Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1362: Competition (2)

The drama continues to tour the country.

First line up three games in Yancheng, there are also Shangcheng and Nancheng. But there is only one game in Upper City and South City. After all, Bo Yan still has something to do. His work hasn't been affected much. Although fans ran a lot, anyway, he didn't take the traffic route at the beginning, and it didn't affect his reception of dramas and business.

However, in the three games in Yancheng, the last two games were full, and the ticket price was even three times higher in the end and could be sold. In Shangcheng and Nancheng, it was also well received. Especially in the later stage, Xia Siyu gradually became familiar with the rhythm of the stage, and became more comfortable when he played again.

It can be seen from the first scene that even though she had made sufficient preparations, she would be a little nervous on the stage. But in the next few games, I have practiced very well, and my coordination with Bo Yan is getting better and better.

Even the most picky ticket fans have to praise her acting skills and figure. It's a pity, this is just a drama. If it is a movie, if it is filmed, and then spread, she will probably "whitewash" it.

After all, actors still have to rely on works to speak. Unless she commits a crime and violates the law and discipline, many viewers will naturally like her in the role filter area.

If it's a movie...

After Nancheng finished the last scene, the director really said: "Can I make this drama into a movie?"

"Sunrise" originally had a movie. But it was also decades ago, and it is not impossible to remake it.

This one-act play was born out of "Sunrise", but it was not exactly the content of "Sunrise". It was changed drastically during the rehearsal.

In fact, this team also wrote other dramas, which were completely original versions of them. But because the script hasn't been polished to perfection yet, it hasn't been put out.

It’s not difficult to make a movie. I bought the copyright before, and it’s not difficult to reprocess it.

However, if it is completely made into a movie, it will not be any different from the previous situation. If it is completely presented in the form of a drama, it seems a bit thin.

After all, the presentation of drama and film is completely different. Besides, this is a well-known script. Everyone knows what the content is, and it is rare to use the structure of the drama to deconstruct it.

"Otherwise, go back to Yancheng and record one first."

Whether it is to make a movie or keep a copy, you have to go back and record another one anyway. In fact, the director also hopes that they can line up a few more shows. He has been rehearsing plays for many years. He rarely encounters such a situation where the shows are full and rave reviews.

In other words, the drama may really be a little artistic pursuit. I don't ask for how much money I can make, but seeing that everyone likes his work and supporting him is the greatest encouragement to them.

This should be true, and Bo Yan and Xia Siyu are not opposed. But today, Xia Siyu was obviously absent. Bo Yan knew that she was worried about whether she would be nominated for the Golden Olympics today.

Although she was very "grand" in agreeing with Shang Feier's acting skills last time, she inevitably felt a little anxious in her heart. After all, in the first half of her life, she led two to zero. She had no strength and didn't even have a chance to play. How to score?

And after the performance and drama of the Golden Phoenix Award, although the hard-mouthed audience still shouted for her to "get out of the entertainment circle", her acting skills in "The Tempest" are obvious to all. If Bo Yan and Shang Feier can win the prize, then she deserves it.

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