Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1176: Race against time (2)

Wei Jingjing turned her head and saw that only Song Fengzhi was behind Bo Yan. It seemed that she had inquired about Xia Siyu's location and hurried over.

Bo Yan asked: "Is she in there?"

Wei Jing nodded quietly.

Without saying much, he pushed the door in, and then closed the door instantly. Wei Jingjing was outside the door and heard the sound of him locking the door.

Yes, it seems that the ticket has to be changed. Xia Siyu is happy to change the date of the sign.


After Bo Yan came in, he also found that Xia Siyu had pulled the curtains and the room was completely dark. Further inside, Xia Siyu was lying on his back. The bed was so big, this guy wanted to lie down, the quilt was kicked aside by her, and the pajamas were not well worn, and a corner of the right side of the placket was raised, revealing a white belly.

Bo Yan looked dumbfounded, and stepped forward to cover her with a quilt, and he was covering it when she heard her muttering something. He leaned closer and listened: "Those words... asshole..."

Bo Yan this time, it was not intentional not to reply. The place where he works is in the mountains. In order to take the best shots, he has been there for two days. The signal is weak and it is not easy to make and receive calls, let alone the internet. It’s not difficult to contact the outside world, just drive three kilometers away. But Bo Yan was in a hurry to shoot and wanted to come early, so he stayed there.

The conditions in the mountains are not good. He has nowhere to take a bath for the past two days, so he has to squat.

After he successfully received the information, it was already on the way to catch the plane early this morning. It was too late in the morning, and it was estimated that Xia Siyu was resting, and he didn't have the nerve to disturb her. Besides, I was shooting outside and spent several nights in a row. I fell asleep tired on the plane, and on the way to the studio, I was also sleeping.

What Xia Siyu said of "not being punctual" was not only because he was late when he came today, but also because of ignoring her. This can only be explained later.

Bo Yan didn't bother her, turned around and went to the bathroom. He just changed his clothes and returned the props when he went out. He didn't remove the makeup, so quickly remove the makeup. Hu Zhu shaved a round because of the advertisement, and at this time, he took a careful rest and took another bath.

For fear of waking her up, blowing her hair and putting on clothes were all done in the bathroom.

But even so, he woke Xia Siyu up. She rubbed her sleepy eyes, kicked the quilt away, and sat up in a daze. When she saw Bo Yan coming out of the bathroom wearing a bath towel, she instantly became angry and turned her head. Throwing a pillow on him: "Bo Yan, you bastard!"

Bo Yan hugged the pillow and took a step forward. Xia Siyu turned his head and threw it away. He had already grabbed it. Xia Siyu was so angry that he thought this **** still wanted to use it, and immediately twisted his whole body to protest: "Give me a hand to my old lady! Don't you want your lifeblood anymore, and want to get a kick?"

Bo Yan is so angry and funny, he doesn't want to fight with her either, but she can't kick her from the current angle, so she can just play anywhere else. His voice was a little tired and hoarse, and he was quite sexual in the dim room: "I'll just say three sentences. First, I was wrong. I shouldn't be late and shouldn't reply to your message in time. Second, I I hardly closed my eyes for 72 hours, and the signal in the mountains was not good. Third, I am very happy to see you now full of anger and life."

Xia Siyu snorted, "Say less pretty..."

Before the words fell, the thin words fell down, Xia Siyu thought, look, the old lady guessed it, this dog man really wants to use it!

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