"You are fired, I don't need you anymore——!"

At the Black Tower Space Station, a little girl who looked like a little Lolita, with a proud look on her face, was talking to the man in front of her.

She was really a very beautiful little Lolita, with a standard Lolita beret, a black and white dress, fair skin, and between her hands and feet, if you look closely, you can see something like joints.

Yes, she is not a person, but a puppet, or a robot that imitates its master.

But, she is also a person, because now she is being controlled by the Black Tower, who is the founder of the Black Tower Space Station. She accidentally got a star core, and in order to store the star core, she specially created a space station here.

Unexpectedly, this space station has benefited many of her admirers and attracted many staff members, making the space station very prosperous now.

Unfortunately, the real owner of this little Lolita-like puppet, the Black Tower, is a person with extremely no empathy. Her eyes have always been on the world she does not know. Things in the known world, whether people, things, or events, do not interest her at all.

Because of this, no matter how much those who admire her want to see her, her real body has never appeared.

In fact, if there was nothing that interested her, or something else that concerned her, she would not control the puppets that could be seen everywhere in the Black Tower space to act or do things.

To put it bluntly, even if the Black Tower space station was gone, she might not even care about the staff here.

And now, she would control the puppet to stand in front of Ye Xuan, and there was a reason for it.

That is, this man named Ye Xuan was a time traveler who suddenly appeared in the space station not long ago.

A time traveler from another world naturally aroused the interest of Black Tower. She immediately came to see Ye Xuan and invited Ye Xuan to be her research subject.

Just when Ye Xuan thought that he was going to be like other time travelers, traveling through the Collapse Iron World, awakening plug-ins, showing off all kinds of skills, and opening a harem...

Black Tower told him a cruel fact.

In this world, he is still an ordinary person, without any special features.

This made Black Tower lose interest in Ye Xuan all of a sudden, and directly fired Ye Xuan.


Seeing that the ruthless loli puppet in front of him had restored its intelligent AI state and was no longer controlled by its owner's consciousness, Ye Xuan knew that he was really abandoned.

Just like the other staff members in the Black Tower Space Station, he became a consumable.

It must be said that if you are playing a game and looking at such a ruthless and arrogant loli, players will probably think that this is her cute point.

However, when the abandoned person becomes himself, even if Ye Xuan knows that the gap between his realm and the other party is too big, he can't help feeling a little depressed.

This little loli is too ruthless.

Now he can be said to have nothing in this world. In addition to becoming a research object in this Black Tower Space Station, he doesn't know where he can go.

In this vast Collapse Iron Universe, he is too small as an ordinary person.

Since he was completely abandoned by the Black Tower, Ye Xuan also knew that it was useless for him to entangle. Next, it was time to consider the future.

As an ordinary person, he decided to join the train group.

Not for anything else, just because the train crew can not only watch the plot on the train, but also if they are lucky, they may even be able to pick up Ji Zi or something...

Even if they can't pick up Ji Zi, it's okay, even if they are just ordinary people, eating and waiting to die on the train, it's also good. Although this world has powerful scientific and technological strength, ordinary people theoretically don't have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of their lives, but that only applies to certain people. In this world, ordinary people still need to work.

But the people on the train crew are exempt from labor, and the important thing is to participate in the plot.

"Do you want to be a crew member?"

Ji Zi, with long fiery red hair and a queen-like temperament, looked at Ye Xuan up and down while holding a cup of coffee.

"I have heard about your story... You are an ordinary person from another world. You have no hometown in this world. As long as you are willing, the train door will be open for you at any time.——!"

Not only does he not have any scientific and technological talent, he has not yet found his own destiny. He is a completely ordinary person.

If someone like Ye Xuan wanted to join an organization in other places, he would most likely be rejected.

However, the Star Train is different. Here, everyone who is willing to go on the journey is welcome. Even if they have ulterior motives, Ji Zi will never refuse them.

"Many thanks——!!!"

Ye Xuan was naturally very excited.

As long as he got on the train, at least until the end of the story, his life would be worry-free.

As for whether he, an ordinary person, would live or die after the end, he didn't know.

This is a real world, so a train that can travel quickly between stars naturally wouldn't have only a few small rooms. There are still many rooms on the train that can be lived in.

After being invited by Ji Zi to drink a cup of coffee, Ye Xuan was quickly led to his new room.

"That's great——!!!"

Thinking about how he had just been unemployed and found a job right away, and that he would probably have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life, Ye Xuan couldn't help but cheer. How would a social animal feel when suddenly encountering such a good thing? Who knows.

Empty, very empty --!!!

Ye Xuan said that if he could pick up Ji Zi one day, then this journey would be even more interesting.

【Ding, congratulations to the host, the travel diary cultivation system is activated】

"Travel diary cultivation system?"

The voice that suddenly sounded in his mind made Ye Xuan startled.

As a traveler from Earth, not the so-called"traveler from another world" in this Collapsed Iron World, Ye Xuan certainly knew what the system was. This thing has been written about to death in the Earth novel circle.

Unexpectedly, he actually traveled to the Collapsed Iron World and now awakened the system?

Ye Xuan, who used to lament that he was just an ordinary person who could eat and live, could not help but start to fantasize about conquering the entire Collapsed Iron World and opening a harem.

"System, what are you for?"

Although Ye Xuan already knew some of the routines of system novels, in order to avoid being self-indulgent, he still couldn't help asking the system

"This system is a travel diary system, and cultivation is a reward for the host. In other words, as long as the host writes his travel experiences and insights into a diary, when the diary content reaches a certain stage, the host can get the cultivation reward."

"I don’t know how the travel diary is related to cultivation. Generally speaking, the system is awesome, right?"



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