"Yalilo VI, let's go!"

Starry Sky Train, at this time, Xinghe Sanyueqi, and Ye Xuan, have already stood on the train's transmission platform, waiting to be transmitted to Yalilo VI planet.

Three streams of light slowly descended from the sky, as if in the blink of an eye, in the vast white snow, three people stood in a snow valley.

Ice and snow, no life everywhere, this is Yalilo VI planet.

People who don't know, think this is a dead star...

Ye Xuan is also doing interstellar shuttle for the first time, and at this moment, he is naturally very excited.


At this moment, a beast roar suddenly came from the vast white snow, and then several ice and snow monsters quickly appeared in front of the three people and surrounded them.

"Uh... this welcome ceremony is a bit too grand and sudden, isn't it?"

Looking at these ice and snow monsters, San Yueqi couldn't help but look strange.

Although this world of Bengtie is a world of cosmology, in this cosmology, humanoid creatures are the real masters. Apart from humanoid creatures, they are basically monsters.

Therefore, they don't think that these monsters are the natives of this planet.

Especially when the other party is still murderous, the other party must be a monster!

"Ye Xuan, be careful——!"

March 7 reminded Ye Xuan


Ye Xuan responded casually, took a step forward and said,"This is my first time to face a battle head-on, leave them to me."

As he spoke, a ray of fire appeared beside Ye Xuan, and then, a long sword of extreme fire appeared in Ye Xuan's hand.

At this time, the ice and snow monsters had opened their mouths wide, roaring and biting at Ye Xuan.


In the game, for the sake of the game process, the strong will always fight the weak, but Ye Xuan will not indulge these monsters now.

They dared to come and provoke him, which means these monsters are just being unreasonable.

With a light shout, Ye Xuan flew up, swung the sword in his hand, and the sword energy turned into a blazing wind and exploded. With a loud bang, all these monsters were knocked away, fell to the ground, and disappeared in an instant.


Xing and Sanyueqi, who were originally on guard and ready to take action, were stunned when they saw this scene.

No, Ye Xuan's move was too quick, wasn't it?

Didn't he say before that he wanted to hide his strength? What kind of strength is he hiding?

"How is it?"

After defeating these monsters with one sword, Ye Xuan asked Xing and Sanyueqi

"Awesome, it's really awesome.——!!!"

San Yue Qi clapped his hands and praised Ye Xuan:

"The sword you used just now was so powerful, what's its name? Can you teach me? You don't know, I actually want to learn swordsmanship, but I can't find a chance!!!"

Every person who holds a bow has a heart for close combat. In San Yueqi's heart, she infinitely hopes that one day she will be able to wield a long sword in her hand and fight handsomely in close combat.

So, she was so excited to see the power of Ye Xuan's sword.

Before, she always thought that Ye Xuan, a cultivator, had no close combat ability, and his sword was just a floating cannon with the appearance of a sword...

Now it seems that this is completely different from what she thought.

"I just swung this sword casually. If I had to give it a name,……"

Ye Xuan thought about it, and when he swung the sword before, the flames turned into a tornado, and it exploded instantly.

"Just call……"

"It's called Star-Slashing and Universe-Great Flame Star Sword——!"

San Yue Qi interrupted Ye Xuan and said to him,"Although I didn’t know that your move was so powerful and the entire valley was covered by your sword, and it was just a casual swing of yours, I think this move deserves this name!"


Hearing what March Seven said, Ye Xuan was speechless:"This name... Don't you think it doesn't match my swordsmanship?" Ye Xuan's swordsmanship belongs to the swordsmanship of cultivating immortals, so the name should be more mysterious, not so... direct.

In short, it just doesn't match the style of March Seven's naming.

"Oh, just do as I say, it will definitely work, please!"

Sanyueqi said to Ye Xuan expectantly,"You may not know, but I have always wanted to create a powerful sword technique. I have practiced hard for this, but somehow, my weapon is a bow.……"

"Oh, okay."

Seeing San Yue Qi's silly look, Ye Xuan didn't want to disappoint her.

After all, it was just a casual gesture from him, so it didn't matter what her name was.

"Sanyue, your name is so impressive. Next time, give my moves a name too."

Xingmei said to Sanyueqi while carrying a baseball bat.


Sanyueqi raised his head proudly.


On the train, Jizi, Hei Ling, and Esta stood together. She looked at Hei Ling from time to time.

? ?!!

Noticing Jizi's gaze, Hei Ling asked with some confusion:

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just curious, did you really use the puppet in the Black Tower to refine something... a spirit?"

As soon as Ji Zi said this, Estelle didn't care to watch Ye Xuan and the others' adventures, and cast her eyes curiously towards the Black Spirit.

"Do you want to see my true form?"

Hei Ling said with a smile:"Since you are curious, I will let you see it."

As he said that, Hei Ling's body shape changed, and the whole person instantly turned into a puppet


Esta couldn't help but exclaim.

A living person turned into a puppet in the blink of an eye. This was shocking enough for her.

However, something even more shocking happened. She saw a ray of light flying out of the puppet. The light fell to the ground and turned into a person who looked exactly like the puppet, but the puppet was obviously a puppet, and the person was obviously alive.

"Can also be separated!!!"

"How did they do this?!!"

At this moment, an electronic shadow of a person emerged from the train, looking at the black spirit and the puppet in shock.

This new person, in addition to being an electronic shadow, looked exactly like the black spirit.

It was actually the Black Tower himself who sent the message.

She was already very curious about what happened on the train, and now that the black spirit had shown this ability again, she couldn't help but show up.

"Who are you?"

Seeing someone who looks exactly like him, Hei Ling was also surprised.

"Tell me quickly, how did you do it? You are obviously a living person, but you have perfectly merged with this puppet, and you can also separate into two parts at will.……"

Heita now just looked excited, ignoring Hei Ling's words.

Hei Ling frowned:"Why should I tell you?"


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