Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1367: Bottom (1)

Especially, he wanted to work hard, he couldn't work hard alone, Xia Siyu was dead, he couldn't attack someone who was completely sleepy, right?

After a busy day, until now, he has no welfare at all. The perpetrator just said a word casually, causing his heartbeat to speed up to the present, Bo Yan looked helplessly at a guy who was sleeping on the quilt.

What can I do, the daughter-in-law I married back can only be okay when I kneel down.


Xia Siyu slept really comfortably this night.

Perhaps the play was well rehearsed and the work was shortlisted. This is not based on public relations, nor on her face, but on her strength.

In fact, Xia Siyu has left Huixing hard after the mountain disaster, and opened a studio by herself, planning on her own, practicing drama every day, and learning her manners. Even the Golden Phoenix Award, which was not shortlisted, she can participate with a smile and backhand. A few hot searches started.

But the pressure in my heart is still great. After all, she couldn't publicize the incident this time. After paying the liquidated damages, although she still had savings, she had to consider it for the future. But business is second, the most annoying is that she can't receive a good book and won't be able to win prizes.

In the lowest few days, after she was killed on the shortlist, Bo Yan happened to be filming in a field, and he flew directly back to Yancheng when he heard that. On the surface, she was calm and calm, not drunk or making troubles, and she rehearsed actively every day. But her hair fell in fistfuls, and she slept in seconds. For half a month, she could only sleep for four hours a day.

Fortunately, everything is over.

Xia Siyu slept again until the phone ringing rang her before waking up. Without opening her eyes, she stretched out her hand and rubbed it for a long time, trying to touch the phone to turn off the ringtone. But when I feel it, how do I feel that I have touched a soft and hard object?

Some time ago, Bo Yan entered the group for a long time to film. After coming back, he always followed the paparazzi, and it was tiring enough to practice every day. The two were busy with work. Although they were together every day, they went to each room at night. In addition, she was under too much pressure some time ago, and she had no other thoughts at all.

This has been the case for several months. She is not used to someone robbing her of the bed and the quilt.

She was shocked when she touched it like this. Before I opened my eyes, the little theater in my head started to turn around: Fuck, who is your father who dares to bully my old lady, and dare to make trouble while I drink too much? I'll hit you crooked!

She thought so and did so, and Jio kicked it off in an instant.

After a heavy kick at such a close distance, the person next to him snorted, and then she kicked the person under the bed with a quilt.

Hey, that's not right. Listening to this voice, it seems to be a blunt word?

Xia Siyu quickly woke up, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Bo Yan holding the quilt, her head in a mess-she had just been rubbed by her paws and fell under the bed, and the look in her eyes was particularly resentful.

"Ah, it's you, why are you resting next to me and don't say a word." Xia Siyu didn't worry when he saw him, and yawned.

She was speechless, she didn't sleep well, and she drank too much yesterday. At first, she slept diagonally. Later, the more she slept, the more she squeezed him aside and rolled the quilt. He could only barely fall asleep against the edge of the bed, who knew she was woken up in the morning and kicked.

Fortunately, this kick didn't hit his vital point, otherwise the child's affairs would definitely be gone.

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