Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1382: Put to death (5)

In fact, not winning the prize is within Xia Siyu's expectation.

She and the predecessor were originally in the middle of nowhere. In terms of acting, her "The Tempest" was not even better than this predecessor. But this is her breakthrough from the movie queen. The audience finds it fresh, and she has a play with Shang Feier, so the effect is particularly good, and the box office is good.

If nothing happened, even if Huixing didn't operate, her winning rate would be between 50-50. It all depends on the preferences of the judges. If you like external acting, she should particularly like her way of acting, and she is not just external acting, the details are also good. If you like live acting, maybe that senior will impress them.

After losing to the senior, she was convinced and would never say a word.

However, what Xia Siyu never expected was that this time the Golden Olympics actress was picked up by the 22-year-old junior who was shortlisted for the first time in a campus youth film.

When the result was announced, Xia Siyu was indeed a little confused, and his smile instantly froze on his face. But she was not angry, she just felt a little unbelievable. She turned her head slightly and asked the person next to her: "What? Who is it?"

The person sitting next to her is Wang Shi, and because of his relationship, he actually received a bit of news beforehand, especially the first round of voting. Between Xia Siyu and that senior, it was difficult to make a choice.

Generally, voting is divided into two rounds, and it takes more than 50% of the voters to make a decision. However, both Xia Siyu and the senior were about 30%, and Xia Siyu had a slight advantage. However, this number of votes obviously cannot pass the second round.

If at this time, Xia Siyu has a background or some contacts, it is okay to fight for it. After all, the first round of voting is dominant.

But Xia Siyu didn't go, and the senior was not a traffic person. He was not praised, so naturally he didn't go.

I never expected that it was the newcomer who went to public relations.

The newcomer is highly praised by the film company. Although there are no members of this company in the judges, the chairman of the judges and a certain director of the company are husband and wife.

Anyway, in the first round of voting, no one was prominently encircled, and the newcomer got about 20% of the vote. Several people argued over whether Xia Siyu and the senior could win. The chairman of the judges simply suggested that, anyway, there is no conclusion, it is better to choose the newest newcomer and give the newcomer a little encouragement.

If you have to talk about acting, it’s not a problem for this female artist to win a rookie award. She is very agile and talented. But when the final results were announced, Xia Siyu was surprised at first. Later, she ignored her sadness, but turned her head - looking in the direction of the female predecessor.

The female senior also looked at her, both eyes were a little shocked. But since everyone is a scene person, and the scene person talks about the scene, no one will make a bad face publicly on the scene.

However, watching the newcomer weeping with joy, holding the trophy and crying directly on the scene, thanking relatives and friends, and also thanking the brokerage company, it is still a bit unpleasant.

Of course, with the exception of the heroine herself, all other audiences, including those in front of the TV or mobile phone, were shocked.

Although the female protagonist won the prize on the front foot, the hot search on the back foot was bought and flew up. But all the messages in the back were: "You can win the prize? You are worse than Xia Siyu's acting!"

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