Fireworks suddenly felt something was wrong!

As the spokesperson for the Joyful Destiny in this Harmonious Music Festival. Fireworks was better than everyone else in terms of emotional perception! Now Fireworks looked at the sky curtain that exposed the evil deeds of the Luyao Empire, and suddenly felt a chill! Fireworks, who always liked to be a fun person and always stayed out of things to watch the fun, suddenly felt extremely uneasy!

“No… No……!”

At this time, the sky was exposed.

Obviously, this planet locked by the Angel of Peace was just covered with a layer of cover.

Obviously, the people inside were living as usual. The evil deeds of the Scourge Empire that were exposed last time.

That was the neutron annihilation that swept away all organic matter!


Hua Huo felt something was wrong!


“I can feel the color of everyone’s emotions……”


“Why is there no color in everyone on this planet now!” Hua Huo closed her eyes tremblingly, trying to sense even a trace of emotion from these humans on this planet covered by the Angel of Peace!

“I can’t feel any joy, sadness, or even a trace of fear!”

“What on earth is going on?”

Hanabi’s small body couldn’t stop shaking!

Now only Hanabi discovered that the residents of these planets… seemed to have lost the light in their eyes forever!

“It’s as if… these people on this planet originally had different destinies!”

“Now it’s cut in half!”

Except for Fireworks, everyone else was still staring at the sky in a daze.

They hadn’t reacted for a moment. What was so inhuman about this Angel of Peace?

The next moment, a soothing piece of music.

A piece of music that could make people fall asleep for a long time.

A piece of music that could make people miss the memory of their innocent babies.

It slowly sounded in the sky.

It was as gentle as a loving mother caressing a baby’s cheek.

Fireworks suddenly opened his eyes!

He actually found that the guests of Pinocchio around him were actually listening to it like crazy!

Pinocchio has always been a place of decadence and extravagance, and its pursuit of music is at the forefront of the world of Bengtie. The heavenly voice of the robin is proof of this.

Everyone, including Sunday, was actually immersed in this lullaby broadcast by the Angel of Peace to the entire planet.

The lullaby was so soothing that all the visiting guests in the hotel lobby were intoxicated by it!

Walter Yang from the pioneer train even raised his hand gently and made a gesture of stroking the violin.

“Walter… This song is so beautiful that it makes people want to indulge in it forever.”

Ji Zi’s voice was trembling.

“Wait… robins?”

At this moment, even robins were infected by this gentle and melodious lullaby! They hummed along with it.

The heavenly voice of robins, coupled with this heavenly music.

For a moment, it seemed as if the god of harmony, Hippie, was playing it himself!

Even Sunday forgot that the sky was exposing the evil deeds of Lu Yao’s Calamity Empire!

At the same time,

Xianzhou and Yalilo Liu were all intoxicated by this lullaby!


A voice from the empire’s adjutant, from the Angel of Peace, broadcast to the entire covered planet, the whole area:


【The Emperor said: Angel of Peace, descend upon you】

【For eternity, in this cage, repent your sins. 】

The voice of an adjutant echoed over the entire planet without any emotion.

At this moment, on this planet shrouded by the Angel of Peace, everyone stared blankly at the sky.

The lullaby was still leisurely and melodious, but… the planetary residents who were very calm just now, when they heard the word Angel of Peace, their pupils shrank instantly!

The whole planet was like a spirit!

Almost in an instant!

Despair soared into the sky!

Everyone was tearing open their throats, chests, and brains alive! Roaring, crying, and begging at the empty figure of Emperor Lu Yao in the sky!


“Your Majesty! No!!”

“Why do this to us!!”

“Please give us a chance to repent!!”



The robin’s heavenly singing suddenly stopped!

The gold dust in the audience suddenly stood up!

The hands that had always been holding the chips on the gambling table were shaking!

With eyes wide open, he read word by word the exposure of the spiritual power from the end of reincarnation on the sky curtain!

“It turns out…it turns out they are a colony planet that does not obey the Empire’s orders”

“The two groups fought for resources, delaying the assembly of the Imperial Navy fleet.”

“This ultimately led to a small defeat in a border battle between the Empire and the alien creatures.”

“Although this defeat did not affect the outcome of the Empire’s war to conquer alien races on the galactic fringes,”

“What has changed”

“However, the cruel and cold-blooded Emperor Lu Yao”

“Still decided to punish this planet.”

All the guests at the Harmony Ceremony were shocked and looked unbelievable!

Just because of this reason?

Only Shajin was shaking all over!

Because he was the only one in the audience who felt the same way!

His own people were exterminated by another tribe on the same planet, and the direct fuse was the resource grab!

Although the real reason behind this was the result of manipulation by Oswaldo Schneider of the Development Department of the Interstellar Peace Company

“Such punishment……”

“Your Majesty Lu Yao did the right thing!”

Sha Jin gritted his teeth and whispered quietly, his fists clenched palely! However

, no one else noticed Sha Jin’s abnormality at all.

Because… everyone was shocked beyond words about the fate of this planet that was hit by the Angel of Peace!

【The bright beams of light from the planets gradually dimmed, and all was silent.】

【Perhaps history will view this shielding, this complete isolation of the planet from the greater universe, as extreme and irrational.】

【Maybe not.】

【Regardless, from now on, this galaxy on the edge of the Milky Way has a planet-sized crystal ball. 】

Sunday at the top of the ceremony spoke tremblingly:

“In other words, all technological progress on this planet has been completely blocked.……”

“People on the planet can never escape from this planet”

“Nothing from outside the planet can enter the planet… not even information! ?”

“When the resources are exhausted… that’s when the people inside will eat each other!”

Sunday said tremblingly.

The guests in the Pinocchio Dream Hotel looked at the sumptuous dishes in front of them.

These were all resources and food transported from various planets…

If a planet like Pinocchio, which doesn’t have much resource output, is blocked by the Angel of Peace… within a few days, they will kill each other!

“So, His Majesty Emperor Lu Yao……”

“Are you using this method to educate and punish those who steal resources from this planet?……”

Jin Sha looked at the sky, and suddenly it dawned on him!

The figure of Emperor Lu Yao was exposed in the sky.

He gently pinched the crystal ball model of the planet, and the sound was calm, as natural as if he had just breathed a breath of air.

“Tell those scientists who do social research to sail a ship to study the changes in human beings when this planet reaches the end.”

Lu Yao turned and left, not looking at this crystal ball-like planet again.

【This is nothing special, sociology +3]

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