Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1315: Way out (3)

"Really? I see, there is no way, the review system is there, so I can only bother."

Xia Siyu looked up and asked, "What's the matter?"

Bo Yan glanced at her: "Okay, don't say anything, I'll hang up the phone first."

He shook his head: "It's okay."

Xia Siyu said: "Just tell me, it's okay, anyway, I just fell into trouble again."

Bo Yan shook his head: "No. It's "Spring Light", which was not rough cut and has not been sent up yet. It was just scanned by the peer reviewers and said that it could not be broadcast."

After all, "Spring Light" involves a special era and a special event, and it needs to be changed drastically if it is broadcast.

But this review, although not one size fits all, is still quite flexible. Sometimes it's a little stricter and won't even show you it. Sometimes it's a little looser, maybe some leader appreciates it, gives the green light, and can get the dragon mark after a little repair.

However, "Spring Light" was suddenly stuck at this time, and it is estimated that she can't get rid of it.

She is now a "bad artist" and the first person to "get out of the entertainment circle". Maybe many people have long seen her upset. This time, she just took this thing as a raft and got stuck by the way.

It’s not difficult to get through it. If you want to change it, you have to change it and then find someone to show it. It's really not possible at home, and it's not impossible to send it overseas. After all, there are a lot of literary and artistic films, but they can't survive in China. They won the prizes overseas before they come back to successfully board the big screen.

But the prerequisite is that you must have excellent skills and you must get an award.

"Don't blame you, Director Sun also said that he was very sensitive when filming this scene, and he had thought that it might have to be revised many times." Bo Yan naturally wanted to comfort, "There is also a lawyer who has already contacted. Wei Jingjing also took the call. He has been contacted about the business contract and Huixing's termination. Don't worry."

Xia Siyu shook her head: "What am I in a hurry?" She has chosen this path, and she has already considered these consequences. Although I feel very sorry, maybe Director Ji and Director Sun may be delayed because of her affairs, but there is no way, nor is she willing to post that Weibo.

Anyway, no matter how miserable it can go, the big deal is to start all over again.

"Do you have anything to explain to the lawyer? How do you hope he can help you fight for it?"

Xia Siyu shook his head: "It's nothing, terminate the contract, and the rest should be compensated. If he can help me recover a little more loss, I will pay him the lawyer's fee in proportion."

He was speechless, but seeing her still watching Weibo with a calm expression on her face, she felt a little settled.

The psychological quality of Xia Siyu...I really don't know it. Maybe it was because she had seen her mother's inextricable pain because of negative news since she was a child, and she ignored all black comments. She will not deliberately gag your mouth, nor will she go into the water to wash herself white, living willful and powerful. As long as she has a clear conscience, she can be calm.

But when Xia Siyu watched the live broadcast, she didn't plug in the headphones, and her voice floated out. Bo Yan heard Shang Feier's voice, and a reporter was interviewing her about the official announcement of a new movie. He turned his head and glanced at Xia Siyu.

After all, it is still a bit fluctuating. After all, Qian doesn't care about Qian, but she can't be indifferent to her selection of films and her films.

But this kind of thing can't be alleviated for a while, only to avoid the limelight.

In fact, Xia Siyu was not watching Weibo either. She did put her mobile phone in her hand, right in front of her eyes, but she didn't think about it. at this time……

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