Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1125: Reinvigorate the glory (5)

In fact, Xia Siyu had already prepared for the second stage before the first stage started.

There are no such little clothes, lace, or see-through clothes at home. It didn't take long for her to get back together with Bo Yan. The two of them were usually too busy to meet each other. They were usually out of town, in the crew, and in the hotel. With so many people in the hotel, she still has to take care of filming/shooting variety shows/beware of paparazzi, and she has to take time out when she is in love, so there is no time to prepare these things.

She and Bo Yan are still in love, although they occasionally play tricks, but they do not include buying these things. Xia Siyu is also quite confident about her face and figure, and what to do with these fancy clothes, it is enough to look at her face.

But the entertainment circle is well-informed, and some props are prepared for crazy play. Although Xia Siyu did not participate, he heard that some photos were not circulated by internal public relations. The battle was quite fierce. This guy is very curious and really searched for relevant information for the sake of curiosity. For example, for Li Weiyi's multiplayer sports video, she actually scanned the original video a few times.

How about Xia Siyuhu, the gloom of these horns, she also went to "dabble". But the main thing is to satisfy curiosity, smile after reading it, and not to go to the heart. But now it's going to come in handy, and quickly go and buy it familiarly.

This purchase simply opened the door to a new world.

Naturally, there are inner-clothes and so on. There are other COSPLAY costumes, from all walks of life, such as nurses, teachers, students, white-collar workers, and all the professions you can think of. Han Yifan also had related content in the short film that Han Yifan passed to her before. Isn't the first film the "Tutor" series. The most speechless thing is, what's the matter with this sanitation worker's clothes? Someone else wears this stuff into the bedroom? There are also XXL codes. This tastes so heavy.

Clothes are only a small part, and there are some tools. There are simulating boys, there are simulating girls, and there are vibrating and thorny ones. What leather whip candle is just a small CASE, which is also written on it, so it doesn't hurt to draw it on the body.

Xia Siyu hurriedly glanced at it. After all, she only chose a few clothes for exercise, using Wei Jingjing's name and Wei Jingjing's account. The food was delivered.

She had just finished stretching here, when the phone rang over there. Xia Siyu saw that it was Wei Jingjing who had called.

She secretly looked at Bo Yan and didn't notice it, and said in a low voice, "Is my takeaway here? Let him put the takeaway on the doorman's side and I will get it by myself."

If you want to create an atmosphere, you must be surprised. Let Bo Yan know her little abacus, what else is unexpected?

As for takeaways, she certainly can't be delivered to the door in person. If the takeaway boy knows that she lives here, he also bought adult products? Believe it or not, it's a hot search on Weibo in ten minutes.

Wei Jingjing quickly returned the message, saying that the takeaway had been delivered as required. Xia Siyu hurriedly changed into her sportswear, zips up her clothes to the highest level, put on a mask, a hat, and tied her hair up-she didn't want to be seen face when she went to pick up things!

Moreover, in order to prevent Bo Yan from seeing her, the thief usually poked his head out of the bedroom, observed it, and crept out. Bo Yan's voice happened to be heard from the next door: "What's the matter with your dress?"

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