Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1354: New movie (6)

Of course she hopes that she can win an award, and no actor does not want her acting skills to be affirmed.

However, she also hopes that she can be upright, use PK to attack Xia Siyu head-on, and win the prize with her own strength. Instead of taking advantage of the loophole that she couldn't participate in the competition this time, and then taking advantage of the disadvantage of the second seal of the same selected female predecessor, it was calculated in a second-class way.

To be honest, she has already won the Golden Olympics, and she is already a queen. She has a solid position in the entertainment industry. Whether or not she wins this award has little effect on her. Of course, taking it is better, not taking it, her resources are also very good.

If this were the case, she would have won Xia Siyu after the first three photos in the first three years of her 30s, and she would feel ashamed of herself than Wen Qunxiao.

In particular, her "moment" still used the scene in which Xia Siyu was in confrontation. She slapped her in the face. It not only hit her, but also kicked her in the Golden Phoenix Award. She beat her own award. just.

When I was about to leave, there was a bit of commotion over there, and it was a blunt word. His performance just now is also worth thinking about, especially after hearing about the movie queen awards, I watched Xia Siyu for the first time, but then turned around to hug Shang Feier. It is not an exaggeration to say Master Duan Shui.

The reporters wanted to gather around for the interview, but he just smiled, then strode to Shang Feier's car and knocked on the door.

The reporter was still around, and Shang Feier rolled down the car window a little puzzled. Bo Yan handed an envelope to her calmly: "Here are my drama tickets for tomorrow. I have left two for you. Come and see if you have time."

The two reserved are definitely for her and Han Yifan. And she also knows that tomorrow's drama will be performed by Bo Yan and Xia Siyu. Although the ones who came out to give tickets to the drama were blunt words, Xia Siyu probably knew it too.

Since it was related to Xia Siyu, she pondered for a while.

Shang Feier immediately pressed down, but just nodded and said, "I will definitely go when I have time."

After she finished speaking, she rolled the car window up, and the smile on her face narrowed again: "Drive."

As the car drove away, Bo Yan stood there, holding the actor's trophy in his hand, and the smile on his face was very light. The reporters gathered around and wanted to interview. Bo Yan just smiled, but didn't answer any questions. After the car arrived, he got in the car directly, but the car did not drive.

Then, Xia Siyu finally came out.

In fact, this is the focus of all the media tonight. Even if Bo Yan and Shang Feier won the prize, she didn't even have a finalist. But this guy has this ability and has been catching everyone's eyes since the red carpet.

Whether it is verbal abuse, sarcasm, or ridicule, she can carry it all, and other people in the crew have rewarded her with humiliation that she didn't, and her performance was calm and calm.

The reporters both hated her arrogance and disdain, and hoped to pry something out of her mouth. Even if it's cursing or fighting, she doesn't care about bad reviews anyway, and the audience is happy to watch her go wild.

But she was too calm today. The calmness was completely different from what she used to be, but it aroused the interest of others.

In any case, there must be a demon if something goes wrong. Xia Siyu is not a person who swallows his anger, she will definitely make a big deal if she does it! The Golden Phoenix Award was obviously based on her. If it hadn't been for her to be exposed now, she would not have come to participate.

Now the meeting is over, decent and decent, it can be indecent!

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