"Cocolia: Don't make it sound like I really like fighting with people."

Cocolia was much calmer about Ye Xuan's evaluation of her.

Ye Xuan's understanding of her mostly came from a game he had played before, and she, Cocolia, was a villain in the game, an NPC.

So, if she made a different choice from her in the game, theoretically speaking, it would indeed make Ye Xuan suspicious.

Is there any change?

But why must she, Cocolia, act like her in the game? It's not like she can't be a rational and sober person.

This is the real world, why should she act like in the game?

As for how Ye Xuan would guess about this change, that was Ye Xuan's business.

Anyway, she would not deliberately offend Ye Xuan, get beaten by Ye Xuan, and then accept Ye Xuan's help.

At worst, she would expose the fact that she could peek at the diary.

She didn't need to explain to Ye Xuan that her performance was different from that in the game.

And Ye Xuan, looking at Cocolia, who seemed to be very reasonable, was naturally still in doubt.

【I understand. Could it be that...she is just like in the game, pretending to believe me on the surface, but secretly, she has already made up her mind to turn against me. When I return, she will immediately order that the three of us be treated as wanted criminals? 】

Looking at Cocolia's expression, Ye Xuan couldn't help but write:

【However, her acting is really good, I can't tell that she is pretending】

"Cocolia: Uh... Is it possible that I'm not pretending, I really believe what you say?"

"Phew, hahahaha——!!!!"

The girls who were peeking at the diary almost couldn't help but burst into joy in their hearts.

However, March Seven was furious and glared at Cocolia.

"March 7: You are such a hypocrite, Cocolia. According to the original plot, were you planning to plot against us like this?!"

"Cocolia: Uh... sorry."

Faced with Sanyueqi's angry comments, Cocolia could only answer awkwardly.

After all, no matter what, Sanyueqi and the others were here to help her, but if it weren't for Ye Xuan, the owner of the diary, then I'm afraid she would really treat them as written in Ye Xuan's diary.

On this point, Cocolia also understood that Ye Xuan did not wrongly accuse her.

"Guests from afar, before we officially start the negotiation, can you let me get to know you guys first?"

Cocolia walked down the stage slowly.

She knew that Ye Xuan didn't believe her at all, and theoretically, she had no reason to believe Ye Xuan so easily.

So, in order to dispel Ye Xuan's suspicion of her, she felt that she had to do something different from her in the game or her original character.

She walked straight to Ye Xuan, staring at him with a pair of burning eyes.


"March 7: Hey, what are you doing? Why are you standing so close? What's wrong with your eyes?——!!!"

After all, Cocolia is the great guardian of Beloberg, so she naturally has the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Even before she met Ye Xuan, she had already guessed that things would develop in this direction.

Ye Xuan really wanted to help her, but he didn't believe that she was willing to accept his help, and she couldn't let Ye Xuan know that she was peeking at the diary.

Therefore, in order to get Ye Xuan's timely help, she had to slightly change her personality in front of Ye Xuan.

Induce Ye Xuan and make him feel that she was not the same person as the villain in the game that he imagined.

"She is Xing, and she is Sanyueqi."

Ye Xuan pointed at the two women beside him and said,"And I, like them, am an unknown guest on the Starry Sky Train, a pioneer whose dream is to travel the universe, the leader of the Starry Sky Train development team, Ye Xuan"


After hearing Ye Xuan's words, San Yue Qi couldn't hold back any longer. She glared at Ye Xuan in dissatisfaction and said to him:

"You are really going too far. You only gave such a short introduction to the two of us, but gave such a long introduction to yourself!!"

"That's it.——!!!"

Xing also echoed in agreement.

However, in her heart, she felt that she had learned something, and she would do the same next time, introducing Ye Xuan and San Yueqi first, and then giving herself a long introduction.


Looking at Ye Xuan's self-introduction and San Yueqi's angry expression, Cocolia couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Then, she stared at Ye Xuan and said:

"Who among them is your girlfriend?"

"Of course it's me——!"

Xie Xing folded his arms, raised his head and said

"Ah, you, you two, when did this happen?!!"

March Seven was stunned by Xing's words.


When San Yue Qi found out that Ye Xuan was shocked by Xing's words, he realized that he had been fooled by Xie Xing again.

"Damn, you guy, it's ok if you don't talk normally, but once you talk you mess up——!"

March 7 stared at the stars angrily

"So, you are his girlfriend?"

Cocolia turned her gaze to March Seven and said with a smile.


Sanyueqi's face suddenly turned red:

"You, you, you, what are you talking about? How could I be his girlfriend? I have only known him for a short time."

But, in his mind, the scene after the fierce storm that Ye Xuan uploaded to his diary appeared unconsciously, and San Yueqi couldn't help but feel a little hot in his head.

Maybe, I will become his girlfriend in the future?

After all, that was the future scene he saw.


However, Cocolia pretended to be excited and turned to Ye Xuan and said:

"You followed these two beautiful girls, but you didn't become a couple with them. Are you single now?"


Ye Xuan coughed awkwardly and touched the tip of his nose.


【It's embarrassing to say that before I traveled through time, I was a social animal and couldn't even find time to find a girlfriend.

As a result, although I am very interested in women now, I still don't have a girlfriend.

If an ordinary cultivator wants a woman, many women will rush to give themselves to me at a command.

Unfortunately, the world in front of me is a game world. Most of the beauties in this world are very self-aware.

My strength as a cultivator may not be useful in this world where women don't look for partners based on strength.

Of course, it will definitely be useful.

For example, Cocolia in front of me.

If I want to do something evil and say: Cocolia, you don't want Beloberg to be destroyed.

Maybe she will obey me.】

"Cocolia: Cough……"

Noticing the contents of Ye Xuan's diary, Cocolia's heart could not help but skip a beat.

Indeed, if Ye Xuan really had evil thoughts and said this to her, she might really obey Ye Xuan.……


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