Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1117: Patient (3)

It's all right now, don't need to look at it. It doesn't matter if it was hurt before, but the key is that it's completely hurt now with a sore groan.

But even so, Bo Yan didn't dare to let go of his hand. When the two of them landed, he still stretched out his hand to protect Xia Siyu's head, lest she hit the corner of the bedside table.

When the two of them got up, Xia Siyu seemed to know that she was in trouble, and she hurriedly hid aside, looked at Bo Yan, and tugged at the small pieces of fabric on the edge of the bed sheet, her small eyes glanced slightly, and then quickly came back. The expression on his face doing something wrong: "That...Isn't it broken?"

Bo Yan has a black line on his face. He just pretended to be unable to get up, but now he really can't get up. After struggling for a long time, he got up with his hands and rushed to the bathroom in small steps.

Xia Siyu knew that she had done something wrong, so she didn't dare to make noise anymore. She sat on the ground with her legs lopsided and waited for a long time. When Bo Yan came out of the bathroom, she stood up, looking bewildered like the little wife, and couldn't ask. Dare to ask.

Bo Yan looked at her like that, didn't dare to say anything, so she sighed heavily, and then waved: "Come here."

Xia Siyu's really obedient puppies generally wagged their tails and rubbed beside him. They didn't dare to say anything. They just rubbed his palms properly.

Bo Yan is angry and funny, and she can't be blamed, who told me that I just pretended to be upright, and I was really disabled by her.

Who can blame this, he must be blamed. Knowing that Xia Siyu was impulsive and wanted to lie to her, the more he lied, the worse it was. It would be better to admit it honestly before.

He sighed again: "Don't blame you. It's my fault."

As soon as Bo Yan admitted her mistake, she felt more guilty in her heart. It was better than Bo Yan beat her up, and she would be a good girl 18 years later.

"Are you really... okay? Do you want to go to the hospital? Don't worry, I won't laugh at you no matter what you are. This is sick and not incurable. I have confidence in you!"

Bo Yan looked sideways at Xia Siyu. Although this guy had a serious face, he didn't know why the words he said made him feel like a mockery, making people want to laugh and be speechless. He stretched out his hand to poke the melon seeds in her head, stretched out his hand, affected the injury, and immediately bowed again.

Xia Siyu hurried to rub his face, he could only sigh.

Xia Siyu should not be blamed for this matter, it was his fault. He knew that Xia Siyu was a mad personality, and he wanted to tease her. When she got mad, he even beat her, and of course he would harm Chi Yu.

Bo Yan also suddenly discovered that if it was her past self, she would never be able to run around the table with her, and deliberately pretended to be sick. He hasn't experienced this abnormal, childlike behavior for a long, long time. There can be one person, laughing and joking with him, and being reckless with him and not looking back.

He often sighed before that after Xia Siyu reunited with him, his original temperament changed a little, and he liked reading and studying. But is he not? With Xia Siyu, although she occasionally has the pain of **** like today, she can always shine his life and his character with extra sunshine.

Bo Yan's hand smoothed her hair and kissed her forehead gently: "My wife, I love you."

Xia Siyu shivered: This guy, won't you be confused? It's really not working anymore, so I have to please her?

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