to the divination calculations of Taibu, many people would ask for peace of mind and ask the fortune tellers of Taibu to tell their fortunes.

But today, Fu Xuan made everyone avoid him.

In Shen Ce Mansion, the crowd separated like the tide and looked at Fu Xuan quietly. Jing Yuan and the dejected Qingque walked away.

“Hiss~, why is Jing Yuan walking behind? He seems to be a little afraid of Fu Taibu.”Qing Tu asked in confusion

“Hey, it’s probably that the general has offended Fu Taibu again, and he is in the wrong, otherwise, wouldn’t the general look guilty?”

“Yes, my neighbor’s wife and her husband also felt guilty when they found out that the other was cheating on her.”

“Hmm~, huh?! Let’s talk about it in detail!”


Blocking out the outside sound, Fu Xuan put one hand on his waist, turned around and looked at the two people in front of him


“Fu Qing”


“This is actually”

“Jing Yuan!”

“Ahem, this is a long story, let me tell you one by one.”

Adhering to the principle of telling the truth when caught, Jing Yuan quickly told what he had done behind Fu Xuan’s back.

There was nothing to hide, especially since Fu Xuan was good at calculations. She had sensed something wrong when they were in the Scale Abyss Realm before. Hiding this situation would only backfire.

“In other words, you have discovered a way to suppress the demonic body. No, you have already determined a way to suppress the demonic body.……”Fu Xuan murmured, and the voice behind him became weaker and weaker.

“And then you kept it a secret!!!” The suddenly raised voice startled Qingque, and her hair almost blew up. Jingyuan’s eyes were erratic, and he didn’t look at her from the front.

“Do you know how important this matter is to Xianzhou?! Do you know what your responsibilities are?! You even sent Yukong out. Do you know what would happen if a Liuyu was in danger while on duty?! You, you, you!” Fu Xuanqi’s twin ponytails almost jumped up and hammered General

“Ahem, this is not something I didn’t know beforehand, or I only discovered it after I flew over there.”

“This is not an excuse! How long has Yukong been gone? I have come to ask about Yukong’s whereabouts more than once. Are you just trying to evade me? Okay, Jingyuan, I will report this to the alliance! When the time comes, you can just wait and give up the position of general to me!”

Fu Xuan was about to leave angrily, but Jingyuan hurriedly stopped him.

“Fu Qing, don’t be angry. Anger is harmful to your health. Um, Qingque, go get Fu Qing a cup of tea, the best kind. Go ask Qingyu for some tea.”

“Oh oh.” Qingque nodded his little head and quickly left this place of trouble.

After Qingque left, Jingyuan said seriously:”Fu Qing, it’s not that I want to conceal this, but this is a serious matter. Godzilla was at Yalilo No. 6 at that time. What if the company’s people took the initiative to attack… Do you know the consequences?”

“……”Fu Xuan naturally knew.

The Immortal Boat Alliance had paid a huge price to eradicate the power of Fengrao. Even so, only six of the nine Immortal Boats were left, and the Alliance left simultaneously. The people of Fengrao launched a protracted war, but there was still no hope.

If those guys in the company knew about Godzilla’s ability, it goes without saying how they would use this bargaining chip to threaten the Alliance.


Fu Xuan narrowed her eyes slightly, and the image of Godzilla falling from the sky and his subsequent ferocity emerged in her mind.

Even the Lord of Extinction was captured, so she didn’t believe that the company would really dare to do it.

3.6″Then, are you going to keep Godzilla in the Immortal Boat now?” Fu Xuan said after a moment of silence. Unexpectedly, the general shook his head after hearing this. Fu Xuan widened his eyes in disbelief. Just as he was about to give Jing Yuan a beautiful greeting, he heard him say…

“Godzilla’s coming and going should be decided by himself.”

Thinking of the way Godzilla appeared, Fu Xuan was silent.

Indeed, if he came in that way, I’m afraid Xianzhou couldn’t stop him, and didn’t dare to stop him. Besides, according to the etiquette of Xianzhou, it was impossible to treat meritorious officials in that way.

“So, Mr. Fu, I asked Yukong to go there just to build a good relationship with him. As far as I know, Miss Tingyun of Tianbo Division has a good relationship with Godzilla, and they are close enough to each other without any trouble.”

“Oh, where are the guards who used to be always by your side?”

“……Haha, it turns out that nothing can be hidden from Fu Qing.”Jing Yuan laughed.

Fu Xuan snorted, thought for a moment, and said:”General, this matter is serious. I can help you, but the alliance……”

“As usual, the Great Lord of Extinction, Huanlong, wanted to destroy Luofu, but fortunately, Wumingke and Godzilla helped and successfully captured him. Huanlong himself was handed over to Godzilla for disposal.”

Jing Yuan waved his hand and directly confirmed the news to be reported.

Fu Xuan nodded slightly.

It was clear who was the biggest hero in this battle. The captives should be dealt with by Godzilla, and Fu Xuan knew that Jing Yuan took the initiative to bring it up because there must be some connection between Huanlong and Godzilla.

What is the connection?

Fu Xuan couldn’t think of it. One is a giant beast and the other is an energy life form. The two are not related anyway, right?

“Hey, tea is here.”

Just as the atmosphere between the two of them eased, Qingque came over with a tray.

He put down the tray and was about to leave. Suddenly, Fu Xuan’s eyes flashed.

“Qingque, how are you handling the task I assigned to you earlier?”

“Eh? Ahahaha, Master Taibu has given me too many tasks, I wonder which one you are talking about?”

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