Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1110: New Variety Show (2)

Bo Yan drew back in pain, and finally had no strength to continue to restrain her. Xia Siyu took the opportunity to jump up from the bed and smiled triumphantly: "Haha! Let you despise my old lady, have you learned a lesson? Take off your tools of committing crimes! You still look upset!"

Bo Yan ignored her, lying on his side with his back facing her, his body bowed into a shrimp shape, and it looked like it should be-painful.

He hadn't been kicked by Xia Siyu for a long time, and he almost forgot the taste of "heartbreak".

Xia Siyu was still proud, "Is your doctor amazing? Is the university teacher amazing?" It seems to be much better than her scumbag. She changed the way, "Is your actor great?" Wait, she hasn't won any awards yet. "But I acted better than you in the movie!"

Bo Yan did not speak.

Xia Siyu still yelled: "You also said that I have short legs, and that I am fat. Do you have multiple heads just to be taller? Don't you pretend to be self-cultivation? I think you despise people and do everything. ."

Bo Yan still said nothing.

Xia Siyu spoke for a long time, but Bo Yan still maintained the posture with her back facing her, as if the pain was about to pass out. Xia Siyu frowned: "Hello?"

Bo Yan ignored her.

Xia Siyu raised her voice: "Hello?" She stretched out Jio, and gently touched Boyan's leg with her toe, "Alive?"

The thin words remained unchanged.

Xia Siyu was a little nervous now, wouldn't that kick really kicked him bad? In her memory, it seemed like maybe, she didn't use much effort. It's much lighter than when I hated him in the past, and he doesn't have much real feeling.

But, is it just such a coincidence?

She stepped forward again: "Bo Yan? Are you okay?"

Bo Yan didn't speak, Xia Siyu finally couldn't help but got on one knee and leaned toward the edge of the bed, but Bo Yan kept frowning, closing his eyes, and pursing the corners of his thin mouth, looking like it was painful.

"Bo Yan?" Xia Siyu was a little panicked now, she hurried up, put her arms around Bo Yan's shoulders, and leaned her body towards him: "Bo Yan, if you say something, you won't be kicked. Huh? Do you want me to call you a 120?"

"I said..." Bo Yan finally spoke, and then turned around, just raised his head, trying to say something, maybe his back was straight, and he was pulled back to the wound.

Obviously it seemed miserable, but Xia Siyu wanted to laugh: "Hahahaha!"

"You're still laughing!" Bo Yan took a breath, somehow healed the pain, and put his arms around her shoulders: "You have a problem with kicking people, and I don't know when I can fix it. Just kick your calf, you Really unloaded the tools. You broke the kick, you will be proud of being a widow all your life?"

Xia Siyu "pooh", "Dreaming, I don't want to be a widow. If you can't do it, I will kick you, and find a little wolfdog Feng-liu happy. Let you cry every day until dawn."

Xia Siyu turned to ridicule, but rolled into his arms, picking his Adam's apple with her finger.

Bo Yan smiled again and again, and then pulled back to the painful smile.

Hey, how do you say, talk to Xia Siyu, she thinks you are serious, no kidding. Just kidding, she couldn't play again, and kicked and beat when she didn't agree.

Xia Siyu looked up again: "Husband."

Bo Yan let out a lazy "um".

Xia Siyu kissed his chin: "I love you."

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