Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1146: Everyone loves to complain (2)

In the postgraduate stage, he studied the Department of Directing, systematically studied theoretical knowledge, and completed his graduation works well. After entering the entertainment industry, I also seized every opportunity to shoot on the spot. But even so, his practical experience is a little too little. Even if he and Han also run a small company, he often has a hand addiction in the past, but the texture of making online dramas and making movies is completely different. A good director is worse than a good director plus a good team. For example, Sun Wujiu's "Spring Light" was mainly used by Yu Fenfei's team.

He and Han Yifan’s small film and television company fought for three years. Because I don't have money, I can't afford the dazzling late team with special effects. Because there is no money, I can't afford to hire big-name artists.

In fact, there is no shortage of talented and beautiful artists in this world. What is missing is really opportunity. And the people are impetuous. If you look a little more beautiful, you don’t want to hone your basic skills day after day. What you think is how to become popular, become popular faster, make money early and become a star, and enjoy the popularity of thousands of people. Even if you are admitted to a film and television academy, if you go out to pick up the job before you finish your studies, of course the things you shoot will have no texture.

What Bo Yan and Han Yifan did was to cultivate talents for future teams. On the one hand, they gave a lot of money to the production team and screenwriters. They set a rule that they can only pay one-third of the total budget. The production team and screenwriters also account for one-third, and the rest is distribution and promotion. other fee. Moreover, the status of the screenwriter is guaranteed, and the script cannot be modified at will or specialization. Of course, given so much power to the screenwriters, if they do not perform well in two consecutive films, they are also responsible.

As for artists, they definitely don't look for those who have become famous, or have a small reputation, or have been signed by a large company, and have a higher heart. All he signs are very cost-effective, young and pink rookies. After I came here, I couldn't help but throw them into the training camp to concentrate on training their acting skills, ranging from one month to six months. After the practice is over, just go to the acting, the company has ready-made online dramas, there is no shortage of mobile phone training.

Of course, with this training model, once an actor becomes famous for acting in a play, and other big companies want to break the contract and leave, they will not stop it, and just give enough liquidated damages.

How else would it be to say that it is a black heart coal, he signed these artists at the price of cabbage, and lost them to the training camp training, of course, it also costs money, the tuition comes from the salary of the previous dramas. Although it will not squeeze the artist, the rake is very small. But once there is a breach of contract, the price of liquidated damages is sky-high.

But let's not say that the artists he personally selected and cultivated are also high-priced digs from other big companies. In the past three years, five or six were poached, and the five or six liquidated damages alone were enough to support a lot of their expenses. He also invested money in team building and artist training.

This way, the team is built, the screenwriters have a certain reserve, and there are always some artists who are not picked by other companies. Of course, the current team is still the team of web dramas, and he is working hard to upgrade the team with the money he earned from previous operations.

But not only does the team need to upgrade, he also needs it. Now, it's time for him to upgrade himself.

Xia Siyu also asked: "Friendly guest appearance, that means no money?"

Bo Yan nodded: "Yes, when I run out of money, will my wife support me?"

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