Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1139: New task (1)

He sighed again. Although he was a little fatter, he wouldn't show up so much in clothes, but Xia Siyu in this state is really beautiful. So why does the entertainment industry want to be extremely lean? How cute is such a little fleshy!

But he wasn't just completely greedy for her body, although Xia Siyu had just cursed, and he went to the doctor in a hurry to find some "strategy". However, he felt from her words that she really cared about herself, and was willing to make changes for him-although the price was that he was scared all day, a wine glass, and his spring pot.

However, he still felt very moved. After all, since the death of his parents, he seems to have never found a single person, and treated him wholeheartedly.

Xia Siyu got more and more angry. She got up immediately and wanted to tear off the clothes. To tell the truth, the clothes were a little small. The top was a little breathless, and the meat was choked on the bottom. It was uncomfortable.

But the clothes are already on her, even if she wants to throw them away, she has to take them off before throwing them away. So she came together, and the action was-angrily untied the outer gauze strap. The yarn made of clothes fell apart in an instant, and she wanted to pull it off again. During the pulling, the tulle slipped to one side, revealing a shoulder.

"Don't move!" Bo Yan said at the back at this time. Xia Siyu would not listen to people's orders, she wanted to move. She pulled to the right, and the clothes on the other side also slipped off her shoulders. How to say it, from the back of Bo Yan, I feel that the scene in front of me is: world famous paintings!

Bo Yan immediately hugged her from behind, on the one hand to stop this guy's restlessness, on the other hand, to stop his own restlessness.

He did intend to take another day off today. Although I checked it when I went to the bathroom in the morning, the trauma of last night has been healed, and there should be nothing serious about it. But to be on the safe side, take a few more days of rest. Anyway, the wife is by her side and can't run away.

But, now he can still bear it, it's either Yang Wei or GAY!

Of course Xia Siyu would not agree, and he would not let go. The two twisted left and right. Fortunately, the frank remark was holding her from behind, which restricted her many tricks. Otherwise, let her kick like this, if it is a frontal attack, if she accidentally kicks his parts, he will lose a lot?

But Bo Yan only thought of the parts. He didn't expect anything else. Xia Siyu couldn't escape, so he lifted his foot and stamped his heel fiercely on the back of his instep! Moreover, it turned twice.

Although Xia Siyu didn't wear high heels, her power was much smaller, but her sudden blow made Bo Yan a pain. He immediately retracted the hand holding her waist and bowed down.

Xia Siyu snorted: "Oh, let you scold me."

She just wanted to tear off her clothes, and when she looked back, she saw Bo Yan squatting on the ground, feeling a little worried. After thinking about it, he kicked his calf with his toe: "Hey, you're not dead, right?"

Bo Yan did not speak.

Xia Siyu frowned, and then squatted down: "I shouldn't exert much effort?"

Just after speaking, Bo Yan suddenly got up and took her to the sofa. Xia Siyu knew that she had admitted wrong this time, and hurriedly shouted: "Help, help!"

The thin words were angry and funny, and a little bit painful: "You have nothing to do with your hands and feet. There is no serious or serious problem, and I don't know when it will be changed."

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