Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1258: Love exposure (6)

Xia Siyu was also taken aback, and Qin Baizhou was listening leisurely at first. She also probably understood why Bo Yan asked him to listen. After all, the public statement involved many aspects, and it wouldn't work without an agent nearby.

She knew what Bo Yan meant. In fact, the two of them had planned for this a long time ago, and they had also told each other. She even figured out what happened to her mother. Although she hoped to mention her mother's name proudly when she got the queen trophy, how could the world be so happy?

What if she doesn't have any ability, let alone thirty years old, it is forty, fifty, or even she can't get a queen when she is old and dead?

Is the movie queen your food basket? You can get it for money? If she really doesn't have this talent, when will she get the award? If she couldn't get it, she wouldn't dare to tell her mother's life, nor did she dare to disclose her relationship with Bo Yan?

If she is alone, she will not say anything. She was ashamed of herself, and she didn't want to draw the black powder over to insult her mother's soul. However, she has a bad word.

She is now young, twenty-seven years old, in the entertainment industry, and even hidden married couples, who have not been public until the age of fifty or sixty. But she can hide it, what about it? Feelings are a matter for two people, and she doesn't want to be so selfish.

But the benefits of concealment are also obvious. She herself has experienced the bitterness of people's collapse, she doesn't want Bo Yan to experience it again. She has never doubted the intention of thin words, and she has always been a free and resolute person, but when things came, she still hesitated.

But I didn't expect that Qin Baizhou would suddenly attack him and come up to beat him.


"Stop?" Qin Baizhou looked back at Xia Siyu with a surprised look. Seeing her obviously worried eyes at Bo Yan, he was not only surprised, but also angry. This anger turned into jealousy!

To be honest, although Xia Siyu is usually very good to people around her, she is a star who is praised by the team after all, and she usually has some princess temperaments. And maybe it's because she is usually afraid of being scrambled with CP. She is relatively alienated from the men around her, fearing that one of them will be photographed by a paparazzi accidentally and then go outside to spread the news.

He had never seen her protect a man in this way. Could she really not see that thin words were lying to her?

But the more Xia Siyu shouted, the more angry he got. He calmed his face and slapped his hand angrily: "What a man you are! If you have a seed, you will make the matter of the two of you public, you... …"

Before the words fell, the fist was suddenly intercepted in mid-air.

It was a thin word, he stretched out his palm, opened his five fingers and intercepted Qin Baizhou's fist. The other hand wiped the place he had just beaten.

Qin Baizhou still wanted to hit him, and continued with the other hand, and waved it while he was wiping his face. Bo Yan didn't get used to him either, just a kick when he raised his leg!

Qin Baizhou was kicked back a few steps, hitting the wall behind his back, and stopped his retreat.

He just never expected that Xia Siyu said to stop, maybe not to him, but to Bo Yan.

Qin Baizhou may have fitness, but Bo Yan has really practiced! Once the fight started, he was not a bad-mouthed opponent.

But he still didn't want to give in: "Bo Yan, you are playing cruelly with me. Why don't you stand up to the paparazzi? Want to pay to deal with it? Why, now that you can't bear your status and fans?"

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