Xinghe naturally didn't know why Kokolia suddenly became so wary of Ye Xuan.

However, she knew that Kokolia's mind was very unstable, as if she had been greatly shocked, causing her to not struggle at all.

Whatever the reason, this was exactly what she wanted.

So, she instantly took over Kokolia's body.

"Without destroying the old, there is no way to establish the new. In the name of the Great Guardian, I order you to rise.——!"

Cocolia, who was controlled by the star core, looked quite crazy. She had taken out the fire spear in her hand at some point, but the fire spear in her hand was completely covered by ice, and only a little red could be vaguely seen inside.

"Creation Engine!"

The power of the star core is indeed terrifying. Kokolia was originally just a mortal, but now that she is completely controlled by the power of the star core, she has many magical means.

Even as a mortal, she can float in the air. It can be seen with the naked eye that she is covered with a layer of wind power.

Kokolia flew up in front of everyone.

"This... the Great Guardian can also fly?!!!"

Jepard was shocked.

"But, I see something is wrong with the Great Guardian's condition.——!!!"

"What's going on?"

March Seven said,"I feel the ground shaking!!!"

She and Xing both felt that things were not going well.

Bronya saw that Jeppard and the other Silver Mane Guards didn't seem to understand the situation, and was afraid that they would become enemies with Ye Xuan at this time because of their loyalty to their mother, so she said directly:

"It seems that my mother is controlled by the evil star core. Everyone be careful, this is the city builder's creation engine!!!"

In the midst of the snow, a huge mechanical arm suddenly appeared from behind Cocolia, and then slapped the ground fiercely.

In addition to powerful masters, there were also mediocre Silver Mane Iron Guards.

Facing the huge mechanical arm slap, they didn't have time to react.


This level of battle is not something that ordinary Silver Mane Iron Guards are qualified to participate in. However, facing this level of power, who among the people present can take care of them?


Those mediocre Silver Mane Guards felt like their lives were about to end.


Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan did not hesitate and waved his hand. Countless swords of the Extreme Yang Black Sword flew out and formed a solid sword shield around the Silver Mane Iron Guards.

When March Seven, Xing, Bronya, and Jeppard avoided the attack of the huge steel palm, his sword energy also protected the Silver Mane Iron Guards.

Behind Cocolia, the huge creation engine finally stood up.


Looking at the huge steel robot, San Yueqi couldn't help but take a breath.

"This, this is too big.——!!!!"

"I, I just thought I was dead——!!!"

A Silver Mane Iron Guard said:"I was attacked by the Creation Engine, wasn't I? Why am I fine?"

"It was him who saved us.——!!!"

A silver-maned iron guard pointed at Ye Xuan and said.

It was not until then that everyone noticed that beside Ye Xuan, there was a flying sword quietly floating. Just now, it was the sword shield formed by the sword energy on the flying sword that protected them.

Otherwise, they would have been flattened by now!!!

"Thank you——!!!"

A silver-maned iron guard said to Ye Xuan

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. In a battle of this level, those who don't even have the strength to react should retreat, lest they throw away their lives in vain."

"You guys should get out of here.——!"

Jeppard said to the Silver Mane Iron Guards.

At this moment, his expression was very solemn. Is this thing that controls the Great Guardian the Star Core?

She can actually activate the legendary Creation Engine?!!!

This is troublesome!!!

Even if all of them here attack together, they can't be the opponent of this legendary item.

Even he can only barely protect himself when facing the attack of this Creation Engine.

"You are not allowed to use the weapons that we, Beloberg, use to create hope to attack our Beloberg's hope.——!!!"

At this moment, Cocolia saw that the Star Core actually controlled her body to activate the Creation Engine, and she couldn't help but be very angry.

The Creation Engine was something that Beloberg built to bring back hope, and it was Beloberg's last trump card. However, now it was used by the Star Core to attack Ye Xuan, who she had identified as her hope. What a irony!!!

"Cocolia, don't be naive. Beloberg's hope is us.——!"

The star core controlled Cocolia's body, quietly suspended in the air. At this moment, she was like an ice queen, majestic and cruel.

Under her control, the huge body of the Creation Engine was like a huge steel giant, rushing towards everyone.

Perhaps most people would think that such a huge steel robot must move very slowly.

But this is just an illusion!!!

The huge body may be less flexible than the tiny body in order to adapt to the huge impact force, but it has nothing to do with slowness. The human body will never be as flexible as a cockroach, but will the human body be slower than a cockroach?!

At this moment, the people below were like cockroaches facing a human slap. Although they looked very flexible, they would die in the hands of the giant if they were not careful.

Of course, Ye Xuan was an exception.

Immortal cultivators are different from these destiny walkers...

Destiny walkers basically only have the power of their own destiny. For example, Xing only has the power to destroy destiny, so her destructive power is really great. Even if Cocolia is in her current state, she can break the defense.

However, she can't fly, has no defense, and is just a close combat expert.

As for Ye Xuan, as an immortal cultivator, he can do everything. It just depends on whether he has learned it.

And it just so happens that Ye Xuan is very interested in Dharma.

Facing the huge creation engine, Ye Xuan couldn't help but slightly raised the corners of his lips.

"I originally thought that I would miss this battle and felt a little regretful. But now it seems that the Dharma Realm that I have been secretly studying during this period of time can finally come in handy!"


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