
Inside the Star Dome Train, a lot of girls who were watching the show had gathered.

Hei Ling, Hei Ta, Ji Zi, and Aisda all stared at the live broadcast of the train, watching the performance of Ye Xuan and the other three below.

At the same time, they also tacitly looked at the diary in front of them from time to time.

There was no other reason, just because they were all very curious about what the future of March 7 would be like.

Elio, known as the slave of fate, claimed that he could see the future, but the future he could see was too ethereal and meaningless to most people in this universe.

And now, Ye Xuan also claimed that he could see the future, and what shocked them even more was that Ye Xuan could actually see the future of a certain person alone.

This was really shocking.

Not to mention them, even Kafka and Silver Wolf, who were star core hunters, were also shocked at this moment.

Only those who have truly come into contact with fate will know that fate is something more mysterious than anyone can imagine. Fate affects not only a butterfly, but the universe and the future of all the star gods in the entire galaxy.

They were also looking forward to what kind of future Ye Xuan could see... whether he would see the future that Elio saw.

【Such a future is really... incredible. 】

Ye Xuan looked strange, and couldn't help but write this sentence in his diary again.

"So, what kind of future is that!!!"

Silver Wolf couldn't help but break her defense, she couldn't help but shout out

【This future... I don't believe it.】


"Black Tower: I want to hit someone now. Ye Xuan must have done this on purpose. Who is he trying to keep in suspense in his diary?"



【If this future is only recorded with words, it would be too boring... Fortunately, I can keep what I see in my diary in the form of pictures. 】

Then, all the girls saw a picture appeared in the diary. They all knew that Ye Xuan's diary could not only save words, but also pictures. This was not a rare thing.

However, if this picture was a picture of the future, it would be shocking.

"Kafka: I suggest that you don't read the pictures in this diary... Ye Xuan doesn't know that you are peeking at the diary, which means that he doesn't intend to let you know these future pictures. If the future pictures he saw are true, then what you see now is the right thing at the wrong time, which will lead to terrible consequences."

Kafka knew the seriousness of the matter, so she was the first to comment and suggested that everyone should not read the contents of this diary.

"March 7: This is my future, why can't I see it? You thief, you messed up the Black Tower Space Station and now you want to scare me. I won't listen to you."

"Ester: Exactly. I want to see what the future will be like."

If someone else had spoken, Sanyueqi and Ester might have listened, but Kafka was their enemy. They would be crazy to believe in her.

"Heita: I also want to see what the so-called future is like."

But Heita would never listen to Kafka.

She only does what she is interested in.

So, in the end, no one listened to Kafka's advice.

Then, everyone clicked on the future picture almost at the same time, wanting to see what kind of future Ye Xuan saw.

【In the future scene, inside a hotel room, the floor was scattered with numerous clothes, including men's and women's, and even some underwear.

Judging from the style of the clothes, they were very similar to what March 7 usually wore.

As the camera moved, it soon moved to the large bed full of rose color, where a man and a woman were sleeping there hugging each other.

The girl had pink hair and was small in stature, but she had a good figure and a very beautiful face, which was impeccable, while the man was also handsome. Neither of them was covered with a quilt, and the scene of them sleeping together hugging each other made people blush.】


San Yueqi couldn't help herself and yelled out with a red face.

She could never have imagined that in the future, she would see such a scene...

What is this?

Why is she not wearing any clothes and hugging Ye Xuan? No... It seems that it is not just hugging

"What happened?!!"

At this time, Ye Xuan heard San Yueqi's exclamation, and couldn't help but hurried to San Yueqi and asked her with concern

"I... No, I'm fine.……"

San Yue Qi blushed and said,"I just saw that the stars were taken very... very ugly, so I wanted to take another photo."

Then, she stretched out her hand and pushed Ye Xuan away,"Don't block my light."

"That is, what are you doing here when a girl is taking a photo!"

Xie Xing was also expressing her dissatisfaction with Ye Xuan, but if you look closely, you will find that Xing Bao's face is also red.

She and San Yue Qi, at this moment, have already been staring at the future picture in the diary. At some point in the future, Ye Xuan and San Yue Qi had sex?

Moreover, looking at the scene in the picture, anyone can imagine how crazy the previous scene was.

Is this a picture that these two pure girls can see?

"Jizi: Well, March, don't be shy. We are all adults. It's not a big deal to have a relationship of our own. I think Ye Xuan is not bad, right, Ester?"

Jizi saw that March was shy, and quickly came to her rescue.

But the problem was that Ester, who was watching the scene in the future picture, felt a little sour in her heart.

Just now, when she accidentally fell into Ye Xuan's arms, that heart-pounding feeling...

No, what was she thinking? She was just hugged by him accidentally, why did she think so much.

Ester blushed and shook her head, cursing herself in her heart for being a slut. He just hugged her, how could she think about what would happen between them in the future.

"Ester: Yes... yes, Sanyue, this future scene must be real. It seems that you and Ye Xuan are in love. Congratulations on finding such an excellent boyfriend."

"March 7: Uh……"

San Yueqi felt like crying but had no tears at the moment.

Even if she and Ye Xuan were in love in the future, there was no need for everyone to admire them like this, right?!

Moreover, it was the scene after the storm, for everyone to admire.

"Kafka: Phew... I've said it before, some future scenes are not suitable for people today to see, it's you who didn't listen"

"March Seven: Shut up!

March Seven is so embarrassed that he wants to find a place to hide.


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