Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1194: 72 hours (2)

Qin Baizhou thought he had read it wrong, so he took a step back and saw the sign on the doorplate, and he did not go wrong.

He and Zhou Weiwei looked at each other for a while: "Why are you?"

After relaxing for a while, Qin Baizhou asked, "What label did you choose?"

Although Qin Baizhou is also Zhou Weiwei's agent now, he is a partner of the company, holding resources, and countless female artists are vying for it. Zhou Weiwei knew in her heart that if it were not for chasing Xia Siyu, he would not promote herself. But she didn't mean to cause this incident today: "I have chosen my favorite object to be high cold, wisdom, and black belly."

She actually picked it just like Bo Yan, who knew that she would go with Qin Baizhou. Qin Baizhou thought Xia Siyu would like the Bo Yan type, and Zhou Weiwei also chose the Bo Yan type.

As for her own label, she did choose "self-improvement" and said: "Siyu helped me a lot in the past. In the future, I will learn to be self-reliant and use my own strength to go on."

So it's not a coincidence, isn't it?

As for "beautiful", Zhou Weiwei is not ugly, after all, she is also an actor. Only when Xia Siyu's light was too bright did she appear bleak.

After all, there was a camera following, it was a serious show, and Qin Baizhou couldn't retreat after choosing all of them. He had no choice but to nod: "It seems that in the next 72 hours, we will have to take care of each other. But I'm a little curious, what are the criteria for your girls?"

As soon as Qin Baizhou exited, Zhou Weiwei understood. She also followed sloppy eyes: "There are quite a few types. Si Yu chose a handsome tall and good figure, and Hu Juyue chose humor and cuteness and can cook."

Qin Baizhou was helpless, this was really...very Xia Siyu.


Several other groups of guests also followed their own "choices" and their own "labels" to find their "favorites".

Regardless of whether it’s joy or sorrow, it’s just a variety show anyway. Even if some of the shows are deliberately "stubborn" and did not let both men and women choose their favorite objects, it is 72 hours anyway. Everyone is paying for the notice. The program is not too much to accept.

Moreover, the accommodation provided by the program group is also good. Although it is said that you cannot leave the small hospital for 72 hours, you will not contact other people except the staff, and several groups of guests cannot visit each other.

However, the yard is retro and simple. White walls and black tiles, pebbles, small ponds and flowers in the courtyard. The room is full of materials. Although they may not have takeaways or a unified box lunch for the crew for the past three days, they have to cook their own meals, but the ingredients and various seasonings are available.

The rooms are also for one person, so you can not disturb each other, so it is very casual.


Except for Xia Siyu.

With this condition, Xia Siyu was shocked after opening the door and entering. There was a leaf in the yard, and the house was also an old house of the local residents originally expropriated. The windows were broken, and the wooden window lattices were glued with paper. It was also dirty inside, except for the wooden bed and straw mats, and there was a TV in the living room, nothing.

The room was also chaotic. It was considered that the program team had a conscience and cleaned out the small animals such as cockroaches, spiders and mice, otherwise it would be even more chaotic. The yard is also a wooden fence gate, and the gate is crooked.

Xia Siyu sighed after entering the door: "It's not easy for you to find such a place."

As she was talking, there was a sound from the door, and her three-day "boyfriend" came.

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