Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1121: Rejuvenate (1)

He couldn't think that Xia Siyu was worried about her "marriage happiness" and wanted to help him regroup. His voice trembled: "But it's okay, but don't you want to read?"

Xia Siyu took his arm and shook it all the time: "Listening to the Lord's words is better than reading for ten years. Reading is not important to sports. Come and help others."

Although Bo Yan felt a little strange, she kept shaking his arm. How can I say that Xia Siyu’s cute outfit makes people feel uncomfortable. There is a sense of clumsiness like a bear rubbing against a tree. Bo Yan was shaken by her for a while, and her arms almost fell apart. , He had to get up: "Well, go with you."

Xia Siyu hurriedly dragged the yoga mat to put it away, but unfortunately, the yoga mats here haven't been used for a long time. They are all gray, and they can't be used after they are put. Xia Siyu smiled, "I'll wipe it." Then she turned her head and took a white T-shirt.

Bo Yan was stunned for a moment: "What are you doing with this."

Xia Siyu looked calmly: "A rag, isn't it not found? Just use this."

Bo Yan looked at the Saint Laurent T-shirt, a little speechless: "Leave me alone."

He turned his head and took a box of wet wipes. There are indeed no wipes at home, but there are wet wipes. Bo Yan wanted to squat down to clean up. Xia Siyu feared that his squat would affect the kicker yesterday, and said, "I'll come."

The two squatted down at the same time and stretched out their hands at the same time. Before they even got the wet wipes, Xia Siyu and Bo Yan's hands touched in the air.

Although Xia Siyu took the shot later, she was impatient and fast, but first came into contact with the wet wipes. Bo Yan arrived later, just holding her hand.

The two looked at each other.

Bo Yan has very large hands and very long fingers with distinct knuckles. His hands are not like those of some people, they are too cold in autumn and winter, and their hands are very warm. When the piano teacher looks at such a hand, he knows that it is a pair of piano hands. He does play the guitar and the piano. I took a guitar to play and sing before, and I was so obsessed with fans.

It was an accident to hold her in the air, and the thin words didn't mean to take advantage of her. However, Xia Siyu has been irritated for a day, and let him go for a while and act like a baby again. This guy has too many roads, and he is a little bit confused. . Now that I grabbed my hand, I didn't intend to let it go. Originally, Bo Yan only touched the back of her hand from behind, but at this time, he simply interspersed his fingers, pressed his palm against the back of her hand, clasped her fingers, and then tightened.

Xia Siyu stared at him blankly, feeling the temperature of his palm, slowly spreading from his palm to the back of her hand, her fingertips. He still looked at her and smiled. This smile seemed to spring flowers in full bloom, everything revived, and her heart jumped wildly when she saw it.

After Xia Siyu reunited with him, there was more physical communication than emotional communication at the beginning. Later, feelings came up, but it was mainly divided into two aspects. One is that the two have the same hobbies and work. Bo Yan and her promote each other in acting and make progress together. The second is that the two people jointly support each other in family matters. With the same target of hostility, the two gradually establish a revolutionary friendship, and then they are considerate and understand each other.

Of course, this kind of relationship is not bad, but after all, it is a bit less pure love.

Xia Siyu himself was not ashamed and embarrassed. This kind of little deer hit his heart like a drum, and his mind seemed to have the feeling of fireworks "shooing" in the air, which was rarely realized.

But now, when she looked at the thin words, there were only a few words in her eyes: the taste of heartbeat.

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