Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1307: Part ways (1)

Qin Baizhou also wanted to stay: "This matter is indeed my fault, I did not notify in advance. But what you know about public opinion is that it is effective. If you tell you, you will go to Chen Fan’s family with relentless heart. And the families of those two staff members went to discuss it. I didn’t know if it was a few days later. You have to believe in my ability. I will not let you suffer. The losses you suffer now, those who are scolded now, will be in the future. Thousands of times have returned."

Xia Siyu looked indifferent: "Maybe, but it will have nothing to do with Huixing in the future. After working together for eight years, everyone is good to get together. If possible, I don't want to go to court. If you have anything, you can discuss with a lawyer. , I won’t show up."

"You..." Qin Baizhou really didn't expect that eight years of company would be a fluttering "untie". He couldn't bear it a little bit: "Are you really going to leave? Just because of this? Didn't I handle public opinion before? Your personal affairs, your selection of films, the company said it would not interfere if it didn't interfere. Even if you don't do it well this time, there is no need to be arrogant, right?"

Suddenly he thought of something, and then asked: "Is it bad words?"

In fact, neither Xia Siyu nor Bo Yan is a person short of money. Although Qin Baizhou didn't know whether Xia Siyu was an illegitimate daughter or a genuine daughter, her father valued her as a fact. She is not short of money, so she can afford compensation and liquidated damages.

But as an entertainer, with infamy on his back, it is too difficult to make a comeback in the future. This time he pulled her reputation down, and he wanted to push her reputation up.

If it was her alone, or another public relations team, Qin Baizhou couldn't think of any way to erase this matter. Even if other public relations teams took this order, it would be a sky-high price.

And for a while, where can she find such a team?

After much deliberation, it is only possible that it is blunt words. The two of them are very close to each other. Bo Yan and she have both met their parents. It is estimated that the parents will not care about her reputation in the entertainment industry. Didn't he want her to leave the circle, wash her hands and make soup, and raise her as a rich wife in a deep boudoir?

Unexpectedly, Xia Siyu looked at him with a look of surprise: "What are you talking about? What does it have to do with him?"

"Did he... suggest that you quit the company? Did she make you break the contract? Did he push you and say that Huixing was using your reputation and you came here?"

Xia Siyu was completely speechless when she heard this. Bo Yan does occasionally do some things that she is not very acceptable, but he never interferes with himself in the choice of such major events. Even if he wants to make comments, he will give advice, and she will always make the final decision.

Maybe this guy used some tricks when he first came into contact, but in the process of getting along, the two of them are indeed equal. If she wants to learn, he will help lead the way. He gave advice, she would not listen, and he would not force it.

At first, I didn't think it was a flimsy word, but Qin Baizhou mentioned that Xia Siyu suddenly became clear.

It turned out that he was really pretty good, even if she was angrily looking for Qin Baizhou to settle the account today, he didn't say a word to add more energy.

"I am me, he is him. He can't control me, and I won't intervene in his affairs. However, these have nothing to do with you."

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