Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1371: Bottom (5)

The director hurriedly covered the child's mouth: "What nonsense!"

His first reaction was to quickly look around. After all, this is the airport, Xia Siyu and Bo Yan are stars again, and the two have not made it public, and they have been avoiding suspicion during the rehearsal stage. It's not that men don't want to admit it, but that so far, those who have something to do with Xia Siyu will be policed ​​by crazy "just passers-by". After all, she hasn't got rid of the reputation of "human blood steamed buns", and she drags Bo Yan into the water, only two people can die together. Everyone in the theater knows and doesn't know how to say it, but the child obviously didn't think so carefully.

Furthermore, whoever said that this child was not careful, he knew that she was called a beautiful woman, as long as she was not a grandmother, she would be called "elder sister". But for Bo Yan, Bo Yan is very familiar with the director, so he turned to call "Uncle". A sister and an uncle, isn't this the wrong generation?

Also, his self-proclaimed "godson", "godson, daughter, sister, and brother" in the entertainment industry, can he call it casually? It's okay for him to be small now, and screaming like this when he grows up will cause misunderstandings to the parties involved.

Fortunately, no one around noticed him, the director was relieved, Xia Siyu didn't care about him, and rubbed the child's hair before getting into the car with a smile.

Bo Yan went to rush the announcement, but she was not idle, and went to the studio. After she came out of Huixing, she opened her own studio and rented a few offices. If there were no activities, she would go there and take a look.

When she came this time, there were still few businesses. Some partners had already withdrawn her, and some were automatically not renewed after the contract expired.

There are scripts.

In fact, even if Xia Siyu is dismissed by the entire network, it is not that there is no film and television company to give her the script, especially when the price is not high. However, no one wants her to play the leading role. All she is given is some vicious female partner books, and many of them are grass-roots teams, and the team is not very good. Not only is it a bad movie, but at first glance, it's the ones who want to step on her reputation and hold the female lead and the male lead.

Xia Siyu didn't care about the pay, nor did he care about the position. If she has a particularly good book and a suitable role, it is not impossible for her not to be paid.

But this kind of bad film that obviously stepped on her upper position and had a bad team, she would definitely not go, because it didn't humiliate her reputation.

But this time she came over and saw Chen Fan sketching in a separate office. He recently studied makeup and hair with his teacher. In addition to makeup techniques, the room is full of painting books, which are basically murals, paintings and calligraphy of various dynasties. Zhang Zhang traced it down.

He has learned woodworking and makeup before, so he has a steady hand, and he can quickly get started with a few technical exercises. But it is difficult for a makeup artist to have his own characteristics, so he is trying hard to learn classical art, coupled with the popular trends when he walked on the runway before, combining classical and modern.

Xia Siyu didn't want to disturb him, but Chen Fan saw her first, and shyly put down the paintbrush and got up. Xia Siyu hurriedly greeted him to sit down, and he was relieved to see that his movements were fairly comfortable.

Chen Fan also knew that she had paid attention to her legs and put on a prosthetic leg. Although it was definitely inconvenient, it was still a hundred times better than a wheelchair. He also laughed: "I heard that Sister Siyu was shortlisted for the Golden Olympics."

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