Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1379: Put to death (2)

To use an old saying, it is quite appropriate to describe "the scholars should treat each other with admiration for three days." Xia Siyu has been ridiculed by countless black fans for "no common sense", not because she is really a "nine-leaked fish" (a fish that missed the net of the nine-year compulsory education). It is because she grew up in Sicily and learned the two systems of China and the West. Although her mother taught her, she must have no common sense if she is not in the domestic environment. After entering the entertainment industry, every day, either filming or various announcements, and there is no time to learn, naturally, the ridicule is even worse.

But she is really smart and strong in learning. In just one year, not only did the acting skills soar as the two channels of Ren and Du had been opened up, but also the cultural knowledge was absorbed endlessly like a sponge.

Looking ahead, last year, the year before last, was almost completely different from her now.

Even if Xia Siyu himself watched "The Tempest" again, she admitted that she had just regained consciousness at that time, and her acting was still a bit monotonous. If you switch to performing it now, you might be able to perform better.

"What'you said yes'? Didn't I mean it?" Xia Siyu was a little upset, she hurriedly stretched out her arms to hook Bo Yan's neck and hooked him over.

Bo Yan is drinking coffee. If there is something to go out in the morning, he usually makes a pot of coffee in the morning and only makes tea when he is free. Xia Siyu suddenly hooked, Bo Yan almost shook his hand, and the coffee he was holding was about to spill out.

He quickly put the coffee cup on the coffee table. Xia Siyu also took the opportunity to sit on him, looking uncomfortable, "Why, do you have any other opinions?"

"No, no, my wife is the best, come on, my wife!" After more than a year of running in, Bo Yan has been brainwashed by Xia Siyu to become the biggest wife of the world, and she said that she would not be beaten. He didn't blink his eyes when he said complimenting her, and didn't feel ashamed at all.

Xia Siyu still eats this set. She has a crazy personality. If she analyzes with her sensibly and rationally, she will be irrationally hard with him. In the end, the quarrel was endless and broke up. But Bo Yan praised her unconditionally, and she would calm down instead.

Putting aside her own affairs, she also cared about Bo Yan: "Do you have a big grasp of your past this time?"

Bo Yan actually wanted to participate in the Golden Olympics at the beginning, even if his chances of winning are not high. But Xia Siyu might. He didn't want to miss her important moments.

But this time, Yu Fenfei helped him invest in the Northwest, and the investor's father wanted to see him. His own new movie is not ready yet, and he plans to make a movie version of "Sunrise" first.

Since there is no good script, the remake is not unfeasible. Of course, this remake is not to pick up people's teeth, nor is it for hype. He wants to polish a classic.

Especially, in the remake of "Sunrise", the heroine is undoubtedly Xia Siyu. Although she has a book to look for, but there are not many good scripts, he wants to help her.

Bo Yan nodded: "It's okay, but the director probably has to put my name on it."

No way, investors will only recognize him, not the drama director. Bo Yan directed it for the first time, and this gimmick was still quite sufficient, and investors also liked it. But if he is the leader, he must be counted separately from the drama and must be integrated into his own things. The form of the drama cannot be completely copied to the movie, it will appear too monotonous.

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