Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1312: Parting ways (6)

It's really pitiful to say that after the death of these two staff members, the entire network was angered at first. All passers-by can't wait to tear up the program group and the TV station. But later, after Xia Siyu "take the lead" jumped out, everyone's spearhead was aimed at her again, and she was a sacrifice to the sky with the dog-blood sprinkler she was scolded by herself. Behind her, the remaining Huixing artists, including Zhou Weiwei, were rarely implicated.

When Xia Siyu was set on fire, Hui Xing originally thought that he would send the artist's donation to the corpse at this time to reverse the matter. But Xia Siyu insisted on quitting Huixing, so they were happy to let the public criticize her, and other artists were all hidden. At this time, if you don't fall into trouble, it is the last gentleness.

And these two staff members, because they were inside the TV station, and the TV station asked for a cold treatment, so they didn't spend a lot of time on organizing a farewell party. Xia Siyu still found the place after asking her relationship, and rushed over to bid farewell.

The two staff members probably never thought that in the past few days after their deaths, it seemed as if the sky was turned upside down. Everyone focused on them, but when the farewell ceremony was really done, except for relatives and friends, even TV station colleagues. The unit warned him not to come and see him off, so as not to make a big noise and make things difficult to clean up.

Therefore, it seems deserted.

Xia Siyu came by herself, and Bo Yan actually followed, but near the mourning hall, she did not let Bo Yan follow. She took off her sunglasses, and the family members saw her at the scene, and she jumped in anger. There was even a brother of the deceased who threw the pen in his hand onto her face in anger. Xia Siyu did not evade, and was poked with ink on her face by the tip of the pen.

"Please grief."

The two mourning halls were set together, so she put down the flowers, picked up the thrown pen, and signed it all at once.

After signing, she asked: "Excuse me, who are the immediate family members of these two."

The one who threw the pen next to him was furious: "What do you want to do? Are you still trying to find fault? Wait until the time has passed before you come to our troubles?"

Xia Siyu didn't say a word, just looked at the sign next to it-these years, the gift money has also kept pace with the times, and I am afraid that you will not have enough cash, so I have the QR code ready. Xia Siyu also asked: "Are these two QR codes from these two? Are you sure that the parties can receive them?"

The person next to her didn't want to care about her, so she took out her mobile phone, scanned the QR code, and asked, "Can I go in and get the incense?"

Originally, the younger brother was going to be mad, suddenly a relative exclaimed: "One million? You gave one million?"

To be precise, it is one million per person. Before Xia Siyu, the limit of online banking was one million. In order to be able to transfer money, she specifically called the bank to open a higher payment amount.

One million gift money is indeed a lot for an ordinary person. Many people were suppressed and did not stop her again. She went into the mourning hall smoothly, worshipped both of them, and offered incense.

After quitting, she went to the hospital again. After these few days, Chen Fan has woke up. His left leg was amputated, but he was sober and his right hand was also saved, which is a blessing in misfortune. When Xia Siyu came, he was still resting. His parents stared at her outside the door, seeing her eyes as if they were about to eat her.

Xia Siyu didn't fight with them either. She had Chen Fan's WeChat account and directly forwarded him a million.

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