【Exposing the Seventh Evil Deed of the Scourge Empire!】

【Crush planets and destroy galaxies!】

【Just to create an emperor Lu Yao’s own hobby!】

【A so-called galactic miracle that is 100% livable but is actually a prison of civilization!】

【Ring world! 】

In the flight cabin,

Liuying looked at the huge halo that was getting closer and closer.

The surprise in her eyes was no less than in her vague memory.

It was the first time she saw the huge Knights of Grammer of the Sky Empire!

They were mecha knights that could fight against various adult insects.

But compared with the increasingly clear ring world in front of her, they were not of the same order of magnitude!

As for her own Sam mecha, it was not that it could not travel in space.


Liuying did not want to risk exposing her true identity now – the current Yaliluo Six Star Region must be the focus of the entire universe!

“Pioneering train”

“Interstellar Peace Corporation”

“There is also Pinocchio, Xianzhou Luofu”


The gentle sound of fireflies���Trembling.

She remembered again, the memory of the past, which had brought countless nightmares in her dreams even in the freezer!

The cosmic insect swarm!

The cosmic insect plague that destroyed the Sky Empire, destroyed the Grammer Knights, and destroyed herself until she was the only one left!

They must also be staring at this ring world!

Although Liuying already has the ability to fight against a planetary insect plague alone.

But Liuying knows better!

When the cosmic insect plague was at its peak, it swept half of the universe!

In comparison, Sam’s power is still not enough!

“There might be a war soon.……”

Don’t even think about it!

Liuying bit her lips gently. Her lips were trembling slightly.

No one could have imagined that behind such a beautiful and pure girl, there was an incurable disease that would destroy the universe – entropy.

Even if you risk entropy, contracting this disease will cause your physical structure to fall into irreversible chronic dissociation.

In the real world, most of the time is spent in the cold medical cabin.

“Compared to contacting the Scourge Empire, even… even being able to meet the Emperor Lu Yao”

“Breaking the Fate”

“Living towards death”

“What is this about entropy loss?”

Liu Ying’s clear eyes were fixed on the ring world that was getting closer and closer.

The wrinkles on his face that indicated the progression of entropy loss were looming.

“Scourge Empire, Emperor Luyao, can you free this world from the nightmare of the Zerg?”




At this moment, the universe collapsed.

Everyone’s eyes dared not leave this ring world for a moment!


No one knows what this ring world is for now!

Just when everyone was waiting for the heavenly book to be exposed for an explanation, a scene that shocked everyone appeared!

The Yalilo Six-planet, which had just changed into something else.

Suddenly, it was like an invisible giant hand was tearing it apart!

A giant hand belonging to Emperor Lu Yao!


Tear apart every piece of Yalilo Six!

One piece after another cracked, one piece after another broke!

The earth, the mountains, the glaciers and the oceans that had been frozen for a hundred years!

All were torn apart like a jigsaw puzzle!

Then… then every piece!

All stuck to this huge ring-shaped floating belt!

Ms. Black Tower was the first to scream!


“What’s going on!”

The first time the universe collapsed, the people saw what it meant to be real, visible and tangible, shaping nature!

The screws were buzzing and the machinery was humming!

The mechanical sound used to be so steady.

Now it was shaking like a mechanical watch that was falling apart!

“According to estimates……”

“This ring world spans the entire galaxy”

“The size is even larger than the previous synaptic condenser and science hub!”

“The entire Yalilo Six has completely disintegrated!”

The little rich woman Estelle, wearing high heels barefoot, stomped on the ground fiercely!

“It’s broken! What about the remains of the power of preservation on this planet… and the star core!!!”

“If it overflows, the surrounding galaxies might suffer… Wait?”

The next moment, the face of the rich woman Estelle turned pale! The ancient spiritual power sneered in the exposure book :

【This is what happens if you don’t work together to fight the Scourge Empire.】

【Look at the remains of creation on this planet, and the fate of the star core.……】


Company headquarters.


Exclamations resounded throughout the planet!

Because everyone witnessed it for the first time.

If the Burning God Soldiers previously annihilated the Shakin Mother System, it was the destructive power of the Empire.

Then this time, what everyone saw was the reshaping power of the Scourge Empire!

Whether it was the Black Tower,

Screw Gum, or the Doctor of Truth Latio, the rich little woman Estelle beside him.

Then to Pinoconi, the countless guests of the Harmony Ceremony, completely exploded!

The way of harmony born from living with nature… in front of the great power of the Scourge Empire… it seems not worth mentioning at all!


In the blink of an eye, the planet named Yalino VI completely disappeared!

Instead, a new world that had been integrated appeared on the sky!

The ring world!

Its name is——

【Yaliro Ringworld】!

【Observe, Witness, Destroy, Reshape】

【Wantonly change the course of a civilization!】

【This is the seventh exposure of the evil deeds of the Scourge Empire!】





I will continue to ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets to urge me to update!

I saw a big guy urging me to update!

Seeing the data increase, the author is like a chicken blood!

I am awake even when I am sleepy!

I will continue to write!

I will continue to beg for various flower data disks!

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