Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1179: Race against time (5)

Bo Yan also asked, "Do you want to eat steamed dumplings?"

Xia Siyu shook his head: "I want to eat dumplings, stuffed with leeks." He also added: "Put more spicy."

When she finished eating, Xia Siyu rubbed her belly, and Bo Yan asked her, "Have you eaten enough?"

Xia Siyu still rolled his eyes at him, hum, such a small favor, don't think you can buy her! Do you know why she eats leek stuffing? After a while, this guy dares to commit an evil intention, and she will kill you in one breath!

He bluntly wrapped up the rest of the breakfast. He has not eaten since noon yesterday, but even if it is a big bite, he eats very elegantly, but at a faster speed. When he finished the meal, he cleared the table, then turned to the bathroom, and listened to the sound, as if he felt that the smell of leeks was too strong and he was going to brush his teeth.

Tsk tusk tusk, as we all know, brush your teeth after getting up early, taking a nap and going to bed at night. The other is to go out to discuss business. Also, brush your teeth when you are dating, for fear that the other party will smell bad.

When many actors and actresses are making kiss scenes, they are afraid that the other party will take advantage of them. Sometimes they will use this method to eat leek, garlic and onion to make their partners feel uncomfortable. She had guessed this guy's wrong intentions a long time ago, and she is ready here!

When Bo Yan came out after brushing his teeth, she was still sitting on the spot, holding her arms around her neck and looking at him. It was a little strange: "I have vegetable leaves on my face?" No, he washed his face by the way when he brushed his teeth.

Xia Siyu did not answer.

"Is there any dirt on my clothes?" He looked down again. The white T-shirt was very clean and there were no grease stains.

Xia Siyu still did not answer.

Bo Yan asked again: "Do you still have a shooting mission today? Do you still need to shoot? Or do you have other missions here?"

Xia Siyu finally spoke, and the words were rough and rough: "What are you asking so much for?"

"care about you."

Xia Siyu complained in her heart, are you caring about yourself? If she doesn't have any tasks today, and she doesn't have to go to other places, she can be reunited properly. Hmph, don't think she doesn't know what this guy is thinking. It's always like this every time, and there are a lot of beautiful things, and finally I found that it is more realistic to go to the bed to talk.

"I said my flight ticket back to Yancheng today?"

Bo Yan smiled: "I will go to the airport with you."

Xia Siyu's expression was cold: "Farewell, I can't stand the treatment of your big star. If your fans see me coming out with you, don't eat me alive!"

Bo Yan smiled and said, "It's okay. I came back from leave and didn't report to the company. Anyway, I'll be back one day, so I have to go back and continue shooting."

Xia Siyu "cut" again and raised Erlang's legs. As soon as she turned her head, she froze for a moment: "You took a day off?"

Bo Yan nodded: "Yes, I came back yesterday, and today is over, I have to report to the teacher in the evening. Director Yu said, if I can't return to the crew before 12 o'clock this evening, the directorship will be withdrawn for me. "

Xia Siyu realized the seriousness of the matter. She stood up immediately, Bo Yan meant that he had a rest here last night, so he has to go?

This is too, race against time, right?

"Then come here..."

"The first is to shoot an advertisement. After all, people paid for it, and there is no way to have a job." Bo Yan smiled: "I just want to see you. But seeing you look like alive and well, I feel relieved."

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