
At this time, Cocolia had gathered all the big and small people in Beloberg to the big square.

She looked at everyone in front of her, her heart full of guilt.

She wanted to tell all the truth to the people of Beloberg, to let them know the sins that she, the great guardian, had committed.

But now, for the future of Beloberg, she had to bury the truth in her heart temporarily.

The truth will be revealed sooner or later, but that will have to be after the upper and lower levels have restored their relationship and become one.

So, now she can only talk about other things.

"Great Guardian, may I ask what is the matter that has brought us here?"

"Are you going to tell us that you have found a way to seal the rift?"

"It must be like this. You don’t know that I saw a man yesterday who was like a god. He sealed the Rift in a few strokes. He must be here to help us, Beloberg."

Suddenly, the whole square, men, women, young and old, were talking about it.

Sister Pella was also managing the order of the children.

"Everyone, stop arguing and listen to what the Great Guardian says."

"Yes, Sister Pera!"

At this time, Xing had mixed into the group of children and started calling out Sister Pera.


Pella looked at Xing and said:

"I also ask a few adults not to imitate children's speech as if nothing has happened."


Seeing Xing being given the cold shoulder by Pera, Sanyueqi on the side couldn't help but gloat over his misfortune.

At this moment, the bustle on the square suddenly quieted down with Cocolia's next sentence.

"I have decided to resign from the position of Grand Guardian and hand over the position of Grand Guardian to Bronya.——!"



"Great Guardian, you are still very young. Besides, now that we have finally solved the disaster, Beloberg needs an experienced Great Guardian to lead us."


Obviously, many people were puzzled by Cocolia's sudden resignation.

"I am very grateful for your trust in me, but Bronya has grown up enough to stand on her own now, so please give her more support.

Cocolia pushed Bronya, who was still confused, forward.

"Bronya, you should understand that I can no longer be the Great Guardian.

Cocolia said:"I am the sinner of Beloberg. Even if I have not been convicted of any crime yet, I should not sit in this position anymore. Next, Beloberg, it's up to you."


Bronya looked at Cocolia, her expression gradually firmed.

She also understood that her mother was right. No matter what, the mistakes her mother had made were also facts.

Even if her mother was bewitched by the star core, those who were hurt needed a target of hatred.

If her mother continued to stay in this position so nonchalantly, sooner or later, something would go wrong.

"in addition——!"

Kokolia continued,"The crisis has been resolved. I have had people connect the passages between the upper and lower levels. From now on, people on the upper and lower levels can travel freely. People on the upper level no longer have to worry about being cold, and people on the lower level no longer have to worry about starving. Although the disaster once divided us into upper and lower levels, from now on, I hope that the entire Beloberg can still be as close as a family."

"oh oh——!!!"

As soon as Cocolia said this, the entire square immediately erupted in thunderous cheers.

At this time, many people from the lower levels, led by Xier, came to the surface to participate in this grand event.

"At the same time, I want to explain one thing to everyone."

Cocolia said again:

"The reason why Beloberg is what it is today is not because of what I, Cocolia, did. I, Cocolia, have no credit at all. The person who solved the crisis of Beloberg was the pioneer from outer space, Mr. Ye Xuan on the Starry Sky Train."

"I know. I saw it with my own eyes yesterday. The young man named Ye Xuan flew in the air and eliminated the entire rift in a few strokes."

At this time, an old man shouted excitedly

"I also saw that young man, although he was young, he was like a god."

"That's right, he not only has god-like power, but he's also very handsome."

"No way? Although I have never seen Mr. Ye Xuan, I also have his portrait. This is a notice drawn by the head of the Jeppard Guard himself. There is no mistake. Mr. Ye Xuan does not look strange."


In the crowd, someone was holding a portrait of Ye Xuan and looking at it.

And Sanyueqi had a few portraits in her hands. In the portraits, she, Xing, and Ye Xuan were the three people. The content of the announcement was to tell the whole of Beloberg that these three people were the heroes who saved Beloberg...

However, maybe because the portraits were made by Jeppard, they looked very abstract. Even if Sanyueqi and Xing were in the square, no one would recognize them.

"Who painted this? It's too abstract.——!!!"

Those who had seen Ye Xuan could not help but complain about the portrait.

At this time, as the creator of the portrait, Jeppard had no self-awareness that he had painted it very abstractly.

The whole of Beloberg seemed to be in a peaceful atmosphere at this moment.

However, at this moment--!!!

Suddenly, a huge noise was heard in the sky, and everyone could not help but look up to the sky.

"What is that?!!"

"My god, it's so big.——!!!"

At this moment, a huge figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

It was as if a huge star god was staring at the entire planet Yalilo VI from outside the universe.


Everyone present saw the appearance of the huge figure. Who was that figure, Ye Xuan?

However, at this moment, Ye Xuan's figure was so huge, so huge...

He was in the universe, looking down quietly. In the eyes of the people below, it was just like a huge humanoid star. From the perspective of ordinary people below, Ye Xuan's face was a little transparent because he was in the universe.

"I go——!!!"

Sanyueqi couldn't help but swear.

Xing was also dumbfounded... It

's not like Ye Xuan had not used similar abilities before, but at that time, the ability Ye Xuan used was only a few sizes larger than the Creation Engine, which was still within the acceptable range for humans.

But now, Ye Xuan used his Dharma Body again, and his Dharma Body was as huge as the entire Yaliluo VI planet--!!!

What is he going to do?!!!


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