Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1369: Bottom (3)

She grabbed her hand too fast, Bo Yan hadn't been attacked by her for a long time, and this time she almost squirted out of water. He quickly took a towel and wiped off the mouthwash and foam, coughing and turning back: "What are you talking about?"

Although he said objections, his face was quite red. In fact, it’s not wrong. It’s impossible for a child to conceive naturally. There must be a process, right?

Xia Siyu didn't have any morals in the first place, and when he saw his sophistry, he felt more stable in his heart.

Oh, it's a husband and wife, so it's normal to have a need. As for being like the little daughter-in-law, do you blame her for so long in the morning?

But she still has to care: "But now it's a bit too late."

Now it’s past ten o’clock. Even if they don’t eat lunch, it takes an hour to get to the airport from here on their two o’clock in the afternoon. Do you have to go through the formalities?

Although she didn't have an appointment with reporters, there was a sister on the side of Baoqi who was squatting. It was necessary to do some styling, so it would take some time.

Are they... too late?

Don't tell her about fast food for three or five minutes. She doesn't bother to take off her clothes, okay? And this kind of thing is not an animal, so you can't just go straight to the subject when it comes up. Do you want the atmosphere in the front and cleanup in the back? How can she have that time?

She was very anxious before, and was busy with dramas. She was busy at work, and she was really not in the mood to think about other things. Now that you keep warm and feel relieved, isn’t it easy to think about things?

She thought for a while: "Or, after we go back? After you return to Yancheng, you can't be busy with work every day, don't you even go home? I have recently, um, there should be nothing wrong, if you come back early in the evening, I can……"

"What can you do!" Bo Yan got a little tempered, and she still didn't remember what she said last night. Even if you just write him a bad check? He didn't say that she must give birth to a baby right away. Give him a rough deadline or a rough plan.

Both of them are in the upswing of their careers. Although Xia Siyu is now in crisis, as the saying goes, opportunities are always reserved for those who are preparing. She is only a few years away from her thirty-year-old deadline. As a husband, he will support her, at least until her gambling is over, and will not force her to return to the family.

But this guy, forget it, if she is a man, it is the most annoying scumbag.

Bo Yan left in a hurry, just two steps out, then came back, washed his face with the largest amount of water, wiped his face and left. Xia Siyu looked strange, and turned to look in the mirror again. Could it be that she was holding a toothbrush in her mouth, her unkempt appearance, and she looked very ugly, so he disliked it?

Damn, my old lady hasn't disliked you yet, but you have come to dislike my old lady, bad luck!

Xia Siyu also had a small temper. After that, the two of them cleaned up separately and took the car separately after leaving the hotel. Even on the plane, she and Bo Yan's tickets were originally together, but she went to get angry and exchanged tickets with Xiao Tang, preferring to go to take the economy class instead of being next to Bo Yan.

After getting off the plane, Bo Yan had other arrangements and left directly in the car. Xia Siyu followed, with an unhappy expression: "Cut, what to pretend."

As I was talking, I saw the director walking over with the child. Xia Siyu liked to trick cats and dogs when he was bored, and immediately went to tease the child: "Children..."

Before he finished his words, the little guy immediately hid behind his father's leg. The director explained: "You drank too much last night and scared him."

Xia Siyu suddenly realized: Child!

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