Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 1012: Jealous (6)

With a "ding", it was the sound of the door being opened. Wei Jingjing pushed the door and walked in. She also has a room card in Xia Siyu's room, and sometimes she helps her to clean up the house and bring some things.

Xia Siyu and Bo Yan came out early, and the originally scheduled horse-killing time was two hours. And the time for bathing is included. It's only about an hour and a half now. In theory, these two people shouldn't come back.

She seems to be still confirming her schedule for tomorrow with her subordinates: "It's nine o'clock in the morning, and we have to put on makeup before. We won't shoot at noon. The sun is too big. We must give you enough time for shooting, eh..."

Xia Siyu lived in a suite, and there was a long aisle coming in from the hallway. She lived in the inside, but Wei Jingjing saw a water stain at the door.

This was when Bo Yan hurried back to take a bath and came back, too late to dry the drips. Then Wei Jingjing looked in tentatively again--

She saw Bo Yan wearing a white T-shirt sitting on the edge of the bed, sitting upright, flipping through a book. Xia Siyu sat on the bedside with the quilt on her body, showing only two hands, playing with her mobile phone outside the quilt. Seeing her probe, the two turned around to look at her together.

Xia Siyu spoke first: "Anything?"

Wei Jingjing hurriedly retracted her head. Although these two people didn't have any intimate actions and were hit by her, Wei Jingjing still spoke with her back to them wittily: "Ah, no, no, I just want to confirm the working time tomorrow with you."

"Oh, I see, you can contact me later if you have something."

Xia Siyu's voice was calm, but the thin words beside him didn't say a word, just turning the pages of the book in his hand, obviously very calm.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm leaving!" Wei Jing rushed out quietly and quickly closed the door.

When there was no movement outside the door, Xia Siyu lifted the quilt, Bo Yan was also relieved, and just about to put down the book, he realized that the book in his hand was completely reversed.

The two looked at each other, smiled at each other, and Bo Yan got up: "Just in case, I will deal with it first."

He walked outside, locked the door neatly, checked it again, and returned after making sure that the curtains were closed tightly.

When she came back again, Xia Siyu put on a lotion. There was a pile of manuscripts next to her. Bo Yan picked it up and read it. Director Ji had said that she asked her to make another urban police film. This is the script and character.

In fact, there is nothing to say about the content, but a major incident involving drug trafficking and murder occurred at the border. The police sent the male lead to an undercover investigation, and encountered a story about the local Xiaomei (the female lead) who punishes evil and promotes good.

There are a lot of gun battles, urban parkour, and jungle sniping. But this time, it was Xia Siyu's first challenge to play the villain. Although the boss of "The Tempest" was the second female, she was not the villain. But in this drama, she is the beauty of the big drug lord and the second-in-command in the gang, but she is not a complete bad guy. She has long thought of quitting the criminal group and has done some good deeds. After falling in love with the male lead, she accelerated her desire to leave.

What Xia Siyu likes most is that this heroine is not a "female villain" in the traditional sense or a love brain who wants to be congruent after she likes the hero. Her last death was to save people, not for love.

Of course, with director Ji’s production, the danger is certain, and there are also high-risk actions inside.

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