Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1322: Restart (4)

Xia Siyu's meagerness has not been updated for many days. Although a new studio has now been established, the grass-roots team of these few people and some small assistants who have followed Xia Siyu for several years have also signed up. The entire team adds up to less than ten people.

These days, Wei Jingjing has taken over her business in an all-round way. The main tasks are the business connection, the establishment of the studio and the termination of the contract with Huixing. There is no time for public relations.

However, it took less than half an hour for Xia Siyu's Weibo to be posted, and without buying any hot searches, he rushed to it.

She was originally the top class. After being hacked this time, there was no response for almost half a month, and she was scolded at random.

Now, under her Weibo, hundreds of millions have been scolded, which is the worst scolding in history. She doesn't have any restrictions at all. You can scold as you please, and many justice passers-by have followed her, just to leave a message and scold others after waiting for seven days of attention.

So although she was scolded miserably this time, the number of followers soared, and she actually increased by 20 million in half a month, and she was still alive.

Everyone was waiting for her to respond, but after waiting for half a month, she suddenly came up with this one.

In an instant, everyone started to scold again. She posted on Weibo, went to some shaking, and went to other official platforms to also change her status. After sending it back, I scolded several million more. No one controls the evaluation, no one manages, it's all natural heat.

You know, hot search for this stuff, unless you are really hot and you are willing to move to the marketing account, otherwise it must be bought. Now this article is indeed Xia Siyu's own heat. Now it has been on the hot search, and it is still rising.

Xia Siyu coldly watched her heat climb up, and she sent a message to her father: "You can post that statement early tomorrow morning. Remember, since you posted that Weibo, I want to search for the first day of posting. "

The matter has already reached this point. Mom wants not to be dragged out, and it is impossible not to be dragged out and scolded. The son will not be the fault of the father.

That being the case, no matter what she posts, she will be ridiculed, and even scolded, it is better to hang first.

Since Xia Siyu's request, Xia Youbiao has registered a Weibo account and exchanged information with Shengxia Furniture. Now he has exchanged information with Xia Siyu's Weibo account and quickly found a platform to verify his information.

Before he posted on Weibo, he also specially passed it to Xia Siyu. His speech was very short: "I am the director of Shengxia Furniture. Wen Qunxiao is my wife. We are registered in Italy. When we married her, my ex-wife and I were already divorced. She Not a junior. Xia Siyu is our daughter, born a year after marriage."

Xia Siyu hesitated for a long time whether to delete the last sentence. Her identity does not need to be acknowledged by Xia Youbiao, he only needs to clean up the slander for her mother.

But she finally retracted her finger and didn't say anything. After all, although "getting on the bus first and making up the fare" is no longer a big deal, it can also be framed by others.

Having said these things, her car also drove out of the street. She first told Xiao Tang: "Stop the car and send the lawyer back to the law firm. You go back first, and you may have to be on standby at night."

Wei Jingjing and Xiao Tang nodded, Xia Siyu got out of the car and Bo Yan's car arrived, and she went directly into the co-pilot.

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