
Although Esta is a good girl, young and not in love, she is not completely ignorant. She was already shy when she fell into Ye Xuan's arms. She felt threatened by Ye Xuan's magic sword when she moved a few times just now, and her weaknesses seemed to be broken. Esta was too embarrassed to speak for a moment, but she wanted to stand up in a panic.

However, at this moment, Sanyueqi on the side finally couldn't stand and fell over here.

If Esta fell over to give Ye Xuan a benefit, then Sanyueqi's fall was really creating chaos...

The three people who were sitting well were suddenly implicated by her and fell into a ball.

Ji Zi's clothes were all wet by the coffee...

And Ye Xuan was surrounded by the girls all of a sudden. How to say it, it was quite enjoyable.

Finally, with the acceleration completed, the entire Starry Sky Train, like a big fish swimming in the starry sky, instantly shuttled through countless galaxies.

"Passenger March Seventh!"

Pam came over with a cup of coffee and saw March Seventh falling into a ball with everyone else. She couldn't help but frowned seriously:

"You overestimated your own abilities and tried to stand up when the train started!"


Sanyueqi smiled awkwardly and said,"Failed again."

【Did she fail? Could it be because in the original plot, there was no Esta here, which distracted Sanyueqi? In the original plot, she could have succeeded in the challenge?

Seeing Sanyueqi still lazily lying on top of everyone else and unwilling to get up, Ye Xuan thought to himself.

"Silver Wolf: Tsk, so, in the original book, did you succeed in the challenge? @三月七"

"March 7: How do I know? Anyway, I was definitely influenced by Estelle this time."

"Ester: How can you blame me for this? I didn't touch you.……"

"Okay, get up quickly."

Ji Zi wiped the coffee off her body and said,"I'm going to change my clothes."

【What the hell?

When Ye Xuan heard Ji Zi say that she was going to change clothes, he suddenly felt excited.

He was not a traditional immortal cultivator, but a system immortal cultivator. So apart from the abilities of an immortal cultivator, he was just a mortal. He would naturally like the things that mortals like. He was naturally interested in a beauty like Ji Zi wanting to change clothes.

However, Ye Xuan's voice scared the girls who were peeking at the diary. They thought something had happened.

【Ji Zi is actually going to change clothes!】

"Himeko: ? ?!! I change my clothes, what's wrong with that?! Don't make it sound like I've never changed clothes before!"

【It's funny to say that in the game, no matter how rich a person is, he doesn't have many sets of clothes to change. After all, when people change a set of clothes, it means they have a new skin, and players have to spend money. Now, can't I experience Ji Zi's new skin without spending any money?】


"Black Tower: This Ye Xuan seems to really think our world is a game world"

"Silver Wolf: Theoretically speaking, this is not impossible. Just like some novels and movies in our world may really exist in another world, Ye Xuan may also come from a world where the tree of imaginary numbers can be observed. In his world, our world is just a game, which is not difficult to understand."

"Kafka: If that's the case, then I'm really curious whether the destination I want can be achieved in his world."


【Although Ji Zi is usually pretty enough and has won my heart, I also want to see what she would look like in another set of clothes. I don't know if Ji Zi will change into that set of cool summer clothes. With her figure, she will definitely look amazing in such clothes!】

"Jizi: Cool summer clothes?"

Jizi, who had already walked back to her room, looked at the clothes in her closet and locked her eyes on a hot denim suit:"Is it this one? This boy, at such a young age, has really good taste!"

She smiled calmly and put on her own clothes. As for the dirty clothes, she naturally handed them to the washing machine.

Don't doubt why in such an era, why clothes don't have self-cleaning functions, but still need to be changed and washed.

If not, how can the normal plot unfold?……

【In fact, if you think about it carefully, although there are many beauties on the train, only Jizi has the temperament of a queen. They are all not mature enough.】

"March 7: What, are you blind? There is no one but Ji Zi, I am also a queen, okay?——!"

"Xing: Am I not a queen?!"

"Esta: I'm not mature yet, I'm really sorry……"

【Hmm? Why do I feel that their expressions are a little strange? Normally, shouldn't they be very lively when the Starry Sky Train departs?】

"Ha ha ha ha——!!"

San Yue Qi suddenly burst into laughter, and pulled Xing and Estelle and said:

"Esta, come on, I'll take you over there to see the stars.——!"

"Mmm, the stars are so beautiful, especially in this star train, the stars are so close, it feels like I can just reach out and pick them up."

Esta also quickly responded

"Holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars, there is no one like me in the world!"

Xing put his hands on his waist, standing there excitedly.

However, at this moment, suddenly... a violent vibration came again, and the girls who had no time to react fell into a ball again, and fell next to Ye Xuan again.


In this short moment, Ye Xuan once again felt the feeling of being hugged by two women, with someone on his body.


Estelle's face turned red again, while Xing sat aside calmly. March 7 was a little embarrassed.


Ye Xuan also coughed lightly and said,"Don't feel embarrassed, it's just an accident.……"

"Speaking of which."

Ye Xuan looked at the girls and said,"Now, has the situation arrived at the next stop?"


Ji Zi came over from the side and explained to Ye Xuan:"If it is normal to the next station, there will not be such a big vibration. In this case, there is a problem with the current station."

"All passengers, please pay attention."

At this time, Pam's voice came over the radio:

"There is an unknown change in the Star Dome track. Until the problem is solved, this train will be stopped indefinitely."

Ye Xuan helped Esta up, stood up, walked to the big window on the side, and looked at the scenery outside.

【So, we have arrived at the first stop of the plot, Planet Yalilo VI.】


(Does anyone like to watch it? Please give me some flowers and tickets or something, so that I can feel more confident.)

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