Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1192: True and false love (6)

Sure enough, the third condition will come soon. The host asked Xia Siyu first this time: "Your third condition, are you sure to choose the taller one?"

Xia Siyu raised his head: "Of course."

Artists are hardest hit by height fraud, especially male artists. Even if the female artist is shorter, as long as it's not too short, it won't affect her much. But male artists are different. Those with less than 170 will report 170 uniformly, and some will report 172. Those who have just passed 170 will be reported 180 if they are a bit more careful, they will also report 178. Only those who exceed 180 will be reported normally, even if they are too tall, they will be reported shorter, but that number is relatively small.

Xia Siyu has a solid 168, sometimes even just wearing a slightly thicker flat heels, standing in front of the male celebrities known as 178,180, is also "sit on an equal footing." Acting in emotional drama with those male stars, people have to step on a stool to have a height difference.

In normal filming, you can't pay attention to height. After all, you still have to look at acting, read the script, and look at the choice of the investor's father. But a variety show, she still has no choice? She just wants to be tall, handsome and in good shape.

As for the man's moral character, being considerate and gentle, what does this have to do with her? She is not looking for a partner, just a partner, of course she is looking for good-looking ones. Facing good-looking people, they can eat two more bowls.

She didn't emphasize that she must be in good shape. Anyway, this is a love show, not a **** show, and there will not be many opportunities to undress and see muscles.

A group of female guests laughed wildly.

In fact, everyone looks at the face, but after all, it’s on the show, it will still converge. Especially for some idols who follow the graceful route, the characters are gentle and they dare not show it. But Xia Siyu was different. He was famously sturdy and had many scandals. People didn't care about it at all, so naturally they dared to shout.

After asking for another round, it turned out that only Xia Siyu called out all external conditions. The host asked again: "Don't change it?"

A group of people shook their heads.

"That's good." The host smiled: "Then put three labels on yourself. We have several terms, please choose according to your own conditions."

There are "gentle", "acceptable", "considerate", "humor", and "beautiful".

It goes without saying that Xia Siyu moved towards the "beautiful" label without hesitation.

The person next to him was laughing again.

"Okay, please go down and rest first, ladies and gentlemen, and wait for your carefully selected boyfriends."

At the same time, the male guest is also making choices.

I also have expectations for the other party first, and put a suitable label on myself.

Unlike the woman, the male guests are particularly enthusiastic in choosing "beautiful". It wasn't Xia Siyu, and he didn't dare to choose "good figure". But for their own label, everyone has also chosen handsome: "Does this still need to be chosen? We are already handsome!"

The host repeatedly emphasized: "Choose something unique, talented, gentle, and good at cooking."

Only then did some people find other tags one after another.

"Okay, everyone has chosen. Then please go down and prepare first. The female guests who are in love with you are already waiting for you to meet at the designated place."


What they don't know is that the housing with the best looks is the worst. The director's car drove halfway and let Xia Siyu get off. She pushed her luggage all the way to the most broken house, waiting for the most handsome male guest.

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