
Sunday is so gloomy!

“This emperor Lu Yao and the Calamity Empire……”

“The strength has reached this level!”

“Tear the planets apart and roll them into a ring……”

As he spoke,

Sunday’s hair, like short wings, kept clacking!

He had never seen such a powerful and terrifying force!

He had seen destruction and killing, but he had never seen a force that could tear apart, reshape, and rebuild the entire galaxy like kneading plasticine!

The sentence”crush the stars as a warning” shocked Sunday even more!

It completely washed away Zhou Tiange’s three views!

For Sunday, who advocated order in his heart, this Lu Yao broke the rules of the movement of the sun and the moon , and then transformed the universe into what he thought it should be.

Just based on this point, Sunday felt:


“How can the order of the universe be trampled upon by mortals like this!”

As for the other Pinoconni’s harmonious families.

Needless to say, they were terrified to the core when they saw Lu Yao’s ring world and the Sentinel Hub!

What is harmony for?

To put it in the simplest terms, everyone becomes the same, and the best daydreams are the same!

“All the planets were running fine.”

“This Emperor Lu Yao insisted on going up and destroying the recasting!”

“Such an abrupt thing, such an indecent-looking thing!”

Pointing at the eight evil deeds of the Scourge Empire mentioned in the sky, the patriarchs of the other four major families of Pinoconi were full of resentment in their words!

From the Clover Family, which is responsible for the economy of Pinoconi, to the Hound Family, which is responsible for security, the Iris Family, which is responsible for entertainment, and the Hidden Thrush Family, which is responsible for construction.

Everyone has found the super-enhanced utopian version of their dreams in the ring world of the Scourge Empire!

In other words, the ring world that Emperor Lu Yao casually rubbed out is the end point that everyone in Pinoconi dreams of!

It’s even higher than the end point!

How can people not be envious and jealous!

“it’s good now”

“The world plague is coming”

“I want to see if this Scourge Empire is as omnipotent as claimed in Skyrim!”

“Back then, the power of the Breeding Star God swept across the universe, and it took the combined efforts of the five Star Gods to destroy it.”

“I don’t believe that the Scourge Empire has the ability to resist!”

Even Sunday, who originally hated insects, now saw the swarm of insects begin to cross the universe and rush towards Emperor Lu Yao’s ring world and the pancake array.

“Choose the lesser of two evils.”

Sunday sighed:


“If the Zerg vanguard passes through Pinoconi and our Asdena system”

“As long as the swarm does not actively attack”

“Just let them go!”

This is what Sunday is playing for now!

“When both the Scourge Empire and the Universal Plague are defeated”

“It’s time for us to take action!”

As a member of the Sky Ring tribe,

Sunday himself felt that he was the one who could become like the sun!

Shaping order at will!


Emperor Lu Yao is even more like the sun than himself! One of the important reasons why

Sunday hated the Calamity Empire and Emperor Lu Yao so much was because of his sister! Robin! She was the pride of the Sky Ring tribe and a big star in the world. How many people wanted to see her but couldn’t! As a result, not long ago, just because she took a few glances at the exposure sky curtain, she took the initiative to take a spaceship and ran to the Yalilo Ring World! It’s ridiculous! It couldn’t be more ridiculous!

“It damages the reputation of our people!”

“Send someone to chase my sister Robin immediately!”

“Tell her that if she turns back in time, the family will expel his name forever!”

“Consider her a traitor to the Tianhuan Clan!”

As for the powerful weapon above Pino’s resistance, it has been silent and has not moved, even giving this person an illusion

“And you all.”

Sunday comforted the other guests at the Treaty Ceremony.

“The Scourge Empire looks powerful, but in my opinion”

“What ring world, what ideal city, what sentinel array”

“Is there anyone who can fight the insect plague head-on?”

“I’m afraid it’s all just a face-saving project!”

“Even the one above us.”

Sunday pointed to the giant statue still hovering above Pinocchio.

He sneered:

“It is estimated that one hit can charge an Amber Mark!”

“Let’s just wait for the Insect Plague and the Scourge Empire to be defeated!”


Sunday was lost in thought as he looked at the ring world!

Although he was very stubborn and refused to accept the Scourge Empire and Emperor Lu Yao, this Yalilo ring world was really good!

It was so good!

Now Sunday had figured it out in his mind.

If he could get this ring world, it would be the most ideal and best place to implement his plan to summon the Order Star God Taiyi!

“What we have to do now.”

Sunday stared at the exposure sky.

On one side was a huge universe insect plague. It had been an unknown amount of time since the last breeding star god was jointly encircled and suppressed.

On the other side was the motionless Yalilo Ring World.

Sunday whispered to himself:

“The day when both the Scourge Empire and the Universal Plague suffered losses”

“It’s time for us to seize the Ring World and rebuild the order of the universe!”




The pioneer train had just docked with the Black Tower Space Station.

The train conductor Pam hadn’t had time to speak.

Ji Zi, Lao Yang, and Xiao Sanyueqi hurried to the room where Ms. Black Tower and Screw Gumu were.

“What happened?”

Among them,

Old Yang, who was usually the calmest, was the most anxious!

Because… the insect plague at this moment awakened

Old Yang’s memories that had been dormant for many years!

That was the dangerous intuition brought by the many times Yang lay down and got up!

“This time the worldwide locust plague is of no small magnitude!

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