Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1334: Queen (4)

Xia Siyu kicked this kick without warning, and suddenly shocked everyone around him.

I saw that the man was originally broken his wrist by Bo Yan, and the pain was so painful that he had just eased a bit, and was swept over by her severed leg. He rolled his eyes with the naked eye and used his handicapped arm. Covering his crotch, did he fall down diagonally, hitting the ground with dust.

The people next to him looked stupid, mainly because they had never thought about Xia Siyu even daring to come back.

Including Bo Yan, he too knows what Xia Siyu's "extremely stubborn legs" is like, and kicking it up will definitely hurt you all day! In particular, she still kicked with the heels of high heels, which doubled the effect.

After kicking, Xia Siyu retracted his legs neatly, and also tucked up his hair, tidying up his clothes. It's a pity that there are too many people around her, and she can't use the heel of her high heels to spin twice after a kick.

After turning around, a man walked in front of him with great momentum.

Maybe it was her leg that was too cruel just now, so that all the black entertainment jokes around who were thinking of shouting "Get out of the entertainment circle" all flashed aside. Stepping on high heels and holding an umbrella, she stepped out of the red carpet posture, and the person next to her automatically gave her a way. When she walked out of the encirclement with her head held high, someone was surprised that something was wrong and they wanted to attack her.

The people in the theater also rushed over and rushed to Xia Siyu's side. There were also a lot of people over there, and they immediately separated Bo Yan and Xia Siyu from the group of black entertainment reporters, and escorted them to the yard.

As soon as the big iron gate closed behind them, Xia Siyu stopped. The group of sunspots outside thought she was still moving, but she took out the key from her bag and handed it to the director: "Sorry, I'm late today, and my car is still outside. It's not easy to drive in and park now."

She also looked at Bo Yan: "Is your car also outside, do you want them to help?"

Bo Yan smiled: "I'll let the assistant do it later."

Xia Siyu said "Oh" and did not continue.

The group of sunspots outside craned their necks, and the camera kept focusing on them. When the blunt words came out, they were indeed a little surprised and a little excited, especially when they saw him help Xia Siyu.

But thinking about it carefully, he had no contact with Xia Siyu at all, and the conversation just now was very normal. He didn't even shake hands, stare at each other, or even more intimate things. It is easy to be overthrown if you insist on being in love, and you can explain it as a gentleman.

They dare to tear Xia Siyu, tear thin words, I am afraid it will not be so easy. Although he does not publicly respond to his love affair, many fans have collapsed in the house within three months, but he has a lot of blood. After "The Tempest", another work came up. Although he only participated in friendship, he was on the stage. At that point in time, the acting was brilliant, which instantly boosted the goodwill of passers-by.

In short, actors and idols are not the same, actors rely on works. As long as it is not a crime of murder and arson, a group of fans will come to a group of passers-by, and these passers-by will finally enter the cinema for you. Xia Siyu is only in the film "The Tempest", and his acting skills are still unstable, and other high-profile films are suppressed and not broadcast. It is normal to be scolded.

But of course, Xia Siyu just turned around and kicked so much. Even if these sunspots don't care, the person who gets kicked will definitely be in trouble.

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